However, that isn't the main topic of this post, so don't worry if you don't watch many movies - Hollywood becomes sortt of a theme for some illustrations but that's all. Indeed, the need for an end to the old "racial" problems - when there is only one race, that of humanity - has been mentioned in a variety of posts. There are a lot of areas that would be much more diverse with a repentance revival, but that's not the only thing that needs to be impacted.
We need to pray for God to move in hearts as He promises He will give in Ephesians 3:20, "Exceeding abundantly above all that we may ask or think." That adjective translated "exceeding" implies a cup so totally running over that we can't imagine it. And, abundantly means more than enough. The power within us is Him and Him alone, something only believers have through His Holy Spirit, as I've shared before. So, we can pray God gives us far above the peace, comfort, love, etc. we need as we trust Him and grow in Him.
Some of what I could say about TV and movies has been said by many more eloquent than I am for decades.Instead of complaints, I want to focus on the positive; as mentioned before, a lot of people focus only on what God is against and not what He supports. God supports love, mercy, compassion, justice, forgiveness, and so on. Of course, He also supports honesty, humility, holiness, righteousness and other things like that. He wants to be your friend, with a connection through prayer stronger than anything, as noted in posts like this. He's a God of love who always knows what's best.
So, we should focus on praying that such Godly things
become commonplace. When it comes to Hollywood, that can mean things like having wholesome relationships where yes there can be
struggles, just like the man struggled in War Room and the woman struggled in prayer at first, but where people are
not going out of their way to hurt others. Its just like the list of
things in Philippians 4:8 that we should focus on, things that are true,
just, pure, lovely, and so on.(Edit - a verse which now has its own post.).
Can we have this and still have a good, diverse number of
movies with complex plots? Of course. There is a big difference between a
good guy who struggles with something and overcomes(Like "War Room") and a hero/heroine that
is so bad that he or she really seems to be a villain. (I see plots like Dickens' "A Christmas Carol" as "man versus self," the point there is genuine redemption. Even a rebel like the Fonz at first on Happy Days improved, which is the key to that Philippians 4:8 type of thinking. Despite how poorly
he treated women and his general attitude, he had
redeeming qualities even at first, and he often wanted to improve. And, he did, with the help of friends who wouldn't stoop to his level but kindly helped him seek improvement; it may not seem luike as much now, but remember it took place from the mid-'50s to the mid'60s.)
I'm not saying that we should be praying for a
more diverse version of Hollywood's Golden Age/New Hollywood (roughly
1940s-mid 1980s) just for the sake of wholesome entertainment. As stated
before, that would be asking amiss, asking for our sake or for others
and not for God's. It would be wonderful if a child star could emerge
like Shirley Temple and everyone would enjoy the wholesomeness, but this must be an effect of revival and not the reason
to have or desire it. Similarly, a more diverse Hollywood will be the effect of true revival and not the reason to seek it.
Instead, we should pray for things such as for God to fill the holes we have in our hearts.
It's easy to see right away how that can be even better than, say, more racially diverse Oscars. If a person was filling some need in their heart by acting superior to others, and God changed that person's heart so they are more accepting of African-Americans than they were, they have gained something far better and far more than just a desire to vote for African actors next time. They have gained a desire to accept them in other areas, too, looking forward to the day all we who have trusted in Christ's forgiveness will celebrate around the throne of God together. This is one reason I pray that God raises up a generation of stars who will honor the Lord for giving them that talent and who will stay away from Hollywood's vices. Their hearts are more sensitive in many ways to the love of God, and they're more willing to realize the need to receive Christ as Saviour and honor Him for giving them such talent.
It's easy to see right away how that can be even better than, say, more racially diverse Oscars. If a person was filling some need in their heart by acting superior to others, and God changed that person's heart so they are more accepting of African-Americans than they were, they have gained something far better and far more than just a desire to vote for African actors next time. They have gained a desire to accept them in other areas, too, looking forward to the day all we who have trusted in Christ's forgiveness will celebrate around the throne of God together. This is one reason I pray that God raises up a generation of stars who will honor the Lord for giving them that talent and who will stay away from Hollywood's vices. Their hearts are more sensitive in many ways to the love of God, and they're more willing to realize the need to receive Christ as Saviour and honor Him for giving them such talent.
This is not just directed at those with talents, of course. Each of us is special to God. However, each of us has a special area where we can minister to others through our actions as well as our words, and they have a stage others don't. Plus, this has sort of become a theme illustration for this post, partly because there is so much vice there. However, society as a whole is the same way. For a major repentance revival, we need to pray God's healing, cleansing Spirit will heal everything and everyone.
As noted, we should focus on those things from Philippians 4:8 when we pray for God to change and cleanse us. However, to do that, we need to recognize there are things that are the opposite, though, and how to avoid them
Often, that is the same as what was prayed above - asking God to fill those holes in our hearts that only Jesus can fill. God-sized holes that we try to fill with so many things that don't last, things which will one day disappear and which constantly need refilled before that. Often performers are just like the outside world - it's just that their battles are more noticed because they are in the spotlight.
That is another reason the youth of this country - not just the stars but the ordinary youth who will merely be fans - are so important, most of them don't yet have those God-sized holes, though much prayer is needed for those that do. Some grow up in awful home situations, for instance. Some feel unloved and need to see evidence that God loves them, through those who are Godly who can come alongside them as friends, surrogate moms and dads, and so on.
The devil is constantly trying to disrupt things, of course. He is not as powerful as the Holy Spirit, of course. God is more powerful and will defeat the devil one day, but God gives us freedom of choice to choose Him. In the meantime, the devil has all sorts of tricks to make us think that we have power when we don't. There are even people who try to seek and use him to fill those holes in their hearts. That is very dangerous. But, it explains why some of our entertainment is as evil as it is. The things that are used to start this seem innocent at times. But they are not. For instance, there are some things that should never be played with because they do have real evil components. Ouija boards, tarot cards, seances, magic(as opposed to mere illusion-making), and other such things had demons in them, because they are really being used to access the spiritual realm and get at the powers of darkness.
God calls us into the light, however. Not the false light that the devil can produce but the true light of the Gospel. that's why Jesus says he is the light of the world. If a person has messed with dark spirits like that, Jesus Himself can get rid of them, but it is much better to never dabble in them. It's like being at war and saying, "Would I rather have a major battle with billions of dollars in damage on my soil, or would I rather not bring the enemy in to cause that battle to be needed?"
(I should note that a believer can't be possessed by demons, but they can be horribly oppressed. However, some nonbelievers have been possessed by evil spirits. Hope is not lost but the spiritual battle will be intense even after they trust Jesus to save them from their sin and come live in them.)
All oppression is really from the devil, of course, even if he doesn't possess people. This oppression has caused the terrible violence in this world as well as all the other sins, as he goads us into sinning with the lusts of the flesh,t he lust of the eyes, and the pride of life; but,t hese things will be destroyed one day.(1 John 2:16-17)
Instead, we need to focus on God's perfect peace, and use the power of prayer to unite in Spirit and - most importantly - in truth. God *wants* to forgive our sins, he *wants* us to repent and turn to Him so he can cleanse us. he doesn't want to browbeat us about our sin; that's the devil that does that. God promises to take our sin as far as the east is from the west. In other words, you can go only so far North till you reach the North Pole; same for the South Pole. But, if you go West, you can keep going more and more west and you'll still be east of something. Same if you keep going East, you'll always be West of somewhere. east and West, in geographic terms, can never meet.
A simpler way to put it is this. The handwriting of ordinances against us was nailed to the cross once we trust Christ to forgive and save us we don't bear the weight of that sin anymore.
So, what we must really pray for is that the people of Hollywood -a nd of America as a hole - no longer be weighted down with sin, but instead that sin would be lifted from them. And, that in repenting, they would turn all things over to Jesus and let Him make their hearts new.
Then, we would get a more diverse Oscars culturally, with more black/African-Americans, because voters would no longer be burdened by the weight of their sin of false pride. they would no longer feel superior to others because of outward appearance. They woudl believe we are all equal.
Then, there would not be the horrible coarseness and negativity and vulgarity in our world, because a spirit of peace would be upon people.
then, there would no longer be a desire to fill one's hearts with so many temporary things, because people would let the Lord fill their hearts with his perfect peace, and we would forgive others as we have been forgiven.
And, so on. Of course, the horrible fate would be avoided that those face who die separated from God by not having let Him save them from their sin. thankfully, while there is life, there is hope that a person will turn from their sins and call on Jesus Christ to forgive and save them. And, while this nation exists, there is hope that people will pray and repent and there will be revival in it.
We need to start now, though, seeking the Lord for that repentance revival by turning to Him ourselves.
Often, that is the same as what was prayed above - asking God to fill those holes in our hearts that only Jesus can fill. God-sized holes that we try to fill with so many things that don't last, things which will one day disappear and which constantly need refilled before that. Often performers are just like the outside world - it's just that their battles are more noticed because they are in the spotlight.
That is another reason the youth of this country - not just the stars but the ordinary youth who will merely be fans - are so important, most of them don't yet have those God-sized holes, though much prayer is needed for those that do. Some grow up in awful home situations, for instance. Some feel unloved and need to see evidence that God loves them, through those who are Godly who can come alongside them as friends, surrogate moms and dads, and so on.
The devil is constantly trying to disrupt things, of course. He is not as powerful as the Holy Spirit, of course. God is more powerful and will defeat the devil one day, but God gives us freedom of choice to choose Him. In the meantime, the devil has all sorts of tricks to make us think that we have power when we don't. There are even people who try to seek and use him to fill those holes in their hearts. That is very dangerous. But, it explains why some of our entertainment is as evil as it is. The things that are used to start this seem innocent at times. But they are not. For instance, there are some things that should never be played with because they do have real evil components. Ouija boards, tarot cards, seances, magic(as opposed to mere illusion-making), and other such things had demons in them, because they are really being used to access the spiritual realm and get at the powers of darkness.
God calls us into the light, however. Not the false light that the devil can produce but the true light of the Gospel. that's why Jesus says he is the light of the world. If a person has messed with dark spirits like that, Jesus Himself can get rid of them, but it is much better to never dabble in them. It's like being at war and saying, "Would I rather have a major battle with billions of dollars in damage on my soil, or would I rather not bring the enemy in to cause that battle to be needed?"
(I should note that a believer can't be possessed by demons, but they can be horribly oppressed. However, some nonbelievers have been possessed by evil spirits. Hope is not lost but the spiritual battle will be intense even after they trust Jesus to save them from their sin and come live in them.)
All oppression is really from the devil, of course, even if he doesn't possess people. This oppression has caused the terrible violence in this world as well as all the other sins, as he goads us into sinning with the lusts of the flesh,t he lust of the eyes, and the pride of life; but,t hese things will be destroyed one day.(1 John 2:16-17)
Instead, we need to focus on God's perfect peace, and use the power of prayer to unite in Spirit and - most importantly - in truth. God *wants* to forgive our sins, he *wants* us to repent and turn to Him so he can cleanse us. he doesn't want to browbeat us about our sin; that's the devil that does that. God promises to take our sin as far as the east is from the west. In other words, you can go only so far North till you reach the North Pole; same for the South Pole. But, if you go West, you can keep going more and more west and you'll still be east of something. Same if you keep going East, you'll always be West of somewhere. east and West, in geographic terms, can never meet.
A simpler way to put it is this. The handwriting of ordinances against us was nailed to the cross once we trust Christ to forgive and save us we don't bear the weight of that sin anymore.
So, what we must really pray for is that the people of Hollywood -a nd of America as a hole - no longer be weighted down with sin, but instead that sin would be lifted from them. And, that in repenting, they would turn all things over to Jesus and let Him make their hearts new.
Then, we would get a more diverse Oscars culturally, with more black/African-Americans, because voters would no longer be burdened by the weight of their sin of false pride. they would no longer feel superior to others because of outward appearance. They woudl believe we are all equal.
Then, there would not be the horrible coarseness and negativity and vulgarity in our world, because a spirit of peace would be upon people.
then, there would no longer be a desire to fill one's hearts with so many temporary things, because people would let the Lord fill their hearts with his perfect peace, and we would forgive others as we have been forgiven.
And, so on. Of course, the horrible fate would be avoided that those face who die separated from God by not having let Him save them from their sin. thankfully, while there is life, there is hope that a person will turn from their sins and call on Jesus Christ to forgive and save them. And, while this nation exists, there is hope that people will pray and repent and there will be revival in it.
We need to start now, though, seeking the Lord for that repentance revival by turning to Him ourselves.