This is one of numerous posts about some of the evil out there in the spiritual realm. However, I wanted tog et more in depth on the coming deception and avoiding it. God is personal, after all, and not just a New Age idea. He is real and warns us because He loves us.
In order to be deceived, there must bee truth that the
deception takes you away from. A map drawn upside down, so north is
south, is deceiving since there is a north. Plug an address into a
poorly programmed GPS (or the wrong address) and you can be miles from
where you want to be. All the wishing in the world won't get you to
Miami if you drive to Seattle - only roads to Miami lead there.
God's Word is completely reliable, much more so than other
ancient documents we trust. He warns us of deception because the devil
is a counterfeiter, and you can only counterfeit a real thing - hence
people say you can't have a counterfeit $47 bill, there is no real one.
All religion is a counterfeit of the real thing because all religions
talk about how people can work their way to heaven when in fact there is
no way to do that. God rescued us and we must rely on Him by faith to
save us from our sins.
So, am I saying this great deception is based on works? That is only part of it.It's based on imperfect people trying to create a perfect system, which we can't. And, it will have a spiritual part, too.
I'm not saying when it'll happen. And, don't worry, there
won't be lots of math. However, this recent YouTube message with lots of
great physics stuff inspired me to write.
So, how do we connect the video with deception - and given
how some readers might feel about it, how do we avoid the math? :-) There
will be some mentions, but it'll be very straightforward. And
incredible. There's lots of room for the spiritual realm.
The Part God's Enemy Plays
See, most space is taken up by plasma. Not the type in the blood, but a similar type of material. This Chemistry site for kids may be more understandable for some. All the electrons come loose since gravity doesn’t have enough power between stars, so it's like a fourth state of matter.
I know, in physics people generally learn only of solids, liquids, and gases. This shows how complex the world is, and how wonderfully designed, though, in ways we don't comprehend. Indeed, Intelligent Design has been gaining popularity. The problem is that the devil can use this for evil.
The devil was a created being with untested creature holiness. He had a choice, as the angel Lucifer, to be loyal or to rebel. he chose to rebel and take 1/3 of the angels with him. He has been trying to ruin God's creaction ever since, to bring people down to his level and to wipe out God's chosen people. Matthew 25:41 shows that Hell was only created for the devil and his rebelling angels.
God's perfect plan includes showing us His love and mercy, because we rebelled, the plan to redeem mandkind went into motion. God didn't want anyone to be forced to choose Him - He wants people to choose Him on their own, so they wouldn't be mindless robots.That plan of redemption for for Him to take the punishment Himself for our sins, when Jesus Christ - God in flesh - died for our sins and then rose from the dead, having taken that punishment once for all time, as long as we trust Him by faith and accept He did that for us, letting Him come live in us and make us new inside. Each of us is only a single, sincere prayer of repentance away from eternal life.
More on that later, but for now,suffice it to say that the devil is not omniscient like God - He doesn't know when Jesus will return but he does know his time is short. That's why there is such increased bitterness, hatred, etc.; look at 2 Timothy chapter 3 as one example of the end times and you can tell we're there.
I'll expand on the plan of salvation when I explain how to escape that deception, but suffice it to say that the spiritual realm, like that plasma, is something you don't hear much about, but it's there. The devil and his demons may be behind UFO and other stuff. We know already that there is demonic stuff out there, which is one reason I warn against occulltic stuff, show God is personal while warning against New Age stuff, and other things as I share the need to avoid being fooled.
However, we wont' be able to just say "the devil made me do it." We, as humans, have a sin nature that separates us from God.
Thankfully, god loves us so much that He made that way to reconcile us to himself. Still, when we are not following Him, and drawn away of our own lusts, we can be led astray whether or not demons posing as aliens are somehow involved in the end times.
The Part People Will Play
How To Avoid Such Problems
Jesus is the Good Shephered - and, He said "My sheep hear my voice."(John 10) If you are in Christ, you have the Holy Spirit in you and won't have to worry about being fooled because the Spirit will assure you God's Word is real despite what people say. Even if something looks nice doesn't mean it will be - Jesus warns of false Christs in the end times, after all, and even before that.
It's easy to be led astray, of course, if you don't know God's Word. It is entirely reliable, much more so than any other old documents, and speaks to people in ways others can't because of the working of the Holy Spirit. God inspired it and it tells of His love for us, our fallen state becasue of sin, and the way home to Him.
That way is simple - Believe ont he Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved."(Acts 16:30) This isn't just a head knowledge. It's a heart knowledge - it's trusting Jesus with your whole heart, realizing you are a sinner and inviting Him to save you and make you new inside. He will come live in you then, and be a cosntant guide, comforter, helper, friend, and so much more.
The words aren't what saves, but you can pray something like this, believing with your whole heart: "Dear Lord jesus, I know I'm a sinner. I have sid, done, and/or thought bad thigns that displease you. But, Lord, I believe you died to take the punishment for my sins, Lord Jesus, and that you then rose from the dead. You did all that was needed to save me. SO, today, Lord, i put my total trust in you to save and forgive me and get me to heaven, and also to begin my eternal life right now through you coming to live in me through the Holy Spirit. Lord, come into my life and my heart and make me new, more and more like you. In Jesus' name, Amen."
God is personal, as noted before. he has told us what will come upon the earth. And, the problems of this world show the end is close. there is so much angst and anger and violence and such everywhere. but, God will help you through all the valleys as well as helping you celebrate on the mountaintops of life. ANd, you can be assured that one day He will say to you, "Well done, thou good and faithful servant," if you trust Him to save you.
The Part God's Enemy Plays
See, most space is taken up by plasma. Not the type in the blood, but a similar type of material. This Chemistry site for kids may be more understandable for some. All the electrons come loose since gravity doesn’t have enough power between stars, so it's like a fourth state of matter.
I know, in physics people generally learn only of solids, liquids, and gases. This shows how complex the world is, and how wonderfully designed, though, in ways we don't comprehend. Indeed, Intelligent Design has been gaining popularity. The problem is that the devil can use this for evil.
The devil was a created being with untested creature holiness. He had a choice, as the angel Lucifer, to be loyal or to rebel. he chose to rebel and take 1/3 of the angels with him. He has been trying to ruin God's creaction ever since, to bring people down to his level and to wipe out God's chosen people. Matthew 25:41 shows that Hell was only created for the devil and his rebelling angels.
God's perfect plan includes showing us His love and mercy, because we rebelled, the plan to redeem mandkind went into motion. God didn't want anyone to be forced to choose Him - He wants people to choose Him on their own, so they wouldn't be mindless robots.That plan of redemption for for Him to take the punishment Himself for our sins, when Jesus Christ - God in flesh - died for our sins and then rose from the dead, having taken that punishment once for all time, as long as we trust Him by faith and accept He did that for us, letting Him come live in us and make us new inside. Each of us is only a single, sincere prayer of repentance away from eternal life.
More on that later, but for now,suffice it to say that the devil is not omniscient like God - He doesn't know when Jesus will return but he does know his time is short. That's why there is such increased bitterness, hatred, etc.; look at 2 Timothy chapter 3 as one example of the end times and you can tell we're there.
I'll expand on the plan of salvation when I explain how to escape that deception, but suffice it to say that the spiritual realm, like that plasma, is something you don't hear much about, but it's there. The devil and his demons may be behind UFO and other stuff. We know already that there is demonic stuff out there, which is one reason I warn against occulltic stuff, show God is personal while warning against New Age stuff, and other things as I share the need to avoid being fooled.
However, we wont' be able to just say "the devil made me do it." We, as humans, have a sin nature that separates us from God.
Thankfully, god loves us so much that He made that way to reconcile us to himself. Still, when we are not following Him, and drawn away of our own lusts, we can be led astray whether or not demons posing as aliens are somehow involved in the end times.
The Part People Will Play
People matter to God. He loves each of us, and calls us to
repent of our sins and trust Him to save us. He loves each of us so much
that He did everything needed for you to get to Heaven. And, because
our sin separates us from God, we can't save ourselves because we can't
become sinless.
So, why do people get deceived into thinking otherwise? And, how will the biggest deception be any different?
Remember that all religions are about people trying to work their way to God. However, we can't do it because of our sin. God made the way of salvation by reaching down to us.
So, people will be caught up in a desire to turn from God and try their own ways - that's been happening from the start, right? What makes this different, you ask?
The difference is that a worldwide system will be created like never before; a system that seeks to unite people to oppose God.
People will fall for it if they don't have Jesus as Savior. In some cases, it's because the heart is exceedingly wicked. These people will want to be able to get away with anything.
In other cases, well-meaning people will not realize they are following a counterfeit. It will look nice because it talks about peace and safety in a very dangerous world, but it will be a false peace. Look at 1 Thessalonians 5, for instance. It says that people will say peace and safety, and sudden destruction shall come upon them.
The two will combine with the devil to create a perfect storm to lure people into the devil's trap. The devil will have all kinds of lying signs, miracles that come from evil spirits in the spiritual realm. He may use the idea of aliens. He may use technology and the promise of living forever. He may use something else or all of these.
Whatever all the above he uses, though, the important thing is that he will force people to swear allegiance to him through a mark. His system will prevent them from buying or selling without it.
People who refuse to take the Mark will be killed. Those who take the mark will be damned for all eternity.
This may sound harsh, but it is quite plausible that something in the mark will render the person not human anymore, and thus not having a soul. Remember also that God warns us of this, so that we will not take the mark.
So, people will be caught up in a desire to turn from God and try their own ways - that's been happening from the start, right? What makes this different, you ask?
The difference is that a worldwide system will be created like never before; a system that seeks to unite people to oppose God.
People will fall for it if they don't have Jesus as Savior. In some cases, it's because the heart is exceedingly wicked. These people will want to be able to get away with anything.
In other cases, well-meaning people will not realize they are following a counterfeit. It will look nice because it talks about peace and safety in a very dangerous world, but it will be a false peace. Look at 1 Thessalonians 5, for instance. It says that people will say peace and safety, and sudden destruction shall come upon them.
The two will combine with the devil to create a perfect storm to lure people into the devil's trap. The devil will have all kinds of lying signs, miracles that come from evil spirits in the spiritual realm. He may use the idea of aliens. He may use technology and the promise of living forever. He may use something else or all of these.
Whatever all the above he uses, though, the important thing is that he will force people to swear allegiance to him through a mark. His system will prevent them from buying or selling without it.
People who refuse to take the Mark will be killed. Those who take the mark will be damned for all eternity.
This may sound harsh, but it is quite plausible that something in the mark will render the person not human anymore, and thus not having a soul. Remember also that God warns us of this, so that we will not take the mark.
Jesus is the Good Shephered - and, He said "My sheep hear my voice."(John 10) If you are in Christ, you have the Holy Spirit in you and won't have to worry about being fooled because the Spirit will assure you God's Word is real despite what people say. Even if something looks nice doesn't mean it will be - Jesus warns of false Christs in the end times, after all, and even before that.
It's easy to be led astray, of course, if you don't know God's Word. It is entirely reliable, much more so than any other old documents, and speaks to people in ways others can't because of the working of the Holy Spirit. God inspired it and it tells of His love for us, our fallen state becasue of sin, and the way home to Him.
That way is simple - Believe ont he Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved."(Acts 16:30) This isn't just a head knowledge. It's a heart knowledge - it's trusting Jesus with your whole heart, realizing you are a sinner and inviting Him to save you and make you new inside. He will come live in you then, and be a cosntant guide, comforter, helper, friend, and so much more.
The words aren't what saves, but you can pray something like this, believing with your whole heart: "Dear Lord jesus, I know I'm a sinner. I have sid, done, and/or thought bad thigns that displease you. But, Lord, I believe you died to take the punishment for my sins, Lord Jesus, and that you then rose from the dead. You did all that was needed to save me. SO, today, Lord, i put my total trust in you to save and forgive me and get me to heaven, and also to begin my eternal life right now through you coming to live in me through the Holy Spirit. Lord, come into my life and my heart and make me new, more and more like you. In Jesus' name, Amen."
God is personal, as noted before. he has told us what will come upon the earth. And, the problems of this world show the end is close. there is so much angst and anger and violence and such everywhere. but, God will help you through all the valleys as well as helping you celebrate on the mountaintops of life. ANd, you can be assured that one day He will say to you, "Well done, thou good and faithful servant," if you trust Him to save you.