The Bible speaks of a type of reconciliation that doesn't just involve person-to-person, though. We must be reconciled to God so we can have that proper relationship needed to be the loving, caring people He made us to be.
Yes, we can care about others without Him. However, that is a selfish kind of caring, puffing ourselves up, not God, who is personal and loving and desires a relationship with us. We fall short of His perfect glory, and have a sin nature, but he wants to correct that problem through what he did for us, and then work in us to show His love and improve the world.
We can't rely on ourselves to fix it because there is such a sin problem, a problem that grows when we fail to focus on God and His perfect ways. We instead try to do thing on our own strength and isntead mess up. The Dallas police protecting a Black Lives matter protest and getting shot provide a perfect example - here were people trying to unite for peace, the police were protecting peaceful protesters, and yet the devil still broke in riling people up outside of it to do mean stuff. (Okay, I linked to one - these police and protesters were working together in what seems to be a Godly fashion. It just shows that we can't rely on people to do this themselves - we need God to be our victory.)
As people, we struggle with things like evil. Not everyone
will be tempted to be as violent as some of the people in the news
lately. However, we all fall short of the mark of perfection. And, we
can't make ourselves perfect. The world's system tries, but that system
is much better, as this shows from my ministry blog.
God's justice is better, his forgiveness is better, his
mercies last forever. So, how do we receive that if we can't do it
ourselves? How do we become reconciled to God? Because, that is what
needs to be done for there to be a repentance Revival.
New on the inside
First, one must become a new creature in Christ. As I have
mentioned often in this blog, each of us sins - even if we don't commit every
type of sin, we still are not perfect. So, we must be made new on the
inside. It is being a new creature that allows us to be reconciled to
God. It's as easy as ABC - Admit you're a sinner, Believe Jesus died to take the punishment for your sins and rose from the dead, and Call on Him to forgive you and save you from your sin, Choosing to trust in Him completely as having done all that was needed to make you new inside.
That reconciliation allows God to have a personal
relationship with us. God reconciled us to Himself by taking the
punishment for our sins when he came to this Earth as a man, fully God
and fully man, died on the cross for our sins and rose from the dead. It
Is by trusting Him, calling on Him by faith to forgive and save you,
that you become reconciled to Him.
When you do this, Jesus comes to live in you through the
Holy Spirit. God the Holy Spirit is how he works in you to help you grow
more Christ-like in things like the fruits of the Spirit in Galatians
5:22-23. He will help you be kind and tender-hearted, like in Ephesians 4:32. You can learn to focus on the many positive thigns of Philippians 4:8. Many other verses which show God's perfect love.
Once a person is reconciled to God, so they know they can
go to heaven, they will have life more abundantly here on Earth too, as I
speak of here.
More importantly, they will have gain the ministry of
reconciliation so that they can be ambassadors for Jesus Christ and
share his love with others.
Represent God With Love
An ambassador's job is 2 represent his or her country in
another country. An ambassador will work too ensure that businesses have
the help they need and working with that country. And, more
importantly, the Ambassador will work to ensure his or her nation's
citizens are not mistreated and provide help where they can. They speak
to the government for the citizens.
As Christians, our role as ambassadors fits perfectly into
the admonition to be in the world but not of the world. An ambassador
cannot represent his or her country without going to that country. And
yet, they also would not be doing their jobs if they broke off contact
with their home country and decided they were going to become a citizen
the country they were in. That would be laughable if they did that.
Romans 12:1-2 says, among other things, that we should be
transformed by the renewing of our minds. That means continuing to allow
our minds to be made more in the image of Jesus Christ in our love,
compassion, and so on.
We need to care for non-Christians as well as Christians.
Ultimately, God wants everyone to come to know him as Saviour. It's just
that we fail sometimes because that old fleshly nature wants to do
other things. It wants to seek revenge or spout off angrily or do other
things that will hurt people.
Thankfully, of course, we are fully reconciled to God and
will not lose our Salvation. However we will lose blessings and rewards
if we don't take advantage of that relationship and let God work in
us to help us to grow spiritually and glorify Him.
So, the key is to reconcile others to God, leading to the
Gospel. Gospel is a word that means good news. We have good news to tell
people, that the God of love has reconciled us to Himself despite our
sin. In His perfect Heaven, we will all gather around the throne and
celebrate forever no matter what we do. That is, members of every tribe
and kindred and tongue and nation.
In other words, we will all be equal in heaven and that
equality should start here on Earth. God is personal and only looks at the heart, not the outward appearance.(1 Sam.16:7) We must put aside differences -
while standing firm on sound doctrinal facts that are from the Bible, sharing with others that Jesus save, not man's works -
and come together in the spirit of unity.
The answer must involve remembering God's love
It is in the spirit of unity we need to realize that all
lives matter - black, blue, green with red polka dots and orange swirly
thingies, whoever you are, you are special to God. You matter to Him,
and you are special to people here on Earth too. We should see each other as special.
The problem, of course, is that some people, on both sides,
don't seem to recognize that. There are too many people acting in anger
and frustration. That is a spirit of the devil witch comes only to
destroy, rather than to build up. That verse where Jesus promises to
give us life more abundantly is in the same place as Jesus warning that
the thief does come only to tear down and destroy. That life more
abundantly comes as we encourage others and let God encourage us in our
walk with him to be more Christ-like in our love for everyone. After
all, we are all created in God's image.
In order to do this, we must remember that God is still in
the picture. In many ways, we have sadly chosen to ignore God. There are
many times when people will only do that which is right in their ownsight(Jud.21:25) , instead of the common sense God gave which allows us to realize
other people matter and that we can't simply do whatever we want. True freedom can only come in Christ and what He did for us.
It can sound like a broken record, of course, to say that
we need to share with others how they are creations of God and should
not be tempted to do violence - and how we need to realize that
ourselves so we do not feel tempted to do it to others but instead
recognize that God loves them and does not want people to be acting
rashly against them.
There are, of course, bad things in this world. However,
that should not cause us to act in a rash manner. As the Bible says in ephesians 4, be
ye angry and sin not, let not the sun go down upon your wrath. In other
words, don't let anger fester and turn into sin. Instead, make things
right by working together in love with those who hurt you. Do good to
those who persecute you, and you will heap burning fire upon their
heads. This means that if they do not get saved it will torment them
that they did not show that kindness and repent. And, if they do, Jesus
Christ will have taken the punishment for their sins, just as He did for
We need His help, however. Just as being strong in the Lord
means strengthening from the outside, this work of coming together must
come from the Holy Spirit working in us and in the country. And, He
can. Jesus says the Holy Spirit isn't come into the world only to dwell
in saved people. He came to convict the world of sin, righteousness, and judgment.(John 16:7-12)
So, be reconciled to God, and as discussed elsewhere in this blog, pray without ceasing and encourage others to be, also, so that God the Holy Spirit can work int his nation and bring repentance revival. And, if the devil attack like he did in Dallas, just remember, God has already won the final battle. We just need to help people see His love and feel His perfect peace and comfort here on Earth.
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