Sunday, July 5, 2015

Seek Jesus to change hearts, lives with intercessory prayer, not just "civilization"

The most recent post shared our need to return to a nation of kindness, decency, etc., and how we must all do our part. However, I wanted to use this one to caution that a Christian civilization does not mean everyone has a relationship with Christ, and that is where we have messed up.

Winston Churchill most famously used this term in his "Finest Hour" speech concerning the soon to come Battle of Britain. (The sound excerpt with that phrase is here.) Set against the backdrop of Hitler's overrunning of Europe, of course, it's easy to see the greatness of nations dedicated to Godly principles and the virtues of that freedom - in fact the story of one great prayer warrior, Rees Howells, though he had flaws in his teaching, is overall very valuable for how he prayed during that terrible conflict. However, it's also very easy to see their flaws when compared to what Jesus commands and also places such as James 5:1-7, one of numerous verses which warn against rich people taking advantage of and oppressing the poor. There were horrible examples of false pride which came from those who thought it was their way of life which should be exalted, when it fact it is Christ which must be exalted. The Bible warns of often that pride cometh before a fall, and of the danger of worshiping the creature and not the Creator.

Overall, of course, the expectations of honesty, compassion on the poor, care for the less fortunate, kindness, gentleness, and so on certainly urged some to behave that way even if they didn't want to. Indeed, given the intense violence, mayhem, greed, and so on in today's culture, one could argue that it caused many people to behave in a Godly manner even though they merely had "a form of godliness, yet denying the power thereof."(2 Tim.3:5) The difference being that whereas before, such people honored God with their lips and their actions, but didn't have Him in their hearts, in these last days (the subject of 2 Timothy 3 as, for instance, this radio show describes) they merely honor God with their lips and not even their actions.

This shows why it is necessary to have changed hearts and lives, not just changed actions. It's not too late for this nation (and world), though time may be incredibly short. However, the choice is clear.

We must start with the Church

I've noted before that the Holy Spirit works in hearts, but the purpose is to convict people of their need for a Saviour, and that Jesus Christ has taken the punishment for their sins by dying on the cross and rising from the dead. If that person is not saved, He moves in their heart to lovingly woo them to Jesus. If they are, they will realize their need to repent and turn back to Him. After all, just becasue a person has been saved doesn't mean they stop needing Jesus' guidance, comfort, peace, help, correction, etc.. We all still have that sin nature, after all.

That's the first thing the Church must realize; we can't do it all ourselves, and we are not going to bring the Kingdom by changing the world ourselves. "Christian civilization was an important, stark contract to the evils of Hitler, but it was never going to change hearts. The Holy Spirit is needed for that.

However, when people come to Christ and repent, they are conceding to God that He is able to judge right and wrong and they turn away from that sin.

This is why those who emphasize what they believe in or don't believe in have it all wrong.  That's not what should set Christians apart; Jesus says so Himself. "He who hath the Son hath everlasting life" - not "He who does these things."

Now,if your significant other is afraid of heights you aren't going to force them to skydive, and you will likely be a bit more understanding if they beg you not to do it. In fact, God might use that to save your life if he knows you would die in a terrible accident if you try. So, there are things we choose to do or not do because of our love for Him and what He has done for us. But, they are not done because we have to, but because we want to, like we don't want to get that SO so anxious by makign a death-defying skydive froma  ridiculous height.(Okay, can you tell I'd be scared to death of it? :-) )

Praying for transformed nation must be because people want it

We've seen major differences between the civilization spoken of at first and true Christianity. All point back to a focus on the outward appearance. it must be a heart and mind transformation that is sought.

That is hard in some areas. Some hearts are so hardened by the evil out there that while they might be easily swayed to trust Jesus Christ to save them, it will be hard for them to give up the intense vulgarity, anger, pain,a nd so on they have lived with their whole lives.

However, that is where we come in with how we treat them, lovingly coming alongside them and helping them. The Fruit of teh Spirit, showed in Galatians 5:22-23, has things that the Holy Spirit gives everyone, but while the Spirit is what helps them grow, it's also true that we can water while God gives the increase, just as when Paul, Apollos, and others led people to Christ at Corinth.(1 Cor.1-3) We can do that by lovingly encouraging that patience, self-control, meekness, and so on. They will see a difference and, while they might struggle, the Spirit in them will be working, becuase "He which hath begun a good work in you will be faithful to complete it."(Phi.1:6)

Thsi highlights another problem we've had, and that is not emphasizing why it's important to be kind, polite, respectful, etc. - there is so much noise out there agaisnt these and other Godly virtues. Any lust seems to be one that the world says to follow right away rather than focusing on other things.

This is where we need God to work. This is where we need to repent as a nation. GBut, even that must be done by individuals, as I mentioned Daniel doing in earlier posts.

But, some action must be done on our own, too, with God's help. These items can be divided into 3 main parts I can think of, though I'm sure there are others and subparts of these:

1. Items God let us handle but we haven't done the best. Let's face it's we're all one race, the human race. This is something people tried to show on their own in a Star Trek style of "let's jsut have everyone get along," becasue God allowed it, since churches were being really bad at ending racism. We've done okay, but as events hve shown in Charleston, Baltimore, etc., it hasn't ended the problem because it's a heart issue, and God's Holy Spirit needs to come down and bild from where we've come. But, we're okay here; this is like a 2YO who tries to dress themself and got halfway there, but pants are backward and a head and arm are in the neck hole and you have to help them a little.

2. Items where we've rebelled against God's ways. In the other direction, there are things we've gotten wrong. We have such voracious lust for money, sensual lusts, etc., that these override our senses and lead to many bad things, including eating disorders because girls think they have to look like models instead of seeing their inner beauty.  Some of this stems from a "keeping up with the Joneses" mentality which is totally unBiblical - God tells us "Be content with such things as ye have, for He hath said, 'I will never leave thee nor forsake thee.'"(Heb.13:5)  These items also include things which have come due to not focusing on things which are good, such as the many things of Philippians 4:8, or seeing the proper way to use something God created which is wonderful in its proper context, for "Marriage is honorable in all, and the bed undefiled..."(Heb.13:4) even in things where God has rules, He gives us fun choices within the rules. Just like that partner might not enjoy skydiving, but you can do other fun things together and get thrills other ways.

3. Common sense items. This is one God has to change the most, but people can start that process by encoruaging the thinking process God is needed to restore common sense to America becasue we can't do it ourselves, it requires that people begin o think about consequences, but there are so many individual examples I can't go into them all. Ending the litigious nature of society would be a big example of one that is tied to #2 on the list(ending the lust for money), whereas others are not tied to any particular one but just show a lack of thinking. The entire focus on the outward appearance insted of looking on the heart could be considered a bit of both.

Remember, it comes down to seeking God's face and repenting

It can be argued whether 2 Chronicles 7:14 is meant only for Israel or Israel and the Church, but Jeremish 18:7-10 is clearly speaking of any nation. Plus, Nineveh repented and was spared for a while when jonah preached there, and they were not Jewish. So, God is willing to forgive.

He needs us to turn to Him, though. Notice that the Laodicean Church in REvelation 3 doesn't even have Jesus in it - He is standing at the door and knocking because the people have forgotten Him.

Let's not forget Jesus. let us pray for America like never before, seeking God and turning from evil just as it says in 2 Chronicles 7:14. Remember that we must rely on the Holy Spirit to save, but that once a person has trusted Jesus Christ as Saviour, they become new on the inside and hve the right to go boldly before the throne of grace.(Heb.4:15-16)

Let us use that freedom God has give us to pray for America and to pass on the word, interceding on His behalf, and if you have never trusted Christ as your Saviour, it is very easy to do so. You're only a single, sincere prayer of repentance to Jesus Christ away from everlasting life.

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