Just because the National Day of Prayer was yesterday does
not mean we should stop. In fact we must redouble our efforts - which
I just realized would mean four times the effort since that means doubled again. :-)
Seriously we still are in a major spiritual war, and will be till the
Lord returns, as you can see earlier in what I posted on the whole armor of God. We have a disadvantage in that there are no home games. We
won't have to worry about this battle once we get to Heaven, but now we
must trust the Lord to bring us victory.
The only way to have certain victory is to follow Him. But,
God does not force us to; He lovingly guides us and gives us free will; He doesn't want us to be mindless robots.
Just as we cannot force someone to love us, He will not force us to
love him. Instead, He showers His love and mercy upon us, helping us
through, giving us peace that passes understanding, and so much more so
we will want to follow Him. He knows our hearts, and wants us to follow
him willingly.
Much of that following is in the area of prayer. Of coruse, as stated before, we must do it with an eye toward letting him point out our own failings and forsaking them, but since that is something i noted should be done with prayer anyway, it stands to reason that it can safely be included in it, just as doing good deedscan even be lumped in as part of prayer We must go
to Him with our concerns, because that is how we show that we recognize
we can't do it ourselves, and then let Him show us how we can be involved in making this world a better place - not to save the world from sinners, but to save sinners from a lost and dying world.
Certainly, people have tried since time began to create a
perfect world. However, we can't do it on our own because of our sin
nature. We must have healing from tragedies like Ferguson and Baltimore, but to do that we must realize we need to rely on God for
guidance. Because, ISIS was there to stir up trouble as noted in my earlier post, and even without that worry some fear more will come. However, we must not let them win becasue ISIS is following the same lie that sparked modern thoughts on racism, when in fact all of us *are* created equal and as one race, the human race, God calls us to band together. We must have followers of Christ coming
together from all cultures - notice I
don't say races because we are all one race, the human race - to pray. We must have followers of Christ from all cultures
coming together to share Christ's love with others.
To be a follower, however, one must be doing more than
paying lip service. There are, of course, people who follow Jesus from
afar. They trust Jesus Christ as their Saviour, and are truly born again,
but have difficulty with the many troubles life throws at them because
of their environment. However, they fail to realize that - while it may
be more difficult in some cases - they can overcome that environment.
They can triumph because Philippians 4:13 promises I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.
When someone in a remote tribe in New Guinea for instance
gets saved, they examine what their tribe has has standards and mores,
and keep in their life what is pleasing to God and remove what is not.
That is a lesson we can all follow. This is why we are told to lay aside
every weight and the sin which doth so easily beset us.(Hebrews 12:1)
So, if you are a dissatisfied black or African-American (and I have heard both used), don't follow the ways of this world, don't follow the lies of the devil. And, please, get the word out about what the Creator of the Universe has done. He has made us all of one race and wants each of us to throw aside those heavy weights and shackles of sin and focus on the things of Philippians 4:8 - the true, honest, lovely, etc..(Edit: Which now have a post here) The devil has held all of us down for far too long, and we *must* combat him through prayer and through turning away from those things which doth so easily beset us.
Let us continue this national day of prayer mindset and do even more, not just praying but repenting for this nation and for ourselves. let us turn from all our evil ways and say "never again. Never again will we allow the devil to rile us up, but we will seek God's face to put an end to this evil that has come upon our land. And, instead of going from oppressor to oppressor, you can be part of the generation that truly frees this country by being dedicated to Godly principles without the hypocrisy of the past. Becasue, Jesus Christ is your creator - He is neither white or black, He is God in flesh, He came to this world to seek and save that which was lost.
We are all lost right now as a country, but many people praying and dedicated to bringing this nation back to Jesus will have an impact.
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