Youthquake just recorded this radio show on Daniel 9 and praying
for repentance revival.(Which also faced spiritual attack as it wasn't able to be uploaded on the Youthquake site for a while because of computer glitches.) It meshes with what I've said about the need
for a repentant heart, like here, and reconciliation.
Part of that is avoiding deception, too. It's vital to know
what's real so you can avoid being tricked, because if you fall for the
wrong trick, it can be fatal. It's like if you think your road is clear
when there is invisible ice and you wind up skidding and crashing into a
tree or slipping and breaking something while walking. The ice can't be seen since your senses (which, being human, can be wrong) may say it's not there, but your faith(trust in what you know of driving) tells you to be careful.
Yes, our senses are faulty at times. Even places like this secular article suggest there are dimensions beyond what we perceive, thus explaining the spiritual realm. The devil uses tricks I'll discuss to turn people away from God.
However, God has unconditional love for each of us and is always longing for people to come to Him for salvation. You are only a single, sincere prayer of repentance from eternal life.
God reveals His truth so we can avoid deceptions, just like something that can reveal when that invisible ice is there so we don't slip driving or walking.
Yes, our senses are faulty at times. Even places like this secular article suggest there are dimensions beyond what we perceive, thus explaining the spiritual realm. The devil uses tricks I'll discuss to turn people away from God.
However, God has unconditional love for each of us and is always longing for people to come to Him for salvation. You are only a single, sincere prayer of repentance from eternal life.
He made this world without suffering or sin in it. However, mankind brought sin
in by choosing to rebel(Rom. 5:12), and things have been declining since.
Still, each of us - you - have God's Word: You are "fearfully and
wonderfully made"(Ps.139:14), a special creation of God here for a
special purpose. The devil wants you to think you have no purpose or design, but you do - to show
God's love to everyone once you are saved from your sin. While
we've all sinned and come short of the glory of God, and we earn
spiritual death - separation from God's perfect love forever - because
of our sin, God has given each of us the free gift of eternal life by
simply trusting Him to save us from our sin.
Indeed, if you or anyone else were the only person ever on the face of
the earth. God still would have come to this world, and Jesus Christ,
God in flesh, would have died to take the punishment for your sins and
risen again. He wants to give each of us life more abundantly, with eternal rewards that will last forever. You can go here to talk to an online mentor who can help guide you in your walk with God.
God reveals His truth so we can avoid deceptions, just like something that can reveal when that invisible ice is there so we don't slip driving or walking.
What Counterfeits Can Trick Us?
Some things have been discussed, like how to pray the devil doesn't counterfeit things in a revival. Others haven't. I'll mention them later, but first, the need to understand and follow sound Doctrine is vital. There are many traps that sound good but aren't. A milkshake might sound great, but one little bit of dog food will make it very yucky and you won't want to eat it. At least I hope not. Yet if it is only called a milkshake and you don't investigate it, you won't know till it's too late that it has dog food in it.
That's why, as some are famous for saying, there are no counterfeit $47 bills. There aren't any real ones. Sound Doctrine comes from the inspired Word of God, and even the original Antiochan texts have been counterfeited. (This is why, while we know the Bible is fully reliable, in places like this, I've mentioned it's important to use the King James; others come from the Alexandrian texts.)
Some things have been discussed, like how to pray the devil doesn't counterfeit things in a revival. Others haven't. I'll mention them later, but first, the need to understand and follow sound Doctrine is vital. There are many traps that sound good but aren't. A milkshake might sound great, but one little bit of dog food will make it very yucky and you won't want to eat it. At least I hope not. Yet if it is only called a milkshake and you don't investigate it, you won't know till it's too late that it has dog food in it.
That's why, as some are famous for saying, there are no counterfeit $47 bills. There aren't any real ones. Sound Doctrine comes from the inspired Word of God, and even the original Antiochan texts have been counterfeited. (This is why, while we know the Bible is fully reliable, in places like this, I've mentioned it's important to use the King James; others come from the Alexandrian texts.)
No, I'm not talking about some weird place that serves dog
food milkshakes. If only I was talking about something that simple. It
would be funny. However, the devil tricks us with much different things,
things which look very satisfying on the outside but are destructive
inside, just like having a $5714 bill might feel satisfying till you try to use it and find out it's worthless.
One of those things is the ecumenical movement. Many churches in it do not preach sound Doctrine. That
in itself should turn you off. They may be nice people, but they are
deceived as to what is most important. God is most important. We can't
create a perfect world because we are sinners who come woefully short of
the glory of God. God's ways will always be better than man's ways, as posts like this on God's justice shows, and this on His ways versus the world's.
It's just one of the things I warned about here. It's leading to the One World Religion of Revelation which even the devil will fight (2 Thess.2:3-4) before this world of sin is destroyed by God. We must lovingly warn people away from it in a spirit of compassion so God can protect them. It will be the devil's way of trying to draw many to destruction. They are trying to create a world in their image by making works the most important thing, but nobody can overthrow what the Bible says,. The Bible says salvation is by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone.(Eph. 2:8-9,John 3:16,etc.) It is available to everybody, for whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.(Romans 10:13.)
It's just one of the things I warned about here. It's leading to the One World Religion of Revelation which even the devil will fight (2 Thess.2:3-4) before this world of sin is destroyed by God. We must lovingly warn people away from it in a spirit of compassion so God can protect them. It will be the devil's way of trying to draw many to destruction. They are trying to create a world in their image by making works the most important thing, but nobody can overthrow what the Bible says,. The Bible says salvation is by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone.(Eph. 2:8-9,John 3:16,etc.) It is available to everybody, for whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.(Romans 10:13.)
Others focus only on the
world. They think that God will give us worldly things. However, this idea doesn't even make sense logically. God wants us to focus on treasures that can
never grow old, can never wear out, and so on. In wanting what is best
for us, God doesn't let everyone become rich with worldly things because
He knows those will never last. If a person happens to be rich with
them, God expects them to use that for His Glory by giving to missions,
tithing, and so on. Sure, he provides their needs, but many people have lived for Him while facing poverty, persecution, and so on - the case of George Muller and how he had to pray and have God provide that day's food that very morning at times is a perfect example. He says, "In this world you will have tribulation, but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world."(John 16:33)
The above factors are important to take into account whenever we pray for revival. There is another solemn assembly being called September 21, but we must be repentant and not just call on God without turning from our wicked ways in our own hearts and lives. We can't say, "Turn this wheel and let me drive North" as we continue to push the gas pedal to the floor and speed South.
Avoid "Science Falsely So Called"(1 Tim.6:20)
Superstring theory shows that extra dimensions beyond our three physical and time can exist. There is a spiritual realm; we know that from the Bible.What we take in should be tested against God's perfect, inerrant truth.(John 17:17)
Evolutionists use time to try to prove things, but they claim the simple becomes more complex without an outside force, when it can't, any more than a bunch of airplane parts can form an airplane.Cave paintings of dinosaurs and dragons, all of which are remarkably consistent, seem to indicate - along with some Out of Place Artifacts - that people lived with them and were much more intelligent than we credit them with being.
Even Worse Tricks To Avoid - Occult, etc.
The above factors are important to take into account whenever we pray for revival. There is another solemn assembly being called September 21, but we must be repentant and not just call on God without turning from our wicked ways in our own hearts and lives. We can't say, "Turn this wheel and let me drive North" as we continue to push the gas pedal to the floor and speed South.
Avoid "Science Falsely So Called"(1 Tim.6:20)
Superstring theory shows that extra dimensions beyond our three physical and time can exist. There is a spiritual realm; we know that from the Bible.What we take in should be tested against God's perfect, inerrant truth.(John 17:17)
Creationism isn't a requirement for salvation, you just have to trust that Jesus Christ died for your sins and rose from the dead and call on Him by faith to save you and make you new, putting all your trust in Him to do so. Still, the devil uses what the Bible calls "science falsely so called" to trick people a lot. This Bible quote shows the Bible supports science but doesn't support pseudoscience, things that are based on false assumptions, etc..
For isntance, even secular Discover Magazine had this article on Neanderthals, for instance, debunking a lot of evolutionists theories about them. Actually, their DNA is present in
many Europeans and Asians today, and could easily be said to have just had normal diseases. Much about them has been debunked by science, which keeps changing, whereas the Bible's comments about science, such as here and here, have been true since time began. God told of them thousands of years before we discovered them
Let's leave that aside, though, because some are now claiming it was aliens because they can't explain it any other way. This leads to the spiritual realm and an even more dangerous deception. This link
is around 2 hours long, but it's a video from December, 2011 that talks about
how demonic creatures may appear from other realms pretending to be aliens, but they are not. That link, starting at about 29 minutes, starts talking about
string theory and why there are multiple dimensions we can't see. Starting about 1 hour, you'll hear the connection to Genesis 6 and the evil Nephilim.
Even Worse Tricks To Avoid - Occult, etc.
Those are big problems. However, the occult is an even bigger one since there is so much spiritual warfare. In fact, the devil does so much to get into our minds that I've chosen not to link occult stuff; it's not good for even adults like me who are strong in their faith, let alone those who struggle. Event he strong should do lots of prayer and even fasting, immersed in God's Word, before searching the 'Net about it. It is vital to recognize some things are real problems. One video tells of something which clearly exists and speaks of a desire to limit human population to 500 million; this lack of concern for life goes against God, who values each person individually, as I shared above and have blogged in places such as here. He is personal and wants a relationship with you to not only save you from sin and hell but to be a trusted guide, comforter, helper, friend, and so much more.
Superstring theory proves there is a spiritual realm, as noted. The devil could use the idea of aliens when it is really demons appearing to people. Thus, this warning is issued.
There is a lot more out there than we can see, including spirits. Those who experience strange, supernatural things generally view them as scary, and have dabbled in occultic stuff beforehand. These are NOT aliens from other worlds. They are demons. These people did not test things to see if they were of God. They got caught up in evil instead.
That's why this question will allow that person to know for sure if something can be trusted. It must be answered
“yes.” Such a question is important.
The devil makes things very enticing, drawing people into it, if they're not careful. People who refuse to accept God's unconditional love will fall for a strong delusion someday in order to continue doing wickedly. The Bible says it's coming. We don’t know what that delusion
will be. However, we know two things for certain:
1. Every spirit must be tested,
to see whether it is of God.(1 John 4:1) In fact, 1 John 4:1-3 – along with
2 John 7 – show why a certain question from the Bible is important to ask any creature.
2. Today is the day of salvation.
Whether or not that delusion involves demons posing as aliens - mentioned in part of this radio show from Youthquake - the greatest evil is being restrained. That delusion will come
full force on those who remain after the restrainer (the Holy Spirit) is taken
out of the way (2 Thessalonians 2:7) as believers are caught up in the Rapture.
Jesus’ return is imminent. He could come at any time.
There is a lot more out there than we can see, including spirits. Those who experience strange, supernatural things generally view them as scary, and have dabbled in occultic stuff beforehand. These are NOT aliens from other worlds. They are demons. These people did not test things to see if they were of God. They got caught up in evil instead.
Before the question - a summary of what the devil/demons are
The Bible warns that God has an enemy, the devil. The devil can masquerade as an angel of light. He hates humans. Why? We are God’s creation, formed in God’s image.
God created everything in the
beginning, and gave angels freedom. However, in his pride, the devil – an angel
named Lucifer - tried to overthrow God, and become like the Most High. Instead,
the devil was defeated by God’s perfect love, goodness, etc.. Now, the devil
works with fallen angels which followed him to deceive God’s creatures. That
deception is what led to the fall of Adam and Eve, which is when sin came into
our formerly perfect world. It’s also what leads to those spooky sightings, if
those sightings are of evil spirits and not some experiment.
God is a God of love, though, as
well as one of justice. He wants us to believe and follow Him willingly. He
gives us free choice. He doesn’t want us to be mindless robots. Still, He wants
us to be in His perfect Heaven someday. We can’t get there ourselves, because we
are imperfect. We say, think, and do things that displease God; that’s what sin
is. We can’t earn our way there, because we can never be perfect. Only
perfection can be in Heaven, because it is a place with no pain, no suffering,
no tears, no decay, no death. We, as imperfect people, can’t see, hear, or even
imagine the wonders that await us. But, we will always have that sin on us
unless something is done for us.
God not only made the way, he
gave Himself for us. God couldn’t just say “Sin is forgiven” from up in
Heaven. He had to come to this world, be born as a baby, and live a perfect life,
before He died on the cross as the perfect, sinless substitute for our sins. He
took the punishment for each of us, the punishment we deserved. He had to be
human in order to die for us humans, to take human punishment. And yet, He was
also God the Son, so after He died, He then rose from the dead. God
the Father sent God the Son to die for us, but at the same time, God the Son
came willingly. He lives in every believer through God the Holy Spirit, and
intercedes on our behalf before God the Father in Heaven.
This is why I emphasize salvation so much. We need God's protection from that evil, since we are powerless against it ourselves.
Even the devils – the fallen
angels – understand who God is. That’s why in Matthew 8:29, and elsewhere, they cry out that Jesus is
the Son of God. This means that he is God. It’s just like James and John were
nicknamed the “sons of thunder” because of the way they acted, or Barnabas, the
“son of consolation.” The devils feared God, and trembled. However, there is
one important difference between those evil spirits and good spirits.
Evil spirits deny that Jesus
Christ is God in flesh. That is the spirit of
antichrist, as the Bible says. It poses great danger. They deny that Christ’s
salvation cleanses from sin. They try to lead people down another path, a path
that seems good to people. But, it’s a path that ends in destruction.
That’s why we must test the
spirits, to see if they are of God. And, why we are warned so emphatically
about the spirits that deny that Jesus Christ is God in flesh. They must *never*
be followed, because they lead man away from our perfect, loving, yet holy and
just God.
So, what is the question which must be asked?
After all that, i imagine you can guess it. It is this: “Is Jesus Christ God
in the flesh?”
What does this have to do with
aliens? See, claims of life on other planets would change all of society.
However, we’d have to be sure the “aliens” were not lying spirits,
since we wouldn’t know what their inside was. It's just like we need to gauge whether a person is saved by how they act and not just by their words. I can say I'm the King of Belgium but it doesn't say anything about the real King of Belgium. And, I sure wouldn't want Belgians thinking I was their king. (Though they do make great waffles. :-) )
Another reason is that strong delusion God warns of in 2 Thess. 2:8-12. That strong delusion could, possibly, be devils disguised as aliens. They could also be the Nephilim of Geneses 6:1-4, about which there is much debate, but which some believe to be part demon, and part human.
Another reason is that strong delusion God warns of in 2 Thess. 2:8-12. That strong delusion could, possibly, be devils disguised as aliens. They could also be the Nephilim of Geneses 6:1-4, about which there is much debate, but which some believe to be part demon, and part human.
Is there intelligent life on other planets?
No, it will be up to those who have been saved from their sins to explore the cosmos once we get to Heaven.
Here’s why: 1. Creation began on Earth, no other planets are mentioned; 2. Jesus died once for all. He didn’t die in several places; 3. God never changes, he is always faithful and true; he wouldn’t have one plan of salvation for one planet, another for another – even in the Old Testament, salvation was always by faith; 4. Jesus’ talk of others “not of this flock” refers to Gentiles, as His followers then were all Jews; 5. God wiped all flesh from the Earth during the Flood, save for those in the Ark, because of the gross evil – in His mercy, He gave them one last time to repent as the waters rose. There is no sign people built spaceships before then. Even 10 Edisons and Einsteins living centuries couldn’t create all that would be needed for interstellar travel. So, that eliminates that option.
Here’s why: 1. Creation began on Earth, no other planets are mentioned; 2. Jesus died once for all. He didn’t die in several places; 3. God never changes, he is always faithful and true; he wouldn’t have one plan of salvation for one planet, another for another – even in the Old Testament, salvation was always by faith; 4. Jesus’ talk of others “not of this flock” refers to Gentiles, as His followers then were all Jews; 5. God wiped all flesh from the Earth during the Flood, save for those in the Ark, because of the gross evil – in His mercy, He gave them one last time to repent as the waters rose. There is no sign people built spaceships before then. Even 10 Edisons and Einsteins living centuries couldn’t create all that would be needed for interstellar travel. So, that eliminates that option.
Even if there could be, though, that
brings us back to the question that must be asked, and why they'd have to say "yes.":
God had a perfect
relationship with Adam and Eve until the Fall of Man. If creatures never fell
from grace, they’d have a relationship like angels who remained loyal to God. He’d
tell what He had done for humankind. Since Jesus died once for all, and Jesus
is God, they would know. They would clearly say “Yes, Jesus Christ is God, and
He came in flesh as mankind’s Savior, for all who receive Him, for whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord (Jesus) shall be saved.” They’d testify that
the Bible was true. We’d know they were friendly. And, they’d be people. They’d see common history from the start of
Genesis. The Word of God is swift, and powerful, sharper than any two-edged
sword, and can easily pierce the hearts of His creation – us. (Hebrews 4:12)
God can’t lie. It’s impossible. When
He says something exists, there it is. He tells the story of Creation, the
Fall, Redemption and through it all, His great love for His creation. When the fullness of time was come, He came into this world to die once
for all of His fallen creatures. He would not leave His fallen creatures
without the possibility of salvation.
The Bible is our authority for
everything. Jesus Christ alone should be
followed, as He alone is perfect love and goodness. Only He provides salvation,
as He is God in flesh; only He was the perfect, sinless sacrifice for our sin. The
Bible has an answer for everything. One key passage is James 1:5, the promise
that God will give wisdom to anyone who asks; He will give cheerfully, and
never complain about it. Go to Him with all your questions, and all your
problems, because He can help you like noone else.
Jesus is, after all, God, Who
came in the flesh; He is well acquainted with our infirmities, yet was without
sin, so He could take our punishment when He died on the cross, and then rose
triumphantly from the dead. The Bible clearly shows (in Revelation 19) how He’ll
come after the Battle of Armageddon, and rule and reign on this Earth.
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