It just takes a single sincere prayer of repentance to Him to have that relationship. You just need to put your faith in what He did for you on the cross as having taken the punishment for your sins, and call on Him to save you. Creation questions such as about dinosaurs can be answered - many helps are here. However they are not the focus of this, though it helps to recognize God made this world perfect with no pain, no suffering, etc., but He gave people free choice so we wouldn't be mindless robots, so people chose to sin and turn from Him. You don't have to believe that to trust Jesus Christ to save you from your sins and get to Heaven.
Salvation is the key; the links are merely to help you if others ask. However, it is important to believe God is personal so you can talk with Him and let Him be your guide, helper, comforter, etc.. It's that personal relationship which will let God change things and use us to help through our prayers and our actions and attitude. (Prayer is vital before telling others about Him, too; as for other helps, they're in the last section.)
This post sharing a push for revival in Los Angeles will be featured through part of April 92016) for two good reasons. It encourages prayer for a known goal to glorify God. And, it shows how the devil can counterfeit things if we're not careful, thus sharing a great prayer need, that the devil not be able to counterfeit this revival, that only God be at work.
God Is Personal and Loves You - Why Some Reject Him and How To Help
One trick the devil uses is to make us think God is only transcendent. That means the devil makes people think God is too far above people to care. However, that is a lie. God cares deeply about us even though we go astray so much. God wants us to invite Him into our lives as a guide, comforter, helper, friend, and so much more. He gave each of us gifts, talents, etc. and wants to help us each use those to benefit us and others and glorify His love as much as possible. We don't have to do any work to earn His love - we just have to receive it by faith, just like a little child trusts a loving parent.
Many don't realize how much God cares. Some were taught false doctrine like transcendence growing up, so they believed the wrong thing. Shows 72-75 here give a good description of the errors of the Catholic Church, for instance. And, that doesn't mention some things, such as their teaching that the Church has replaced israel. On the contrary, God still loves the Jewish people and will soon deal with them as His chosen people again; it's like they're "grounded" right now, with individuals still trusting Christ and getting saved but in the Age of Grace Gentiles are being grafted in. So, if people claim to not trust Christians, make sure they understand that true Christians love everyone and understand that the Jews are still God's chosen people and love and respect them for that.
Some reject God because something specific bad happened in their lives or someone else's. They need to learn God can make good come out of it, like my grandpa and World War Two. He trained for over a year and was all ready to make his first training flight with his crew in World War Two. He got deathly sick with pleurisy. While he was in the hospital,t he flight took off and crashed in New Mexico, with all on board dying. Being very sick let him live another 54 years. His sister-in-law couldn't have children but becasue of that they adopted two wonderful kids who might not have had such good homes otherwise.
Others chose to reject God's perfect, unconditional love, though that can be because they never understood how God was protecting and guiding them away from things that could harm them.
Sometimes awful things are done to people. Such victims need told first they did nothing wrong in the situation, nothing to deserve such trauma. Then, they need to see how God can heal them of the pain. He wants to, because He is personal. They might need to keep giving stuff to Him because it is so hard, but he will help them. Sometimes they wind up medicating themselves with things that won't last, just like the woman at the well (John 4) who kept looking for love in guys rather than trusting God to save her. When Jesus came and showed who Him was, then she trusted Him to save her from her sin.
All need God to heal them, forgiving them from their own sin and making them new on the inside.
Who Is God? Trust the Creator, not the Creature
Okay, so back to personal vs. transcendent, true repentance means that a person is a new creature in Christ(2 Cor.5:17) and that God will keep making them new as more parts of their life are turned over to Him. this is the importance of that personal relationship, a Friend who guides, heals, etc. to be more like the loving, compassionate Christ we see in the Bible who loves all and yet who also takes stands for moral standards. (This post shared what we believe; it's important to stay positive when we can and not just say what we're against.)
Romans 1:25 is part of a sad, downward spiral that talks about how people worshiped the creature more than the Creator. This is what happens when "professing themselves wise, people become fools." This causes people to mix Eastern thought in with the Word of God - although as this show shows, it's really just another way for people to try to work their way up to God when we can't because our sin nature causes us to always fall short of His perfect love, forgiveness, truth, etc.. Sins aren't just big ones, they are ones like lying, being mean, etc.. All have sinned and come short of the glory of God.(Rom.3:23) The wages of sin is death (eternal separation from God), but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.(Rom.6:23) So, God (the Creator) reached down to us (the creature) in His love to save us so we could have that personal relationship with Him.
Why is it important to keep them straight? If a person was a baseball pitcher, and everyone started worshiping the ball they threw, reporters started to interview it - or even the guy's arm - and so on, you'd think they were crazy. But, that's what happens when people worship the creature - the ball, in this case, that gets thrown - more than the creator - the one throwing it.
people worship the creature - including self - more than the Creator,
they are falling for a doctrinal error called New Age; an error quite a few in Hollywood and elsewhere follow. It's a problem
because it makes people think they can make themselves perfect when they
can't. And,
bits can creep into good churches, too. In short, it is imagining a
world where there are no consequences for actions and people just
naturally get along; New Age often denies that there is a sin nature.
it boils down to is that people in New Age worship
demonic spirits. This is why yoga should never be done in the way that
most people do it, where they allow their minds to be empty and the evil
spirits can get into it. Stretching and other exercises are fine if
done with God in mind and to glorify Him, but with so many choices like
zumba one can easily ignore things like yoga. If one is to focus on
something, focus
on Jesus.
(The Bible tells us to meditate on God, His Word, His law, and so on; so, it's okay to meditate, just never totally clear your mind and invite bad spirits in.)
While there are evil forces in the world, people don't need to fear them; God hath not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, of love, and of a sound mind.(2 Timothy 1:7) Yes, god has given us a spirit of power, the power that lets people say, "I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me."(Phil4:13) However, it is not of our own strength, it is only through God working through us we can have that power.
This is why it's so important to have that personal relationship with God and to stay away from crystal balls, ouija boards, and many other things which the devil uses to control us. The devil was a created being with untested creature holiness, but he chose to rebel against God(Isa.14:12-15,Eze.28:11-19,Luke 10:18,Rev. 12) and led 1/3 of the angels with him. That's where demons come from.
Thankfully, we have a personal God who manifests Himself in three ways - Father, Son, and Holy Spirit - and 2/3 of the angels on our side. And, God is all-powerful and will one day destroy all the evil in this world anyway. It is that relationship with God that is vital. that and our sin nature that explains why New Age ideas don't stand up to the great power of God.
Let's look at how a personal walk with God improves things in ways New Age - and any works-based religion - can't.
Only Personal Walk With God Makes Revival Possible
Importance (and Ways) of Sharing God With Others
Since this is already somewhat long, I won't take too much time here, but I want to exhort you to share God's love. I'm sure many readers do, but there will likely be young and old reading who don't know how or who need encouragement.
Starting a conversation can be tricky, but you can always share a website if nothing else. The ABCs of the Gospel I mentioned earlier can be found on the front of this youth ministry site, which has another page with God's Simple Plan of Salvation and a tract link.
Speaking of tracts, the American Tract Society and Child Evangelism Fellowship have very good ones for low cost, and Fellowship Tract League lets you order free ones. These are little pieces of paper telling about God's love and salvation with different themes. CEF also has different clubs a faithful Christian adult can lead; see the CEF site for details.AWANA also has great clubs at churches, Google search for an AWANA club and you can find one.(Because - partly due to my nearsightedness - I couldn't find the club locator right on the site, though it is there.) Evangelism Explosion is also very good. GMO has sites with basics of living as a Christian that you will enjoy if you just click to indicate a decision.
To share the Gospel yourself, in addition to the ABCs I mentioned, here are a few quick keys.
1. Be humble. Don't be someone you aren't. People want to see you're genuine. Admit you're a sinner in need of a Saviour, too, just as I am - we're all just sinners saved by grace and relying on that grace and relationship with God to help us grow more like Jesus.
Remember something like the Romans Road or even just John 3:16 can be used - it's God the Holy Spirit that convicts of sin. Our job is to be his mouthpiece - and, of course, we can't be if we aren't believeable ourselves. And, He speaks best through his Word, which is swift and powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword.
You can refer tough questions to ministries from the largest like Global Media Outreach to the smaller oens like the Youthquake one above with the ABCs of salvation. But, you do have ones like this to show the Bible is real and reliable. Youthquake's radio show has a number of topics dealing with different religions, etc..Along with GMO, this can be a good starting point for discussing with Muslims. Here are some great resources on that in this blog.
Be forgiving. People need unconditional love, especially if they are struggling with something. It's our job to point them to Jesus to heal them from their pain. That kind of love is what lasts; others are either just physical or temporary(eros) or not quite as deep, though they can come close.(Phileo,storge) God's love, agape, means he loves us even though we can't possibly repay Him for all He's done for us. The four types of love are discussed here.
Offer to pray with the person if they want to trust Christ, but they let them pray in their own words if they can. Make sure they understand the specific words aren't what's important. Them trusting Jesus Christ to save them from their sins, believing He died on the cross to take their punishment and rose from the dead for them, are what's important.
You can probably come up with a shorter one. the point is, the Holy Spirit will work in lives if we let Him. This post shares what such a revival would look like with the Spirit leading people.
Most importantly, though, remember that just like any relationship, communication is key. Keep up your relationship with God through prayer, reading the Bible (check the shows for why the King James is the right one), and growing closer to Him each day.Because God still wants to save people and help this nation. He never takes any pleasure in the punishment of sinners(Eze.33:11); He would that all would come to repentance so he can make them new inside. Those people are just waiting for us to share His love.
(The Bible tells us to meditate on God, His Word, His law, and so on; so, it's okay to meditate, just never totally clear your mind and invite bad spirits in.)
While there are evil forces in the world, people don't need to fear them; God hath not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, of love, and of a sound mind.(2 Timothy 1:7) Yes, god has given us a spirit of power, the power that lets people say, "I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me."(Phil4:13) However, it is not of our own strength, it is only through God working through us we can have that power.
This is why it's so important to have that personal relationship with God and to stay away from crystal balls, ouija boards, and many other things which the devil uses to control us. The devil was a created being with untested creature holiness, but he chose to rebel against God(Isa.14:12-15,Eze.28:11-19,Luke 10:18,Rev. 12) and led 1/3 of the angels with him. That's where demons come from.
Thankfully, we have a personal God who manifests Himself in three ways - Father, Son, and Holy Spirit - and 2/3 of the angels on our side. And, God is all-powerful and will one day destroy all the evil in this world anyway. It is that relationship with God that is vital. that and our sin nature that explains why New Age ideas don't stand up to the great power of God.
Let's look at how a personal walk with God improves things in ways New Age - and any works-based religion - can't.
Only Personal Walk With God Makes Revival Possible
you need a ride somewhere because your car broke down,
you call a person who can help. You don't rely on a car appearing out of
the blue somehow, right? (And hopefully you're on speaking terms with
them - it wouldn't help if you just called a friend you fought with and
didn't speak to for 5 years.)
the same way, we need a personal relationship with God
to get the things we need. And unlike that friend, God wouldn't hang up -
once you have that personal relationship with Him, you just need to
confess and forsakw sin to restore that relationship to its full
potential - nothing can separate us from His love.(John
10:28-30,Rom.8:36-39,Jude 24, Eph.1:13-14,etc..) Here is a great link explaining about why and how God answers prayer, though a few posts in this blog also tell it effectively, too.) Some might say those things are inside us,
but that is putting the creation ahead of the creator.
Look at the courage some people have - far above others.
They can run through a burning home to save someone. Such a person may
think they did it themselves, but they actually used something they were
born with that was given by God for that purpose. Perhaps they trained
hard as a fireman, but that was just building their talents the way an
athlete will works their muscles till they are as good as they can be,
or an entertainer learns to improve their skills.
That same God who gives great things like perfect wisdom(James 1:5)
gives physical and mental talents, too. We rely on Him just like that
person who needs a ride. He doesn't give that's some gifts to everyone
for the same reason He doesn't make everyone a superstar baseball player
or fireman with tremendous courage. We all fit together as a team. This
is why Paul, inspired by God, compared people to parts of the body. The
eye, ear, foot, lungs, and so on all perform wonderful purposes that
they are best suited for. When verses like 2nd Timothy 2:1 speak of
being strong, they mean a continual strengthening from the outside, by
Also, consider what would happen if it was only forces of
nature. People would be able to think they could do anything and get away
with it, because they would all be doing what was right in their sight.
That would mean they could do mean things to each other and others could
do mean things to them. Our personal, loving God wouldn't want that, so he established moral laws so you can be protected. People just choose to disobey them because of that sin nature, but God will judge them someday if they don't repent. And, even if they do, they must live with the consequences of their sin.
God wants us to stand for Godly, moral behavior. We don't act good so we can get to Heaven, of course. We get to Heaven only through the
finished work of Jesus Christ and calling on Him, trusting Him to save
us. It is done so we can make the world a better place, glorifying God
in the process. (The fac it is only through the finished work of Christ is why children who die below the age of accountability always go to Heaven)
This brings us back to the New Age error. I won't judge
whether a particular person is following it because they don't want to think about the consequences for sin, or because they don't understand. I will
simply explain one other main problem.
Movements like this are often based on feelings, not fact. If A and B are friends, and A wants to do something really dangerous, then B - as a friend - should try to convince them not to. A might be a real risk taker and not listen to B. However, the fact is that person A is likely to end up in he hospital or worse. Of course, a good friend like B,
while they won't do something bad with A, will comfort you when you
suffer the consequences of the action.
God is the same way. All we like sheep have gone astray, we
have turned each one to his own way, and the Lord hath laid on Him the
iniquity of us all. (Isaiah 53:6) God has a series of rules that govern
the world, such as honesty, faithfulness and commitment to one spouse, kindness,
and many other things. These are the moral laws, they are different from the other ones in Leviticus which were merely to set the Jewish people apart from those around them. We turn away from those moral lawsbecause of our sin
nature. That separates us from God. However, God loves us more than we can imagine. Therefore, all
we have to do is trust Him to save us from our sins. Call on Him by
faith to forgive and save you.
you do, He seals you with the Holy Spirit of promise.(Eph.1:13-14,John
14-16 with numerous verses, etc.) That is His promise that you have a
permanent relationship with Him, one which we don't have till we trust
Him to save us from our sin. Sometimes we might feel far away from God
after that, just like if there is something between you and a BFF but
you still love each other. However, that is another reason why feelings
aren't a good measure. Even John the Baptist felt this. In John 1:29 we
see the great prophet proclaim Jesus as "the Lamb of God which taketh
away the sin of the world." Yet in Matthew 11 h's in prison and sends
people to make sure Jesus is the promised Messiah. Jesus tells them to
go back and show John the Baptist all the miracles Jesus had done - in
other words, facts.
Importance (and Ways) of Sharing God With Others
Since this is already somewhat long, I won't take too much time here, but I want to exhort you to share God's love. I'm sure many readers do, but there will likely be young and old reading who don't know how or who need encouragement.
Starting a conversation can be tricky, but you can always share a website if nothing else. The ABCs of the Gospel I mentioned earlier can be found on the front of this youth ministry site, which has another page with God's Simple Plan of Salvation and a tract link.
Speaking of tracts, the American Tract Society and Child Evangelism Fellowship have very good ones for low cost, and Fellowship Tract League lets you order free ones. These are little pieces of paper telling about God's love and salvation with different themes. CEF also has different clubs a faithful Christian adult can lead; see the CEF site for details.AWANA also has great clubs at churches, Google search for an AWANA club and you can find one.(Because - partly due to my nearsightedness - I couldn't find the club locator right on the site, though it is there.) Evangelism Explosion is also very good. GMO has sites with basics of living as a Christian that you will enjoy if you just click to indicate a decision.
To share the Gospel yourself, in addition to the ABCs I mentioned, here are a few quick keys.
1. Be humble. Don't be someone you aren't. People want to see you're genuine. Admit you're a sinner in need of a Saviour, too, just as I am - we're all just sinners saved by grace and relying on that grace and relationship with God to help us grow more like Jesus.
Remember something like the Romans Road or even just John 3:16 can be used - it's God the Holy Spirit that convicts of sin. Our job is to be his mouthpiece - and, of course, we can't be if we aren't believeable ourselves. And, He speaks best through his Word, which is swift and powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword.
You can refer tough questions to ministries from the largest like Global Media Outreach to the smaller oens like the Youthquake one above with the ABCs of salvation. But, you do have ones like this to show the Bible is real and reliable. Youthquake's radio show has a number of topics dealing with different religions, etc..Along with GMO, this can be a good starting point for discussing with Muslims. Here are some great resources on that in this blog.
Be forgiving. People need unconditional love, especially if they are struggling with something. It's our job to point them to Jesus to heal them from their pain. That kind of love is what lasts; others are either just physical or temporary(eros) or not quite as deep, though they can come close.(Phileo,storge) God's love, agape, means he loves us even though we can't possibly repay Him for all He's done for us. The four types of love are discussed here.
Offer to pray with the person if they want to trust Christ, but they let them pray in their own words if they can. Make sure they understand the specific words aren't what's important. Them trusting Jesus Christ to save them from their sins, believing He died on the cross to take their punishment and rose from the dead for them, are what's important.
You can probably come up with a shorter one. the point is, the Holy Spirit will work in lives if we let Him. This post shares what such a revival would look like with the Spirit leading people.
Most importantly, though, remember that just like any relationship, communication is key. Keep up your relationship with God through prayer, reading the Bible (check the shows for why the King James is the right one), and growing closer to Him each day.Because God still wants to save people and help this nation. He never takes any pleasure in the punishment of sinners(Eze.33:11); He would that all would come to repentance so he can make them new inside. Those people are just waiting for us to share His love.
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