Friday, January 29, 2016

Revival will do even better things (exceeding abundantly above all that we may ask or think)

This was inspired by Hollywood, specifically complaints about how "white" the Oscar nominations were.

However, that isn't the main topic of this post, so don't worry if you don't watch many movies - Hollywood becomes sortt of a theme for some illustrations but that's all. Indeed, the need for an end to the old "racial" problems - when there is only one race, that of humanity - has been mentioned in a variety of posts. There are a lot of areas that would be much more diverse with a repentance revival, but that's not the only thing that needs to be impacted.

We need to pray for God to move in hearts as He promises He will give in Ephesians 3:20, "Exceeding abundantly above all that we may ask or think." That adjective translated "exceeding" implies a cup so totally running over that we can't imagine it. And, abundantly means more than enough. The power within us is Him and Him alone, something only believers have through His Holy Spirit, as I've shared before. So, we can pray God gives us far above the peace, comfort, love, etc. we need as we trust Him and grow in Him.

Some of what I could say about TV and movies has been said by many more eloquent than I am for decades.Instead of complaints, I want to focus on the positive; as mentioned before, a lot of people focus only on what God is against and not what He supports. God supports love, mercy, compassion, justice, forgiveness, and so on. Of course, He also supports honesty, humility, holiness, righteousness and other things like that. He wants to be your friend, with a connection through prayer stronger than anything, as noted in posts like this. He's a God of love who always knows what's best.

So, we should focus on praying that such Godly things become commonplace. When it comes to Hollywood, that can mean things like having wholesome relationships where yes there can be struggles, just like the man struggled in War Room and the woman struggled in prayer at first, but where people are not going out of their way to hurt others. Its just like the list of things in Philippians 4:8 that we should focus on, things that are true, just, pure, lovely, and so on.(Edit - a verse which now has its own post.).

Can we have this and still have a good, diverse number of movies with complex plots? Of course. There is a big difference between a good guy who struggles with something and overcomes(Like "War Room") and a hero/heroine that is so bad that he or she really seems to be a villain. (I see plots like Dickens' "A Christmas Carol" as "man versus self," the point there is genuine redemption. Even a rebel like the Fonz at first on Happy Days improved, which is the key to that Philippians 4:8 type of thinking. Despite how poorly he treated women and his general attitude, he had redeeming qualities even at first, and he often wanted to improve. And, he did, with the help of friends who wouldn't stoop to his level but kindly helped him seek improvement; it may not seem luike as much now, but remember it took place from the mid-'50s to the mid'60s.)

I'm not saying that we should be praying for a more diverse version of Hollywood's Golden Age/New Hollywood (roughly 1940s-mid 1980s) just for the sake of wholesome entertainment. As stated before, that would be asking amiss, asking for our sake or for others and not for God's. It would be wonderful if a child star could emerge like Shirley Temple and everyone would enjoy the wholesomeness, but this must be an effect of revival and not the reason to have or desire it. Similarly, a more diverse Hollywood will be the effect of true revival and not the reason to seek it.

Instead, we should pray for things such as for God to fill the holes we have in our hearts.

 It's easy to see right away how that can be even better than, say, more racially diverse Oscars. If a person was filling some need in their heart by acting superior to others, and God changed that person's heart so they are more accepting of African-Americans than they were, they have gained something far better and far more than just a desire to vote for African actors next time. They have gained a desire to accept them in other areas, too, looking forward to the day all we who have trusted in Christ's forgiveness will celebrate around the throne of God together.  This is one reason I pray that God raises up a generation of stars who will honor the Lord for giving them that talent and who will stay away from Hollywood's vices. Their hearts are more sensitive in many ways to the love of God, and they're more willing to realize the need to receive Christ as Saviour and honor Him for giving them such talent.

This is not just directed at those with talents, of course. Each of us is special to God. However, each of us has a special area where we can minister to others through our actions as well as our words, and they have a stage others don't. Plus, this has sort of become a theme illustration for this post, partly because there is so much vice there. However, society as a whole is the same way. For a major repentance revival, we need to pray God's healing, cleansing Spirit will heal everything and everyone.

As noted, we should focus on those things from Philippians 4:8 when we pray for God to change and cleanse us. However, to do that, we need to recognize there are things that are the opposite, though, and how to avoid them

Often, that is the same as what was prayed above - asking God to fill those holes in our hearts that only Jesus can fill. God-sized holes that we try to fill with so many things that don't last, things which will one day disappear and which constantly need refilled before that. Often performers are just like the outside world - it's just that their battles are more noticed because they are in the spotlight.

That is another reason the youth of this country - not just the stars but the ordinary youth who will merely be fans - are so important, most of them don't yet have those God-sized holes, though much prayer is needed for those that do. Some grow up in awful home situations, for instance. Some feel unloved and need to see evidence that God loves them, through those who are Godly who can come alongside them as friends, surrogate moms and dads, and so on.

The devil is constantly trying to disrupt things, of course. He is not as powerful as the Holy Spirit, of course. God is more powerful and will defeat the devil one day, but God gives us freedom of choice to choose Him. In the meantime, the devil has all sorts of tricks to make us think that we have power when we don't. There are even people who try to seek and use him to fill those holes in their hearts. That is very dangerous. But, it explains why some of our entertainment is as evil as it is. The things that are used to start this seem innocent at times. But they are not. For instance, there are some things that should never be played with because they do have real evil components. Ouija boards, tarot cards, seances, magic(as opposed to mere illusion-making), and other such things had demons in them, because they are really being used to access the spiritual realm and get at the powers of darkness.

God calls us into the light, however. Not the false light that the devil can produce but the true light of the Gospel. that's why Jesus says he is the light of the world. If a person has messed with dark spirits like that, Jesus Himself can get rid of them, but it is much better to never dabble in them. It's like being at war and saying, "Would I rather have a major battle with billions of dollars in damage on my soil, or would I rather not  bring the enemy in to cause that battle to be needed?"

(I should note that a believer can't be possessed by demons, but they can be horribly oppressed. However, some nonbelievers have been possessed by evil spirits. Hope is not lost but the spiritual battle will be intense even after they trust Jesus to save them from their sin and come live in them.)

All oppression is really from the devil, of course, even if he doesn't possess people. This oppression has caused the terrible violence in this world as well as all the other sins, as he goads us into sinning with the lusts of the flesh,t he lust of the eyes, and the pride of life; but,t hese things will be destroyed one day.(1 John 2:16-17)

Instead, we need to focus on God's perfect peace, and use the power of prayer to unite in Spirit and - most importantly - in truth. God *wants* to forgive our sins, he *wants* us to repent and turn to Him so he can cleanse us. he doesn't want to browbeat us about our sin; that's the devil that does that. God promises to take our sin as far as the east is from the west. In other words, you can go only so far North till you reach the North Pole; same for the South Pole. But, if you go West, you can keep going more and more west and you'll still be east of something. Same if you keep going East, you'll always be West of somewhere. east and West, in geographic terms, can never meet.

A simpler way to put it is this. The handwriting of ordinances against us was nailed to the cross once we trust Christ to forgive and save us we don't bear the weight of that sin anymore.

So, what we must really pray for is that the people of Hollywood -a nd of America as a hole - no longer be weighted down with sin, but instead that sin would be lifted from them. And, that in repenting, they would turn all things over to Jesus and let Him make their hearts new.

Then, we would get a more diverse Oscars culturally, with more black/African-Americans, because voters would no longer be burdened by the weight of their sin of false pride. they would no longer feel superior to others because of outward appearance. They woudl believe we are all equal.

Then, there would not be the horrible coarseness and negativity and vulgarity in our world, because a spirit of peace would be upon people.

then, there would no longer be a desire to fill one's hearts with so many temporary things, because people would let the Lord fill their hearts with his perfect peace, and we would forgive others as we have been forgiven.

And, so on. Of course, the horrible fate would be avoided that those face who die separated from God by not having let Him save them from their sin. thankfully, while there is life, there is hope that a person will turn from their sins and call on Jesus Christ to forgive and save them. And, while this nation exists, there is hope that people will pray and repent and there will be revival in it.

We need to start now, though, seeking the Lord for that repentance revival by turning to Him ourselves.

Monday, January 25, 2016

Keep praying - God still works miracles

I mentioned earlier how prayer works and how our prayers can do many positive things; not because of us but becasue of God's love for us and willingness to move when we pray with a right heart attitude.

I thought of titling this "Christ's resurrection power," but there are many bad things about our past we wouldn't want resurrected. However, quite a few of those are still around, it's just that the oppression is more subtle in many cases. Mankind's solutions haven't changed hearts the way god can in His miraculous way.

We do want to see the good stuff resurrected, and it is that same incredible power that not only can bring back the good stuff but also change hearts to remove the bad stuff. As noted, major revivals have happened which have caused many people to suddenly stop drinking alcohol, stop cheating, etc..

The reason for this is that God works miracles. He will always be in the business of working miracles.

There are different kinds of miracles, of course. At times, we call it a miracle when what it is instead is God's perfect timing. Take, for instance, the story of a missionary in the heart of Africa years ago. A mother had died in childbirth, and this baby needed a hot water bottle to stay alive. There were no modern hospitals, and nthere was no outside communication. Even if there was, there was no way a hot water bottle could be delivered in time.

Still, the missionary prayed. And, after quite a bit of prayer, a box arrived that had been sent five months earlier from a church. Guess what one of the kids in a Sunday School class had put into it? Yes, a hot water bottle. There was no logical reason it would ever be needed, but God had stirred this kid's heart months earlier, perhaps because of this prayer - remember, God hears outside of physical time. And, this premature infant's life was saved.

FGeorge Mueller's story of caring for orphans in Britain contains quite a few of these isntances, too. In each of our lives, there are cases like that as well.

Of course, that kind of thing is not as much of a miracle as the healings and other things that Jesus performed well here on earth. Those miracles we're clearly things that where totally unexpected, because the people were intelligent back then, and they knew that things function in a certain rational manner. So, when jesus healed people, the Pharisees were upset and the regular people were overjoyed.

We don't see many of those kinds of miracles today because of two things.

First, even physical healings in Acts came because they further the gospel. While not a physical healing, a similar type of miracle - the supernatural opening of the cell doors in Acts chapter 16 - was done because the Philippian jailer needed saved and the Apostle Paul's time was not yet come. Sadly, many Christian martyrs today do not see cell doors opening.

The second reason is that the miracle healings today are spiritual, which is the most important thing anyway. So, the change in someone after they get saved, such as going from a foul-mouthed, bitter person to a pleasant, happy person who does not swear is a wonderful miracle that comes because God the Holy Spirit lives inside that person and works in their heart to make that change.

This second is what concerns us, because it is that kind of miracle which will need to take place for God to heal America. It's the kind that we need to pray for. This is not saying that physical healing can't happen. It can. But, God wants our focus on Him and rewards in Heaven. We are to be in the world but not of it, not so attached we can't stand to let go of any of the world's things. Hence, i've said we must repent of our actions and attitudes in many cases.

So, why does God heal souls and broken hearts and cause people to change through the Holy Spirit? Because these things are necessary for us to function while we are here doing God's work. It glorified Him to work such miracles. God will heal our nation for the same reason. "Not my will, but thy will" could be replaced by "not my glory, but thy glory."

In other words, we should not pray for God to heal this country only to bring it back to the glorious place it was years ago. We should not be focusing on where America is in the world, so much as where America is in God's eyes. if god chooses to make us a strong world leader again, he will, but as Psalm 84:10 says, it is better to be a doorman in the house of the Almighty.

So, what will this miracle we term repentance revival look like? let's look at what others looked like and see.

Past revivals were known as much for people returning to godly principles as they are 4 people getting saved. Of course, many people do trust Christ as Savior during Great Awakening. But, more importantly, there are many people who choose to start being more honest, pure, caring, and so on toward others.

The way society is headed now, it would clearly take a miracle for it to turn back to the way things were. However, on the bright side, God is willing to do that. He just needs a lot of people to pray and seek His face, because there is such intense spiritual warfare, the devil has such a hold on things.

Of course, a person can't do that well unless they are saved. Which is why revivals also find many people coming to trust Jesus as Savior. However, it's also why revival needs to start with us.

What else would happen? As noted in other posts, such as here, we would return to Godly values. However, they would be administered fairly. Things like love, justice, mercy, forgiveness, honesty, integrity,  purity, etc. Would be demonstrated regardless of who someone was. It should have been common sense to show these attitudes toward everyone back then - and it was to those who truly followed the Lord with all their heart.

I imagine a number of readers think "That would take a miracle, all right." But, that is why we trust God is the first place. "It is He which hath made us, and not we ourselves."(Psalm 100:3) God is in the miracles business.  He says that if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature; old things are passed away, behold all things are become new.(2 Corinthians 5:17.)

So, since He has given us all our talents and abilities, and whatever food, water, clothing, etc. we need, then we can trust Him to help us. It doesn't mean everyone would have thsoe values, but it does mean many more people would, and the results would be wonderful.

The values we have should reflect that desire to see that others matter, as I have shared in numerous posts. However, it should reflect something else as well. That something else is a desire to please God not for our own righteousness sake, but because of our love for him. After all, despite our sin he did not abandon us like he could have. He has consistently loved us even though we turn away from him so much.

He promises to bless the nation which honors him. Remember, well 2nd Chronicles 7:14 could be only to the Jewish people, it is also true that Jeremiah 8 contains verses that speak to Gentile nations. In other words, God will bless us when we return to Him.

Now, have we lost blessings and rewards because we are not following him? As a nation, yes. Although, each individual can still have his or her own for what they have done. But, the important part is that God could restore some of the blessings to our country. And, even if He doesn't, remember that God is no respecter of persons. He looks at the heart, and He will bless us with riches that aren't measurable such as peace, good harvests(which are in some ways measurable, but aren't noticed the way power is), respect, and so on.

Indeed, some of tried to measure national happiness, and so if you want to go that far, maybe the ways would be measurable after all.

That peace, after al, would include a decrease in crime, too. But, that means the Holy Spirit must be at work guiding our thoughts as well. When people stop focusing on what they can get instead of how they can help otehrs, they will be happier, because we can "be content with such thigns as ye hve."(Heb.13:5) When we stop seeking to fill our own lusts, then we will be more content. It may seem hard to understand for some, but that is why it's known as a peace that passeth understanding.(Phil.4:7)

Can we go back tot he days of the 1930s? I pray for God to raise up a generation of youngsters who will be moral leaders in good, wholesome entertainment. And, He can do it. But, the battle will be much more fierce.(Perhaps I will post about that someday soon, too.) However, for now, that can jsut be part of that general need for repentance revival in our country.

God can do it. he is still in the business of working miracles - not only getting people saved but turning those who are into people who truly live for Him as we put Him first in everything. After all, He came that we might have life and life more abundantly.(John 10:10)

Monday, January 18, 2016

Youth and others, fix your stress with God's unconditional love

This post is for everyone but especially for young people. I will mention a few specific stresses youth face. It'll help as we pray for repentance and revival in America or wherever. I'm also going to mostly copy it and put it on my local ministry blog, so if you see this again you'll know why.

First, let me say you are "Fearfully and wonderfully made," according to God's Word.(Ps.139:14) Before you were even in the womb, God knew you and had a special plan for your life. I have a number of physical handicaps and maybe a bit of a developmental one, but that hasn't stopped me from being part of God's great plan. You can be, too, if you have a relationship with Him - you'll see how at the end of this post - the "To Know God" section talks about it.

This post was 3/4 done and would have been a lot longer but a glitch erased it all after I pressed some button wrong. However, you can check previous posts here for various topics that were mentioned. And, perhaps the fact I started over - with a few short e-mails I'd sent myself that formed part of this present one - quickly after that will help you, too. because, the devil wants to destroy, but Jesus came that we might have life and life more abundantly.(John 10:10) (Yep, that's one of the first verses I thought about when maybe 5,000 words got erased. I realized it was a setback but God would have the ultimate victory.)

This was inspired by comments about a problem known as Common Core which stresses many students in public schools. Private schools and home schoolers  have some different stresses, but all youth share some. So, no matter who you are, you will benefit from this now or later and certainly be able to help others dealing with worry, family problems, relationship issues, or whatever.

Some are even stressed out by not having any spiritual leader to help them draw closer to Jesus; this free blogged book will help anyone, even you, lean how to be that leader.

"You mean there is one cause for all these problems," you ask?  "From schoolwork to bullies to broken families and everything?"

Yes. And, you can be part of the solution, too. Which means 'walking the walk and not jsut talking the talk." (I add some stuff on why we shouldn't pay attention to hypocrites that got deleted in with the ways to cope with struggles.)

See, people are not perfect. Imperfect people can't make something perfect, because we don't know how. That's why there is so much hurt in the world. That's why a person can't solve all the problems. It would be like asking a person from 1,000 years ago to work on a computer. and, I know people in their seventies who see modern technology as totally alien to them. that's why people try their own solutions like Common Core; they don't trust God to see everyone as unique and don't seek His perfect wisdom.

(For those who doubt God, it's okay, He promises to reward those who diligently seek Him, and understood when His own disciples doubted at times. Here is a good, though complex, series of 3 pages on why the Bible can be trusted. Here is just the start of a bunch of scientific facts known by scientists only many centuries after God mentioned them in the Bible. This is also interesting. But, the most important aprt is to understand why there is evil and that we need saved from it.)

God is personal and loving. He wants to help, guide, comfort, and so much else for you. He made you special, as I said, with unique gifts, talents, etc.. You might have been told differently, but remember that we are not perfect, so we don't know everything. The key is to understand who God is. He created the beautiful, awesome, wonderful creation that is all around you. In fact, He made you. He made you special, more wonderful than you can imagine. Because, He loves you. He loves all of us more than we can imagine.

He loves us unconditionally. Even though we hurt Him so much because of our sin.

The solution must start with the absolute right and wrong which has existed from the foundation of the world.

This world was made perfect, with no sin, but people were given free choice so we wouldn't be mindless robots. He can't stop every little act because cause and effect itself would be gone, though through prayer He can protect us.

Sins are things we do which are selfish, mean, lying, anything we say, think or do that displeases God. But, more on that in the part on knowing God. For now, just know that God still desires a relationship with you despite that, and all you need is to turn from those sins and trust Him to make you new inside, and he will.

So, how will God help me?

The Lord wants to help you grow in love for others, patience, gentleness, self-control, etc - in other words, the fruits of the Spirit - as well as things like kindness, whatever talents you have, etc.. This means learning to rely on Him. It can be easier at a younger age because you know that you need help. Just like I do with my handicaps.

There are many promises you can claim as you read God's Word. Here are some. God promises to be our comfort, guide, friend, etc. Another thing He promises is to be our strength. 2nd Timothy 2: 1 is an example of where God tells us to be strong in the Lord and that verb in the original Greek means to continually be strengthened. In other words, let God give you that supernatural strength through the Holy Spirit, like when i just restarted this without worry.(Yes, thinking, too, of how it could inspire others.) Also, use verses like Romans 12: to wear it says to be transformed by the renewing of your mind. In other words, allow God to continually make you new as you grow in Him.

As you can see, communication is essential in this relationship just as in any relationship. We speak with God through our prayers. He can speak with us in a number of ways. But anything we take in must be tested against the absolute truth of the Bible.

(Why do we pray if God knows our needs? Picture a 2YO trying to dress himself. The parents know he needs help but he keeps refusing - and gets it so messed up you'd think his socks would end up on his years. That's how we are when we go against God.)

Here are some keys - each almost its own little blog post.

1. Pray God's promises. This is pretty simple, trust God for the right answer, His perfect timing, etc.. Seek His wisdom. Don't be afraid to ask "why" with the purpose of understanding what God is trying to show you. Remember that He knows everything and so His best answer is sometimes "yes," sometimes "no," and sometimes "wait." For instance, despite my handicaps, i always wanted to adopt. I've never had the money, but God moved through the Spirit in me to pray and trust Him for it. I soon found myself praying to dedicate the child like Hannah did her son in 1 Samuel. More about that here if interested. Anyway, His answer was "no" on earth, but "yes in a way, because I believe He has a child for me in Heaven. Since then He has given me peace, i no longer feel like i need to keep dreaming of it, He has given me His answer.
     As part of this, hide God's Word in your heart. so you know those promises. This is pretty simple. Psalm 119:11 says thy word have I hid in my heart that I might not sin against thee. When you have God's Word in your heart, it will come to you when you needed. Of course, some people have things like hymn lyrics come to their minds, or something else. However God made you is how He will work with you.

2. Be positive - "I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me."(Phil.4:13) God can get you through it. Whether it's a test - and I know Common Core drives lots of kids crazy - or pimples or whatever, remember nothing in this world is forever. Think of the good things in your life. Even if all you can think of is your salvation or your relationship with God, it is something major.(And if you don't have that, you can just by calling on Him, as noted below.) Trust God, He inhabits the praise of His people. As you praise Him for His mighty works and the things He has done for you, your attitude will improve and .
     And, he will not only bring to your mind Bible verses or humn lyrics or something like I mentioned, He will bring other things to mind. Pimples, for instance, might bring to mind the joke on "Full Hosue" once about playing connect the dots with your face and those of others. The Bible says "A merry heart doeth good like a medicine." Of course, there are times something becomes chemically wrong, though without that sadness can be kept from going into depression by focusing on those positive things. Which leads into the next point.

3. Be willing to learn and seek help from those who bring you closer to God. Sometimes, even our families have struggles because the parents aren't living for God. But, God will direct you to friends who will be that spiritual help you need. They will give the hugs you need and everything else.
      Some people turn to gangs becasue tehy don't have the positive role model they need. gangs have become a way for some in the inner city to interact, but they need to turn to God instead, because God promises to be that strength, courage, etc. they need without the terrible violence that can come from gangs. God teaches us to respect all human life. This is part of why I mentioend that free blogged boo, too.
     In other words, you will feel more self-respect being with those who bring you closer to God. So, even professionals that you seek should be those who believe in God or at least won't put down your faith.

4. Love others. Even Jesus Himself was always serving others. If a friend has decided they would rather not be friends, show love to that person and simply stop being friends and pray for them. If you have done a good job being a friend, they will remember how good you were and may return. Find out how you can help others. With that quote about the man with no feet, just making someone like that feel good and appreciated is important even if you can't do anything for them.
     As discussed in a previous post, after all, other people matter. Say some Common Core standard is bugging you. When you focus on others, instead of worrying about how well you do versus someone else, consider the good things(be positive) and focus on how to build others up. then, you can feel better about yourself, too. A friend wished his family was closer knit and so I suggested he spend Christmas working at a soup kitchen. I don't know if he did but it's a great idea; when you can't be with the ones you want, help the less fortunate.

5. Don't compare yourself to others. There is an old saying, "I was sad because I had no shoes until I saw a man with no feet." We should never think we are better than others - we are just different parts of the body, like the eye and the ear don't think they are better than who left big toe. So, if you help someone else to improve the world, don't compare your life to theirs. Instead, consider how you are just making the world better for Christ's sake, not for your own glory.
     This works the other way, too, though. Many in poverty wish they had more money, but even those in nice homes wish they had more. Instead of focusing on worldly things, focus on the talents and abilities you have and how special you are to God; and that they are, too.
     Each of us will always be better at some things than other people and worse at some things, and will always be better off in some ways and worse off in some ways. If that test is driving you crazy, and you did your best to study, just do your best and remember that even if you don't do well on this subject, God still loves you and has a special purpose for your life. And, He will be your strength to overcome something negative when you trust Him to be. Including helping you to understand a subject.
     For instance, God put my grandmother into my moms friends life to help her learn chemistry so she would pass, and she said she learned more from my grandmother then she ever did from her teacher. And, my grandmother was not even a college graduate.

6. Remember, God can work miracles. Don't put God in a box, as they say, but believe He can do  anything. If something is of God, though, it must line up with Scripture and not violate physics. he won't let you suddenly take flight. :-) He might provide a miraculous healing, but that usually only happens in furtherance of the Gospel. Remember, we must pray according to His will.
     A lot of times, people who discuss signs and wonders are only doing so to glorify themselves. There are also false signs; this blog post about not letting the devil counterfeit things talks about this

7. Admit weaknesses and let God help you overcome them. As noted, none of us is perfect. We all have things we need help with. We must be honest with ourselves and with others when we struggle with things. However, we should also be willing to learn so we can improve on things. Of course, there will always be things we can't do. I will never be a top flight athlete, or even an athlete period. But, that's okay. God made me a certain way to do certain things. And, the nice thing is, if I really wanted to I could write about an athlete and through my story I could live such a life.
     One thing along these lines, though. We're each different, so there might be some things other Christians can handle that you can't, and vice versa. I'm not talking about sins - there is never a reason to get drunk or curse a blue streak or cheat or other sins. However, some people are more influenced by violent entertainment than others, as one example.  Those people need to avoid that. And, if they hve friends who are going to be drawn away from God by it, they need to help their friends and not tempt them, just as 1 corinthians 8 says. (In other words, keeping in midn others matter.)
     We all have different strengths and weaknesses, just like every part of the body has different thigns they ae good at. Some can perform numerous roles - I've seen people with no arms do amazing things with their legs and feet.

8. Share Christ in actions, not just words. Sometimes, bullies need to see we're real and then - if not now - later they will come to realize the truth of Jesus and let Him make them new inside.
     That's the beauty of Jesus - He makes us new inside when we turn from our sins and trust Him to work in us. But, we still have that old flesh nature, so it's a struggle. However, it's one we must fight by loving others, being positive, etc. - or, rather, let God fight for us.
      But, how is God going to fight for us if we're fighting Him? He's got to work in us first to make us more Christlike. People need to see there's a real difference. that means no vulgar stuff, treating others withr espect, not turning the opposite sex into objects but treating them as people. Not being selfish but instead being selfless. (We'll get intot hose relationships int he last part.)
     When you live for the Lord, some might still complain about hypocrites. Who knows, maybe you have problems with them, too. But, think of this. If I say I'm the King of Belgium, I'm lying. But, if I say that and go around doing... whatever, that has no relation to what the real King of Belgium is like.
     Or, what's your favorite pet? Either one you have or wish you had.? Now, say you hang around a bunch of people who claim to have that type of pet. Yet they show you pictures and it's just them, they walk imaginary animals, you know they're just playing "I got a pet." Is taht going to make you love your pet any less? Of course not, what they're doing should have no impact on you. It's part of what was said about not comparing yourself to others. Just let your own light shine.

9. Put your relationship with God before any other, especially dating. This may sound the same as one of the, but it focuses on love interests. And, younger kids may giggle, but if you are younger please read, becasue you'll be here someday if the Lord tarries His coming.
     In short, you should be so lost in your love for God that a person needs to seek God with all their heart to find you. Why? Because, God's is so deep - deeper even than the best family or friends - that nothing can destroy it. And, relationships will end, even if it's in death after 70 years of marriage.
     Marriage is the goal  God has for couples – one that lasts forever. That’s why he says don’t be unequally yoked with unbelievers; or with people who act like it by drinking, cursing, violence, etc.. God desires, a very deep relationship and wants that for you, too. It matches His love for you, after all. God's love is perfect - agape is the Greek word. It means unconditional. Too many times, we think lust is love, but it isn't. it's only physical, and the Bible never translates the Greek word eros to mean love. It does translate phileo, a deep friendship, as "love. There is also storge(unconditional family love). But, those two have something in common with agape love that isn't there with physical lust - it is very deep.
     So, look at your crush and ask, "Will I love this person when they are old, wrinkled up like prunes, with no hair and teeth falling out, and possibly unable to walk or other handicaps? Will this person love me then? If the answer is "no to either, they're not for you and you shouldn't date them.
     Because, part of God's special plan for you is for you to have a partner who loves you and who you can love no matter what. Not settling for less.

     He showed that love for you before you ever knew Him.

     This, then, is where you can learn how to know that God of unconditional love.

To Know God

As noted, God wants to have a personal relationship with you. But, remember that sin I mentioned? It separates us from God.

When God made the world it had no sin in it. Sin is anything we say, think, or do that displeases God and therefore causes suffering. It might only cause suffering for the person who is doing it, or it can cause suffering for others, too. Like lying, cheating, being selfish, false pride(thinking you are better than others/not crediting God with things), etc.

So, if there was no sin, why is there now? Because people chose to sin. By one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin, so that death passed unto all men, for that all have sinned.(Rom. 5:12) Including me. including you. All have sinned and come short of the glory of God.(Rom.3:23)

So, God made a way for us to get to His perfect Heaven, because we can't get to His perfect heaven by our own works. And, that same way is what we need to have that relationship with Him right here on Earth. Jesus said "I am come that they might have life and life more abundantly."(John 10:10)

God wants us to be in His perfect Heaven. There will be no pain, no suffering, no tears, no body can do mean stuff there because all there will have been made new (2 Cor.5:17) - including those too young to understand the need to be saved from their sin.

If we can't get to Heaven on our own, how do we get there? It's a free gift - "The wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord."(Rom.6:23)

 It just has to be accepted by faith - just like you don't earn a birthday gift but get it because someone loves you - but you don't really have it to use till you open it.

Jesus was God in flesh. He is the “light of the world.” He came to this world to live a perfect life. He never sinned because He couldn't; He was God, so He always did what was right. Then, because he was also man - in the flesh - he died for our sins. Because he is God, He rose from the dead. There can’t be any bad people, or even bad stuff, in Heaven. There can be no sin there.

And, Jesus wants you to be there someday, where there is no suffering, no pain, etc., by receiving what he did for you by simple faith. He’ll come live in you then, through the Holy Spirit, which is one of the 3 ways God makes Himself known – God the Father, God the Son, and God the Spirit – it’s like H2O is water vapor, water, and ice – it’s all the same chemical compound. Or, you can look at a person - a man can be a father, brother, and husband at the same time.

That’s how you can have that relationship with Him. He wants you to know Him, so you can have peace that passes all understanding,, great comfort, Godly wisdom whenever you ask, and so on. We just need to be humble enough to admit we need Him. There’s spiritual warfare out there. That means a lot of prayer is needed at times.
It's as easy as ABC - Admit you're a sinner and can't reach His perfect Heaven on your own, Believe Jesus Christ was god in flesh and He died to take the punishment for your sins and rose from the dead; and, Call on Jesus to save you from your sins and Choose to trust Him completely to save you and get you to Heaven, and to come into your heart and make you new inside.

The precise words aren't what save you, Jesus saves you when you trust in Him, so pray that above in your own words.

You can pray something like this: "Lord Jesus, I know I'm a sinner. I can't reach your perfect Heaven myself. But, I know you died to take the punishment for my sins and rose from the dead. Lord Jesus, please come into my heart and save me from my sins and forgive me. I trust you with all my heart to save me, and I believe you have forgiven me not by anything I have done, but only by simple faith in what you have done for me. Make me new inside, Lord. In Jesus' name, Amen."

Once He saves you, he writes you in His book of ife and nobody can remove you from His hands.(John 10:28-30) Nothing can separate you from His love(Rom. 8:36-39), and He is able to keep you from falling.(June 24) He seals you with His Holy Spirit of promise.(Eph. 1:13,14; John 14-16)

If you have further questions, Child evangelism Fellowship, I think, has people you can e-amil and talk to through a secure portal, through this site. Also, here's a site with some very good stuff for beginning spiritual growth for young people and adults. Although, as I think I've mentioned elsewhere, it's best to use the King James Version of the Bible, as it has the translation from the original Antiochan texts.(Textus Receptus) This post has a little more on that and other great stuff about how we need to be known for what we're for, not just what we're against.

So,  live for the Lord and please, share these sites as you pray for our nation - or whatever nation you're in - to repent and let God heal it.

Monday, January 11, 2016

"Snatch them in pity from sin and the grave," showing Muslims God is love

That line, part of the great hymn "Rescue the Perishing," embodies what we must pray God uses us to do for everyone in America and everywhere else - especially Muslims, in the wake of the recent shooting of a Philadelphia policeman. There are many who are struggling with things - guilt, shame, fear, agony, etc. - who need Jesus because the enemy, the devil, is filling them with these things and keeping them from the freedom God has for them. Each saved person must have pity and show that love and forgiveness to them, giving them a chance to receve it just as they were given and received. Just looking at Paul's life beforehand and his understanding of grace shows what a great change God can make in someone.

So, just as the next one about youth will be important for everyone to share bit will be a bit more specific, this is, too.

Three things are clear. 1. ISIS is influencing people and for months has drawn even Americans to it, as well as many in other countries, with horrible results in those nations as told in the latter half of this prophecy update. 2. Most Muslims are still not influenced by ISIS or other radical groups, and in fact are coming to Christ in record numbers. And, 3. The Holy Spirit can influence people toward the God of love, mercy, and forgiveness as shown in the New Testament. It's up to us to make sure everyone, including Muslims, understands this and believes it, because radicals like ISIS want to lure the US into war.

However, we must be dedicated to honoring the Lord with our hearts, not just our lips, because if anything keeps people away from the Lord, at times our biggest enemy is us. If I say I'm King of Belgium, whatever i do has no impact on what the real King of Belgium is like; however, it will make it harder for some to know the real King of Belgium.

As noted in a few other posts, the Holy Spirit can help. He is there, as Jesus promises(John 16:7-12) to work in nonbelievers' hearts, too. However, we don't want to make it harder for the Spirit to work. Jesus calls us to love our enemies and bless those who persecute us.(Matt.5:43-48,Roamns 12:20-21,etc.)

So, what do we do? Here are some ideas and resources.

Showing God's love to Muslims

A common response to the old saying, "You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink" is that "You CAN make him thirsty."

Are we making Muslims thirsty? Or anyone? Look at what Jesus did in John 4(woman at the well). She knew she was thirsty, and he knew it, but He didn't come right out and say she was thirsty. Instead, He got her interested, so much so that when He says He has living water that will spring up into everlasting life, she asks, "Evermore give me this water." Her reply wasn't prompted by anything but a sincere desire to quench her thirst.

Now, she was thinking only of physical water at first, but the important thing is, Jesus' attitude made her want what he had.

This, as an aside, is why funerals are often the best times to reach someone. They are not only thinking of the fact they, too, will die and/or wanting answers, but for the Christian, they can be sure that loved one is in Heaven. Muslims have no guarantee of Heaven, because they are taught they have to work their way there. Indeed, all religion is about man trying to reach a perfect, holy God on his own, whereas true Christianity is a relationship with Jesus Christ saving a person through His own shed blood, and making that person new inside, constantly working in them to make them more like Him - more loving, gentle, compassionate, etc..

It is certainly good to point out such facts, and not to attack their beliefs openly,. Instead, as noted, "make them thirsty" by remarking about the joy, peace, comfort, etc. that relationship with Christ provides.

A testimony is simply telling what Christ has done in your life, after all. The devil - the god of this world - has blinded people to the truth(2 Cor. 4:4) - another reason we must show there's a difference between us and the world, and not be hypocrites. And, since the devil has put spiritual blinders on them, we can't remove those blinders by worldly means alone. We need the Holy Spirit to work in each person's heart.

We are called to be in the world, but not of it. Romans 12:2 says "Be not conformed to this world..." In other words, if you would struggle with other faiths as a newer believer, a ministry to Muslims might not be for you because you might be tempted to compromise on basic fundamentals of salvation in trying to witness to them - those being that Jesus Christ is God in flesh, born of a virgin, lived a perfect, sinless life, died on the cross to take the punishment for each of our sins, and rose bodily from the dead. However, if you would be able to stand firm on those, then it's important to be sharing your faith in love.

Of course, it seems rough at times when you look at what the most radical are doing, but remember that, first, many of these people are not radicalized but are simply living in terror themselves because of what they are taught, and second, that Jesus died and rose fromt he dead in triumph over such terror. A triumph He wants each of these people to have. And, many times they don't realize how God can truly give them victory over it. This is true of Muslims and of anyone who is not saved and followed a system where they try to be perfect and fall woefully short.

A few of numerous resources

Of course, there are other things we can use, too, to help Muslims understand the Gospel. It's just that it should be done as a friend helping them understand, not to attack. However, we must realize that the god of Islam is NOT the God of the Bible. Here is a good 2-part sermon series on Islam if you prefer something audio that is simple. 1, 2.

A few of the truths in those, among many which show Allah is not the God of the Bible...

For instance, the meaning of Sonship is different. They say Allah had no son because they only think of physical relationships when they think of a son. However, there is an Arabic word, "ibn, which can be used to help them understand Jesus is a perfect likeness, he is God in flesh(John 1:14, etc.) because in Him(Jesus) dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily.(Col. 2:9)

There is also a way or two to explain the Godhead which will help. Here is one that might help with a few misconceptions. Also, simply explaining "I am a father, a son, and a brother - one man, three attributes is a start. The point is that we can agree that God is one god, and go fromt here to show how He manifests Himself.(As that first one does with talking about how God manifested himself to Moses, etc..)

Part of Muslim culture, however, prevents them from seeking unless the Lord intervenes. because they fear that God will punish them for ever doubting. Whereas, the Bible shows that God welcomes questions and praises those who seek wisdom. this is something to point out slowly, as the Spirit leads - or perhaps more quickly as you are talking, however God leads. Again, we don't know how many others have been witnessing to a person or how effective they have been. But, the Holy Spirit does.

So, be patient and do however much the Lord leads you to do. Once a Muslim person trusts Christ as Savior they often face terrible discrimination, ostracism, and being disowned from their families. So, they will need you to be there for them to help encourage them. But that will be easy, they will be brothers/sisters in Christ then, learning to grow spiritually just like you.

All is not okay - there is a horrible battle brewing, as this prophecy update shows. The devil wants to take them to hell with him, and also wants to take all those who refuse to accept God's great love and salvation from their sins.

Monday, January 4, 2016

Always special to someone - especially God

Christian philosopher Ravi Zacharias, at a recent conference, described time as a canvas where a story is painted. We, in our own parts in time, can't see the whole canvas, but like that painting, our part is connected with others. And, since we have an impact on others, it's important to uplift others, not tear them down; to show they are special. Because, each of us is special to someone - especially to God.

 This may seem like an odd topic in a blog dedicated to calling America to pray for a repentance revival. Sure, I've discussed spiritual leadership before - even mentioned the free blog book I did on it for those without strong leadership in their home, so even kids can do it. But, a whole post here? Don't worry, eventually it'll make sense.

It's not just that we are all special to God - though that is a major part of it. The main difference between how quite a few think of themselves today (man's esteem) and how God thinks of us (God's esteem) is this: Man's says "I matter to me alone/to me more than anyone." God thinks of us so we can say, "I matter to others." Realizing, of course, that we are special to God most of all, for each of us is fearfully and wonderfully made.(Ps.139:14) So, we should not think of ourselves pridefully, considering only what we want, but should take others into account, since they, too, are fearfully and wonderfully made.

It's great to make a difference

God's way isn't drudgery - we get to matter to others! We don't have to be tigers roaming the wild with nobody to care about us. Sure, some people aren't always totally efficient socially because nonverbal stuff is confusing at times - myself included, though God's given me courage to constantly try, ability to improve, and great friends to encourage me. But, even someone who developmentally finds it really hard - much harder than I do - can be special to people in other ways.

Because you matter to others, what you do impacts them. It can be good or bad. Most of us know someone who can brighten a room when they walk into it, and just those little things to brighten someone's day can mean so much. Other people are really bitter, or bullies, or act in some other way that hurts others. Either way, these are things that last beyond what one might call the moment of impact; something mean can tear a person down, being kind will edify, it'll build them up.

Of course, in the extreme, such things can live on beyond your own life. For instance, instead of spending money on a lavish car which will one day wear out, something as huge as adopting or at least sponsoring an orphan in a faraway country way down to such simple acts as treating people to dinner can provide help which will be remembered and have a positive impact on the community in the way just owning the fanciest car can't.

And even just a little act of kindness can make a huge difference compared to a mean one There are stories of kids who were new in a school and felt totally unwanted being ready to quit until another kid befriended them, invited them to come and play, and eventually that kid rose above all their problems and became a great success.

The root of the problem

You might guess I'm saying the attack nature of society, how it tears others down so much, is something we need to pray that God changes about our nation. Yes, that is true - it also dovetails into that need for repentance for our own sin, such as that example I often use of how some curse the person who cut them off in traffic when the person was rushing to see a loved one they just learned is in the hospital. And, being more forgiving would help a lot - as the Psalmist writes, "Search me, O God...See if there be some wicked way in me" and forsake it.(Ps.139:23-24)

However, that attack culture is just a symptom of something larger which should be a focus in prayer as well, praying the nation  change and - once we have gotten our hearts right - praying for and encouraging that change in others.

The root problem is people using man's esteem and not God's. This doesn't just impact how we think about ourselves versus others.  Consider the many problems we've had. Violence, police brutality, unjust courts, mistreatment of women and children, all oppression and abuse of power. It's all based on that man-centered esteem that says they have freedom to do whatever they want regardless of the consequences and no matter who gets hurt. It says that because they have power, or anger, or frustration, or bitterness, or whatever, they can do whatever they want. So, that thought life impacts how people act and react.

Some bullies are like that, but if they learn to put others first they will have compassion and make the world better that way. However, other bullies act that way because they are secretly hurting because they feel so unloved, or because some very bad things happen to them. Such a person needs to learn that God loves them no matter what, and that God will be the comfort, peace, etc., the friend that they need. he will provide all their needs if they only ask and trust him to forgive them and save them from their sins. (The other type of bully needs this, too, but more emphasis should be placed on falling short of God's perfection & the penalty for that. Whereas someone who has been mistreated needs to know it wasn't their fault they were mistreated, while still overall being sinner in need of a Saviour.)

Now, consider if people were using God's esteem, and seeing other people matter. That person who felt so angry or frustrated would have asked God to heal them and remove that instead of taking it out on someone, because he or she would realize others matter. That man who mistreated a girlfriend or wife would talk calmly with her, considering her feelings. That officer would use non-lethal force unless absolutely necessary and would remember that every human life is important. And so on.

Many things, of course, require Godly wisdom, but people would use that wisdom knowing: 1. They're not perfect while God has perfect knowledge; and, 2. God loves each of us equally and sees every life as special.

How our loving, personal God sees us

This gets into how God sees us. He is a personal, loving God, not transcendant.

God loves you more than you can imagine. He made you special for a reason, giving you whatever he did becasue he knew it was how you could make the world a better place and glorify Him - after all, he wants us to love, to build others up, etc.. He knows all our thoughts and feelings, everything ee say and do. He knows those times we have fallen short of his perfection because of sin. He gives us freedom to make our own choices, because He loves us and doesn't want us to be mindless robots. And yet,  our sin causes us to be separated from God. We can't get to God's perfect Heaven because of our sin.

That hurts God more than you can imagine. He's not waiting to strike us down - he's wanting to lovingly call us back to Him when we stray.

So God made a way for us to get to Heaven. Since sin must be punished, He came in the flesh, to take the punishment for our sin. Jesus Christ was fully God and fully man. He lived a perfect, sinless life, and then died on the cross for you and for me and for everyone. Then, he rose from the dead the third day. All religion is man trying to reach up to God, but God lovingly came to our level because we couldn't reach Him.

He would have come for you if you had been the only person ever on the face of the earth. "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life."(Sonship here doesn't mean physical relations, it means having every attribute - Jesus Christ was fully God and man.)

You are whosoever. You can put your name in the blank instead of the words "the world." That is how special you are to God. That is how special each of us is. "For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord."(Romans 6:23.)

You can trust Jesus to save you right now, you don't have to be in church. Just talk to him and in your own words admit you are a sinner, that you can't reach His perfect Heaven on your own works, but that you know He is God in flesh and He died to take the punishment for your sins and rose from the dead. Then, call on Him to save you from your sin and trust Him to forgive you and make you knew inside. Turn from your sin (repentance), and trust him as your Savior.

God created   some absolutes - as Ravi Zacharias says, we all have ideas of what absolute love, justice, evil, and forgiveness are. And, they all united at Calvary, when God - despite our sinful state, falling short of His glory - forgave us perfectly, all we need to do is receive it, by taking on Himself the justice we deserve for our sins, showing His perfect love for each of us.

So, since each of us is so special to God, once we trust Him to save us from our sins, He lives in each believer through the Holy Spirit and works in us, making us more and more like Him as we trust Him to do it.

Putting it all together

So, seeing others as important is essential. And, if any person, church, community, or nation wants to see revival, it has to be a vital part.

It can't be just helping others in a man's esteem-centered so people can see us doing that, though. Why? Because that gets back to man's esteem. It's saying, "Look at how special I am because I am helping others." Not only is that false pride (like the Pharisees had), it's also how the terrible cruelty and injustice existed in our nation for hundreds of years. When people did things only based on their own desires, it allowed them to imagine themselves as somehow better than some other group. Whereas, if people had used God's steem, they would have constantly viewed everyone else as equal before God.

Of course, that doesn't mean everyone has to be the same. We are all part of the body - some people are better at some things, just like the eye is better at seeing than the ear, and the ear better at hearing. Some are stronger, more powerful, or more important - your arm is more useful than your earlobe. It's just that - while the earlobe wouldn't rise up and say, "I demand to be used as an arm," your arm also shouldn't take something and start bludgeoning your earlobe. The Bible uses the body in the same way as an illustration(1 Corinthians 12), so we can see how we're all supposed to work together and not be envious, jealous, or bullying of others, all things man-centered esteem - the kind that demands to be the most important thing - causes. We must instead consider ourselves part of a team.

We have solved some problems, but only on the outside. We also - because we focus so much on the outside than we should, though some of that is because we realize inside we can't change people's hearts. But, we do know realistically that it's worse - to use the body analogy again - for the arm to grab a hammer and start pounding on antoher part of the body than it is for the arm to just insult that part.

Getting away from the silliness of body parts acting independently, this is where hearts need to be changed, and where we need to trust God to change hearts in America.

How to pray for God to make us others-centered

So, we should pray that people focus on others more. One way we can pray God changes hearts is that He causes people to respect human life again. There were less than 500 murders a year in the whole country 100 years ago, according to some statistics, because people saw human life as important. it ws regularly taught, so people wouldn't dream of doing things like that or even threatening it - but we can't just police it out of people, god must change our hearts so the Holy Spirit is again actively convicting people of sin before they say (or tweet or text or think) it. That includes life changing things, too, like texting while driving or drunk driving - if there's the potential to do serious, permanent harm to someone else, why do it? Again, hearts need changed so people will stop, and that requires the Spirit at work.(See previous post for look at some ways the Holy Spirit works, as noted in John 16:7-12)

Another is that He will show them that they matter - not just in words, not in trying to make everyone the same, but instead in tring to make sure every part of the body is appreciated as that part. So someone might be first and another last, but it's okay because there will always be something we do better than someone else, and always something we do worse than someone else.

It's okay to be negative, but we can be negative without attacking viciously. At the same time, we should be willing to look at the bright side of things. A recent sports example is that someone commented that because a person was not considered among the top five quarterbacks of all time, it was a "shot at him," when in fact one can still be a great one, even an all-time great, and just not in the top five.

In other words, we should pray that people stop taking everything as an attack; people have the right to tell the truth in love.

Another way is praying that the intense vulgarity of society end, and we get back to speaking the truth in love without all the cursing that goes on. Again, the Holy Spirit will work in people in that area.

Plus, we can pray that God turn our hearts toward Him so that we follow what He wants for us - because he has perfect wisdom and the perfect plan for each of us.

Of course, it's fine to have dreams. Many people dream of stardom and use their talents and what they accomplish to do many wonderful things. If God calls you to be a preacher, one noted minister once said, don't settle for being a king. However, when one plays sports, sings, acts, or does anything else for the glory of God and He has led them to do that, He will bless them; they just need to pray He leads them in the right direction and for His help to stay away from evil influences.(In other words, not falling in with the wrong crowd who can get them to do things that harm their career, to do things that make them good role models, etc.)

God created us to need a break from all the stresses of life, after all, and that is what entertainment is for. The point is that we can be thankful for these things and still behave in a way that edifies others, building them up instead of tearing them down. A vacation from the frustrations of life should be a time to relax and get away from things, not an excuse to take out those frustrations on others. When we do that, or only do things to draw attention to ourselves, we are using that man's esteem mentioned above. When we help others, build others up, etc., we are using God's esteem. So, while i always cheer and encourage people at sporting events, some people might choose to boo and that's fine. But, the hatred that some people show is totally wrong. The song says "if they don't win it's a shame," not a tragedy.

Of course, there are many other things which I haven't mentioned. But, all of this - not being in attack mode all the time, being more pleasant, and so on - can be combined in one thing. that is the fact that others matter, and we need t be praying that God turn our hearts to where we look as responsibility, not just rights.

After all, those who oppress and do evil are in need of a change of heart. But, so do all of us. All have sinned and come short of the glory of God.

The great thing is, once a person has trusted Christ as Saviour, they have access to God Himself, to go before His throne and seek His help for their country, whichever it is. And, His Holy Spirit will move mightily in the world when people simply turn to HIm with all their hearts and trust Him to make thigns right. Things won't always be perfect, but Jesus promises that while in this world we will have tribulation, we can be of good cheer - He has overcome the world.(John 16:33)