Monday, June 15, 2015

Fill the holes in your heart

 America's need for repentance before revival is true of everyone, as noted. One can't expect God to cleanse things if that person doesn't want cleansed themselves. For some, repentance is easy; the closer you are to God, the easier it is to let the Holy Spirit guide you to be more Christlike.

One of the biggest needs is for holes in people's hearts to be filled by Jesus through that Spirit; it's ow He lives in each believer. To do that, of course, we must stop filling our hearts with other things, since God in His love won't force people to love Him. He will keep trying to lovingly woo them, but just as a cup already filled with a bunch of pebbles can't hold much water, when a person tries to fill their hearts with other things, they end p blocking the Spirit's loving call out and keeping Him from doing all He can in that life.

Remember, though, the devil wants to destroy and stir things up. Jesus says, "No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon." There is nothing about dismissing both and going one's own way, and there is nothing about loving both. So, to know how to avoid the devil's snares, we need to look at what people are doing instead of clinging to God and His unconditional love and why, so we can repent and forsake such things and turn to God.

Yes, we all have holes

 Some are bigger than others, of course. They can be caused by broken relationships, dreams that have yet to be fulfilled, and so on, as well as sin. Some sins - and even some things that aren't - become addictions by getting into the brain's limbic system, the part that creates emotional responses. The limbic system can overwhelm the part that makes reasonable, logical decisions. People become addicted when they get so much into something that the brain is rewired to favor that craving.

Romans 12:2 speaks of "being transformed by the renewing of your mind" - that means a continual reshaping which is what God does when He makes us new on the inside; then, as we allow Him, He works to heal our limbic systems so they are no longer overwhelmed. Of course, sometimes the limbic system has been so damaged something must be done to protect it. For instance, a woman in my church was saved out of alcoholism. The last 44 years of her life, she couldn't enter a restaurant with a bar in it without being tempted to start drinking again, so she never went to one. Her friends could, they understood when with her not to, because 1 Corinthians 8 warns us not to tempt those who are weaker.

For those with addictions, Reformers Unanimous is a very good program that helps one through Christ-centered help to truly transform one's life. The link shown gives good helps and also should list churches were an RU program exists. These can be for many things besides drinking and drugs, such as gambling, lusts, etc..

But, those holes aren't always addictions. Sometimes they are just holes. Either way, there is soemthing we must do to have that perfect peace, comfort, etc.; we must lay certain things aside.

How to avoid filling those holes with weights

"Laying aside every weight, and the sin that doth so easily beset us." These words from Hebrews 12:1, are so appropriate. It isn't just sin that we must lay aside, but weights. Sometimes things that aren't sin weight us down anyway, where they might not weight someone else down the same way.

Things like money, love, popularity, music, television, etc. are weights which we must lay aside because, while they are in small doses, like anything worldly in large ones they can destroy. It is not money, for instance, but the love of money which is the root of all evil. That love is a listing which causes one to lose sight of God's truth and a Christlike love for others.
So, one can certainly have bits of these, but one should always keep God on the throne of their heart, and not let it get in the way of their service for the Lord. And, if for instance one's desire for TV is so large that they turn from the Lord anytime anything good is on TV, it is wise to get rid of that television.

As for sins, we have covered this topic before, it is important when working toward a repentance revival 2 keep in mind that the devil will test you greatly. However, God will provide a way of escape. It is just up to us to take that route.

Why we fill those holes with other things

Sometimes, of course, people fill their hearts with things because they have not known God's unconditional love. The Samaritan woman enjoying chapter 4 is a good example. While we don't know her background it is safe to assume that while she had questions she had nowhere to turn to ask them until Jesus showed up.

These people should seek the Lord with all their heart. Understand that while this world has problems, it is not all that there is. Other people matter in life, and it is important to get away from those who are tearing you down and making you feel awful. Sometimes, it doesn't help to tell them what they are doing and the only thing that will help is you separating yourself.

Of course that is hard to do if you are living in a family where people tear you down, but you can still do it to some extent. And, you can see at how to overcome that and be the GOdly leader such a family needs.

How to avoid filling those holes with sin

Use Scripture. This is the most important guideline on resisting temptations is the following (Here is a good radio program on it, too, with these Scripture used):

See Jesus in the wilderness in Matthew 4 and Luke 4. He answered every idea the devil gave Him with a Bible verse that said what was right. The devil fled after a while. Of course, make sure that ou are using Scripture the right way - always interpret Scripture with the Scripture around it and with other Scripture about that subject. And, when in doubt, go to the original Greek/Hebrew .

I mentioned Hebrews 12:1 earlier about laying aside every weight - that means those thigns that drag us into sin - and that sin which easily besets us - which means to recognize what we are most tempted with and leave it behind.

Another important key is 1 Corinthians 10:13 - If you are tempted, God will provide a way out. Look for that way out and take it.

This, of course, gets us back to the fact we can have a personal relationship with the Creator of the Universe. He loves you, and  wants you to know His perfect peace that passes understanding(Phil.4:6-7), He is the God of all comfort, he will provide all your needs according to His riches. Sometimes, we just forget that needs are not the same as wants; what we want might be a new car, but that might not be God's plan for us.

The important thing to remember is, He knows what's best because he has a perfect plan for each of our lives. When we are satisfied with that, that is when we can turn away from those thigns we turn to to fill those holes, and let ourselves rest in the knowlwedge that someday, we *will* have the best of everything.

Becasue, this world is not our home. As noted several times before, we are just passing through. When you have set your home to Heaven by trusting Jesus Christ to save you from your sins, and called on Him to forgive and cleanse you from your sins, you can be sure He is preparing something special for you, and someday you will be where nobody has seen, heard, or even imagined the wonders that await us.(1 Cor.2:9)

So, when it's noted in other posts that we need to repent and trust God to change this country, part of that is understanding that when we put our focus on the thigns of this world, we are ignoring the fact God has something better in store for us. But, we're also ignoring something even bigger.

We shouldn't be worried about how other people have more money or cars or anything. Because if they are using it for Godly purposes God is being glorified and that's what's important. And, if they are keeping it selfishly for themselves, God will have them in derision, because they won't get to keep it beyond this world. It's important to remember to let God have His way, because He says vengeance is His, not ours. And, he does so much better at it than we ever could. So, we should NEVER take our frustrations out on others. Instead, we should be controlled by the Holy Spirit.

The word used in Ephesians 5:17-19 and elsewhere for that is filled. Because, that shows that the Spirit will come and fill all those holes in our heart that only God can fill effectively, totally, and appropriately.

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