Friday, November 3, 2017

Don't be distracted: Souls need saved for anything to change

Problems and frustration seem to be everywhere. So many seem angry and ready to tear things down or just overwhelmed and numb.

Whatever you see as the biggest problem today, God has the answer. Imperfect people can't provide perfect solutions like He can, though the devil will try and soon will deceive the world by uniting all against God's perfect love, a time you must prepare for as I show here. I also show how to avoid it (or spread around to help people if it's too late) in this post. Here you can see how to turn to Him, and how turning things over to God will free you.

I know I made that sound very simple. However, you can easily start a Gospel presentation that way.

How to start true change 

It starts with an individual choice. Because let's face it, if you want to go to Florida becasue it's really cold this winter, you have to go the right direction or you'll end up in Alaska, and no road to Alaska will get you to Florida.
Many expect protest and rage over a variety of things, but hearts must change through God's love and forgiveness. That means for ourselves first so we can be reconciled to Him, forgiven and saved from sin? The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. We earn spiritual death because of our sin. That is separation from God forever, from His wonderful love and mercy and separation from any goodness or peace. The good things so many truly want.

God promises us that if we receive his free gift by faith, though, we will go to his perfect Heaven someday where there is no pain, no suffering, no sorrow, no sin. And, He'll give His peace to you whenever you turn to Him once you've trusted Jesus personally to save you.

You can make that choice today. Just call on Jesus by faith, believing He died to take the punishment for your sins and rose from the dead.

You can pray a prayer something like this. "Lord Jesus, I know I'm a sinner. I am not perfect and don't deserve your perfect heaven. But I know you died for my sins, you took my punishment for my sins, and you rose from the dead. Lord Jesus, today I call on you to save me, I trust you to forgive me, I ask you to forgive me and come live in me and make me new inside. Lord Jesus, today I believe that you saved me not because of any work I've done, but because of simple faith in calling on you to save me. In Jesus name, amen."

We must choose individually whether to follow God or the devil every day. We can be sure of our Salvation once we are saved, but we lose blessings and rewards when we stray from Him.

God provides a way for us to follow Him which is very simple if we come together as equals before Him. We complicate it so much as people. We also add things that don't need to be there.

Focus on eternal, call on Him to solve here and now

We are easily distracted by things on the outside. But, causes we stand for and  man-made things we love won't last forever. God may or may not want us to support them - it depends on if they line up with the perfect will of our Creator. Some do, but many things people support don't. Also, sometimes there are important causes but we must remember to put God first and let him use us to make things right in  Godly way, not through disruptiveness. Sometimes, like with certain scandals, it is most important to seek the Lord and pray evil be revealed quickly. As hard as it is for some, myself included, t, let go and let God work, it is important to keep giving things over to Him since He handles issues of the heart best and always has a better solution than people can have.

We must look at the heart for God to change things, and give that heart to Jesus, as I have shared when discussing things like the reconciliation needed for Revival.

Jesus loves everybody. He always has. The cross is not political. It is sad that some try to politicize it. But that doesn't mean it is. It only means that people are using it the wrong way - selfishly, not glorifying God.

It's just like if you lift a lawn mower to trim the top of your hedges. That doesn't make it a hedge trimmer, nor is your mower bad.

The true answer to everything is to take it to God who forgives any who come to Him in Repentance becasue He makes them new inside. He can even revive this nation, but it must begin with us.

it must involve talking with each other and coming to an agreement, understanding and not just planning one's own agenda. Imperfect man can't create a perfect system,  so it stands to reason that we all bring different thoughts of what things represent and need to get along.

However, just 'getting along" isn't going to create a perfect world - that won't come till Jesus returns. We still should work as hard as we can to support Godly causes, but followers of God should be known for what they're for - a loving God who forgives sin and makes people new inside and so on - not just what they're against.

Anything else - as much as we may love things like our country - distracts you from the real issue.

Trust God to heal this land - counter-intuitive but logical

I posted numerous times that God's justice is better than man's, and how God will bring peace and justice when He reigns. We need to be careful because, as noted, the Antichrist will come first and try to lure people into his false peace.
 God's peace is something you can have now and forever.

It may feel counter-intuitive, because we want to solve things ourselves. However, since we, as imperfect people, can't create something perfect becasue of that heart problem, it makes sense to need to solve that heart problem first, in ourselves and then in others.

God can use us to heal the land, but it must be through cnostructive, not destructive things. If you drop something on your toe, you might soon forget about your headache, but you might also have a broken tow because of it. That might make you forget your headache but it won't heal it. (So, if you wondered if I'd come up with a different analogy for a change, there it is. :-) )

This is why I've posted before about resilience being important, and the importance of teaching it, so we can be constructive in our actions. Of course, rumor has it that some people are siply paid to protest, but I won't get into whether I even believe that.

The important thing is tht it doesn't matter how much we try, how much we clamor for change, true change can only come from heart change, and that can only come because the Holy Spirit is working in hearts. And, the Spirit will only work in hearts when we repent of our sins and turn to God. then, he will hear from heaven and heal this land.
 We need people to follow Him and not be distracted by all the mess around them. It's not going to last.
What we can take with us if nothing here will last - signs of a healed land

So, if everything here is going to disappear someday anyway, what will those who trust Christ s Saviour take with them?

The rewards they earn for doing Godly things here for Him, and the souls of those they helped.

A healed land would have people helping others - including you, the reader - for God's sake, not angrily acting out for selfish gain in things that won't even last.

It would have everyone working together for good, just as many people seek now anyway.

It would have all of these thigns done for the glory of God because people wouldn't be selfishly thinking only of what they can get out of it, they would not be throwing money at sensual thigns that can only harm relationships.

This nation hasn't been perfect - it has ideals that it hasn't lived up to, but we can take the right kind of action by calling on Jesus to heal us and to change hearts from our own all the way to the White House and everywhere in between.

Rather than taking thigns totally the wrong direction, falling into the hands of the devil, we can and must call on the Lord and turn to Him for salvation and for Godliness to return to this land.

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