Hi. Please share with those you love and everyone else.
I don't want to alarm anyone, but a big spiritual battle is here. Thankfully, we can know we're on the winning side with God.
I don't want to alarm anyone, but a big spiritual battle is here. Thankfully, we can know we're on the winning side with God.
You may wonder why I do this. I can only say God is leading me. I serve Him because I want to, because I love Him, not because I have to. He wants you to know Him, too.
Oh, He knows you. I don't know if you feel poor and oppressed, but I hope this is reaching some who are. Becasue He has a warning for you. See, there's a reason why ISIS showed up in Ferguson and again in baltimore. And, it's not becasue they like they like the cuisine. Let me be blunt - African-Americans are in grave danger from the Islamic State!
I'm not trying to be Chicken Little, but I'm telling you the truth that slavery was begun by Islamic leaders. Now, I'll be the first to admit we as a nation were *horribly* wrong ina llowing it. In fact, I would like to ask the African-American community right here, right now, to spread this around the internet world it is a simple request to pleast forgive us. I know it's been 150 years, and all my male relatives (of those who were here and could fight)actually fought to free the slaves. But, like Daniel prayed in chapter 9, we must seek god's face for forgiveness for all our fathers have done even if we were not a part of it. So, please forgive us.
Now, what does this have to do with Ferguson or Baltimore? Plenty.
the enemy is no longer whites, and while we sahre a common enemy in ISIS, this battle is a spiritual one which is led by the prince of darkness that rules this world, which is ruling over ISIS and is beheading innocent people. Ephesians 6:12 says, "We wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against powers, against principalities, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, agaisnt spiritual wickedness in high places." And, we've got some wrestling to do.
How did they get there so fast?
How do you think ISIS got to Ferguson so quickly after the riots broke out? I *might* give them Baltimore becasue it's a large city, but Ferguson isn't. And it's not just because of social media, though that is a problem and we'll discuss later in this blog how it needs to be turned to good.
No, there is a spiritual realm, and i believe that the powers of darkness that cause people to start beheading others - I'm not saying it'll start all over tomorrow or anything, but it HAS happened in the United States - riled up the police who caused the problems, police who are a few bad apples in a world of good ones. That's how they knew they could go there so quickly. I'm not saying each of the offending policemen are members of ISIS, but what I am saying is there is a spirit of rebellion against what is morally right that is at play here. It has caused hundreds of years of oppression, it caused the riots and it must be quenched.
In otehr words, the police aren't the problem, forces of evil are the problem, and we *much* seek God's help to defeat them.
How to pray
"The fervent, effectual prayer of a righteous man availeth much." Don't let the King james Bible's language taunt you, this was the only Bible for 250 years, before the corrupted manuscripts were used to create all the modern versions. It's easy to understand with god's help, and this verse shows it must be fervent (meaningful, heartfelt, etc.), it must be in God's will, and the person must be righteous. But, all our righteousness is as filthy rags compared to God's perfection. So, we must have the righteousness of Christ.
Yes, God Himself came to this world to take the punishment for each of our sins. he calls us to repent and call on Him to save us. It's a message that needs sent everywhere - tweeted, retweeted, blogged, whatever else is possible. Maybe you prefer a video like this, maybe a look at Answers in Genesis, or a blog through the same, eitehr way I am not ashamed of the Gospel or even my very corny attempt at rapping. Just don't let the devil catch you napping, 'cause he wants to drag you down with him when he goes, and you can be sure that oppressor of mankind sicne the beginning,t hat old serpent, is going to get his just desserts.
But, we have to realize our sin nature seperates us from a perfect and holy God who made us all of one race, the human race, and the devil used Darwinian evolution to try to convince us that we weren't really equal when in fact we are all created equal.
But, ISIS doesn't like that, they are trying to rile up Americans and may have been part of another attack. We must remain calm and be on our knees crying out to God in prayer to restore this land. I have already offered even an olive branch of reconciliation as I asked for forgiveness for the way American has been for over 350 years, now the question is, do you want freedom? f course, we all do.
This is why we must all beg God for forgiveness and repent of our sins. Hey, I just said I repented of stuff that I wasn't a part of, I pray about that all the time when seeking God's face. So, surely you can, too.
Just please, pray, pray, pray. Seek god's face so God will hear and heal us. But, remember that this healing starts with personal repentence. Just like when I asked forgiveness for what our nation has done.
I asked a child, maybe 9-10 years of age, on our church bus maybe 10 years ago if he would please forgive the church for not doing enough to stop slavery. It was hard, but he was able to nod yes. I think that kind of forgiveness is where it starts. let's stop burning our bridges and start building them instead, going forward as that one race- the human race - to pray and ask god to save us from the evil that is trying to mess thigns up.
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