So, just as the next one about youth will be important for everyone to share bit will be a bit more specific, this is, too.
Three things are clear. 1. ISIS is influencing people and for months has drawn even Americans to it, as well as many in other countries, with horrible results in those nations as told in the latter half of this prophecy update. 2. Most Muslims are still not influenced by ISIS or other radical groups, and in fact are coming to Christ in record numbers. And, 3. The Holy Spirit can influence people toward the God of love, mercy, and forgiveness as shown in the New Testament. It's up to us to make sure everyone, including Muslims, understands this and believes it, because radicals like ISIS want to lure the US into war.
However, we must be dedicated to honoring the Lord with our hearts, not just our lips, because if anything keeps people away from the Lord, at times our biggest enemy is us. If I say I'm King of Belgium, whatever i do has no impact on what the real King of Belgium is like; however, it will make it harder for some to know the real King of Belgium.
As noted in a few other posts, the Holy Spirit can help. He is there, as Jesus promises(John 16:7-12) to work in nonbelievers' hearts, too. However, we don't want to make it harder for the Spirit to work. Jesus calls us to love our enemies and bless those who persecute us.(Matt.5:43-48,Roamns 12:20-21,etc.)
So, what do we do? Here are some ideas and resources.
Showing God's love to Muslims
A common response to the old saying, "You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink" is that "You CAN make him thirsty."
Are we making Muslims thirsty? Or anyone? Look at what Jesus did in John 4(woman at the well). She knew she was thirsty, and he knew it, but He didn't come right out and say she was thirsty. Instead, He got her interested, so much so that when He says He has living water that will spring up into everlasting life, she asks, "Evermore give me this water." Her reply wasn't prompted by anything but a sincere desire to quench her thirst.
Now, she was thinking only of physical water at first, but the important thing is, Jesus' attitude made her want what he had.
This, as an aside, is why funerals are often the best times to reach someone. They are not only thinking of the fact they, too, will die and/or wanting answers, but for the Christian, they can be sure that loved one is in Heaven. Muslims have no guarantee of Heaven, because they are taught they have to work their way there. Indeed, all religion is about man trying to reach a perfect, holy God on his own, whereas true Christianity is a relationship with Jesus Christ saving a person through His own shed blood, and making that person new inside, constantly working in them to make them more like Him - more loving, gentle, compassionate, etc..
It is certainly good to point out such facts, and not to attack their beliefs openly,. Instead, as noted, "make them thirsty" by remarking about the joy, peace, comfort, etc. that relationship with Christ provides.
A testimony is simply telling what Christ has done in your life, after all. The devil - the god of this world - has blinded people to the truth(2 Cor. 4:4) - another reason we must show there's a difference between us and the world, and not be hypocrites. And, since the devil has put spiritual blinders on them, we can't remove those blinders by worldly means alone. We need the Holy Spirit to work in each person's heart.
We are called to be in the world, but not of it. Romans 12:2 says "Be not conformed to this world..." In other words, if you would struggle with other faiths as a newer believer, a ministry to Muslims might not be for you because you might be tempted to compromise on basic fundamentals of salvation in trying to witness to them - those being that Jesus Christ is God in flesh, born of a virgin, lived a perfect, sinless life, died on the cross to take the punishment for each of our sins, and rose bodily from the dead. However, if you would be able to stand firm on those, then it's important to be sharing your faith in love.
Of course, it seems rough at times when you look at what the most radical are doing, but remember that, first, many of these people are not radicalized but are simply living in terror themselves because of what they are taught, and second, that Jesus died and rose fromt he dead in triumph over such terror. A triumph He wants each of these people to have. And, many times they don't realize how God can truly give them victory over it. This is true of Muslims and of anyone who is not saved and followed a system where they try to be perfect and fall woefully short.
A few of numerous resources
Of course, there are other things we can use, too, to help Muslims understand the Gospel. It's just that it should be done as a friend
helping them understand, not to attack. However, we must realize that the god of Islam is NOT the God of the Bible. Here is a good 2-part sermon series on Islam if you prefer something audio that is simple. 1, 2.
A few of the truths in those, among many which show Allah is not the God of the Bible...
For instance, the meaning of Sonship is different. They say Allah had no son because they only think of physical relationships when they think of a son. However, there is an Arabic word, "ibn, which can be used to help them understand Jesus is a perfect likeness, he is God in flesh(John 1:14, etc.) because in Him(Jesus) dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily.(Col. 2:9)
There is also a way or two to explain the Godhead which will help. Here is one that might help with a few misconceptions. Also, simply explaining "I am a father, a son, and a brother - one man, three attributes is a start. The point is that we can agree that God is one god, and go fromt here to show how He manifests Himself.(As that first one does with talking about how God manifested himself to Moses, etc..)
There is also a way or two to explain the Godhead which will help. Here is one that might help with a few misconceptions. Also, simply explaining "I am a father, a son, and a brother - one man, three attributes is a start. The point is that we can agree that God is one god, and go fromt here to show how He manifests Himself.(As that first one does with talking about how God manifested himself to Moses, etc..)
Part of Muslim culture, however, prevents them from seeking
unless the Lord intervenes. because they fear that God will punish them
for ever doubting. Whereas, the Bible shows that God welcomes questions
and praises those who seek wisdom. this is something to point out slowly, as the Spirit leads - or perhaps more quickly as you are talking, however God leads. Again, we don't know how many others have been witnessing to a person or how effective they have been. But, the Holy Spirit does.
So, be patient and do
however much the Lord leads you to do. Once a Muslim person trusts
Christ as Savior they often face terrible discrimination, ostracism, and
being disowned from their families. So, they will need you to be there
for them to help encourage them. But that will be easy, they will be brothers/sisters in Christ then, learning to grow spiritually just like you.
All is not okay - there is a horrible battle brewing, as this prophecy update shows. The devil wants to take them to hell with him, and also wants to take all those who refuse to accept God's great love and salvation from their sins.
All is not okay - there is a horrible battle brewing, as this prophecy update shows. The devil wants to take them to hell with him, and also wants to take all those who refuse to accept God's great love and salvation from their sins.
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