Monday, June 8, 2015

Unite for perfect peace in Jesus - for everyone, especially youth, gangs

Little was made of a historic truce between gang members in Baltimore after that city and Ferguson suffered horrible violence; sadly violence continues in Baltimore. This is sad, because the truce shows that these groups can get along when they know there is a need to unite for a common cause.

As noted in previous posts, the enemy in this conflict is spiritual. It showed up just recently in Texas and was nearly deadly except for the prayers of others putting other police there to prevent it. This is a sure sign of two things. The problem is an attitude among many that opposes God, when God's Word and even secularists clearly states we are all one race - the human race. Second, groups banding together for the Lord in prayer and repentance can make a difference. I don't know who all has been praying, but those prayers at that time or days or weeks ago were vital, and God will reward the effort of those who prayed or passed the word along.

Therefore, it is important for these groups to come together again, this time under a different banner, one of rustling against powers, principalities, and the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.(Ephesians 6:12.)

Of course, to do that each person must realize the perfect love the Creator of the universe - ourselves included - has for each of us. We must realize that we are fearfully and wonderfully made. Each of us must realize we have a purpose that goes beyond acting tough and defending turf.(My apologies if that term is really outdated. :-) At least you can say that I am genuine when I am willing to use words like that, and I can laugh at myself when i am tempted to use words like "rumble" for fight. :-))

Even if my term was outdated, one thing that isn't outdated is unconditional love. I am truly sorry that so little has been shown to some that they reach out to a gang for a sense of belonging or love or something else. God calls us to help and protect the orphans - and, really,  all children since we must have compassion for the less fortunate - and widows. When people don't do their job though, it means we must rely on God for help. We have, sadly, not been teaching anyone about God's love. I'm sorry we have not done so.

You have a chance to make it right nowfrom this moment on, though. Yes, you are fearfully and wonderfully made, and here for such a time as this. Psalm 27:10 says "When my mother and father forsake me, the Lord will take me up." A lot of young people have, sadly, been rendered spiritual orphans by a system of oppression and evil. It's time to take this world back.

How can I help?

You have likely heard much about ending violence. In fact, there have been demonstrations in Baltimore and other inner cities against violence. Sadly, these are not covered by the media in great detail, which shows part of the spirit of evil that is only interested in stirring things up. (One wonders if the very fact race is mentioned is designed to bring ratings even if unimportant at times; that is something for people more trained in the field to discuss, though.)

However, what is needed is a change on the inside by many. That change can only come about through true repentance. when i wrote earlier of turning from the nation's evils for the last 400 years, I mentioned how we must show God we want change, and that even a very close follower of God like Daniel, who had never taken part in the horrible sinning in Israel, nonetheless prayed for God's forgiveness for his country and for himself.(Daniel 9)

Different posts here speak of a few ways you can change, but remember that GOd is the one who must do it we can't do this in our own strength.I won't recap everything I've said before, but i encourage you to read and realize that it is only through God's strength because we focus so much on the flesh and on this world when it won't last. It is just a stopover.

Get Your Heavenly Home Established First

Our final destination must be decided here. Of course, children below the age of accountability go to God's perfect Heaven because Jesus Christ, God in flesh, died to take the punishment for their sins and rose again, and he created them not understanding and cares about those who are powerless. he wants to end oppression here on Earth, too. But, that means forgetting the fights over this worldly realm and getting one's sights set on what is above.

Becasue, once you reach that age of accountability, you must call on Jesus by faith to save yo from your sinsu, which is very sim;e as shown here. (See here for other languages.) If you don't, you are separated from God forever by your sins when you die, in a horrible place meant only for the devil and his angels - the leaders of spiritual wickedness which are riling things up, causing oppression, and so on.

Once you call on Jesus to save you by simple faith, though, He gives you a Heavenly mansion, and you can know for sure you have eternal life.(John 10:28-29, 1 John 5:13, Jude 24, etc.) In fact, your eternal life starts right away as you can have life more abundantly right here on Earth.(John 10:10) So, then what?

Ambassador (your name) from Heaven

Instead of representing a gang which has flawed humans, you can represent God Himself. See, every believer has the Holy Spirit living int hem, and because of this each of us is an ambassador of Jesus Christ.(2 Cor. 5:20) Since Jesus ascended into Heaven, He called us to be His disciples and to show His love to others and help others, not disputing with them but working with each other.

I understand that perhaps in your life you have seen very little peace, but God can change your heart. Sometimes it might mean getting rid of certain things, but others can cope okay with them. I'm reminded of a story I've told before, how one woman in our church was saved out of alcoholism and for the last 44 years of her life never went into a restaurant with a bar in it. her friends could becuase they could handle it, but the demons of her past were so large she couldn't go into one without being tempted to start drinking again. In that case, of course, it's better never to start.

Also, use Jesus Himself as a role model, and learn of things like the Fruit of the Spirit. Let God guide and direc your steps, as He'll have big things for you.

You can print out this free blogbook at that also shows you more about what to do in an organized way to shape your destiny, your future, your family, and your community.

Develop sign of peace that will allow you to stand up against the violence of the inner city, and trust the Lord to use you to make a difference. Unite to start churches in homes if need be, use the tools at places like and - you can contact people there who help as volunteers, in fact. While there are many good churches around, you also have to avoid the ones that aren't right doctrinally, so here are some great sermons from one I'd recommend. Dr. Tony Evans is also a very good preacher.

Most importantly, you are needed not only to act as ambassadors of Jesus Christ to save your community, but also your country. However, you can't do that on your own -e ven with your own younger brothers, sisters, cousins, etc. you must rely on Jesus and the power of prayer.(Subjects such as prayer can be found at the menu on the right in the church link I gave.)

This way, you can hear the Lrod say to you "Well done, thou good and faithful servant" when He returns for you - and, He will, one day, rule and reign on this Earth and everythign will be perfect. Until though, we are here to make this world better, but we can't save the world from lost souls, but we are here to save souls from a lost and dying world.

It's just that when God hears the prayers of the faithful, repentant hearts of this nation, he will heal the land, and things might get better here, too.

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