Thursday, December 31, 2015

In new year, pray, trust God the Holy Spirit to guide nation

I've often written about how many problems occurred in what many call the "good old days."

As we pray for God to work mightily in our own hearts, lives, families, communities, and ultimately nation, it's great to recall the War Room movie which has done so well. It shows very effectively that we wrestle not against flesh and blood.(Eph.6:12) We are fighting God's enemy, the devil - as noted, the devil was a created being with "untested created holiness" who chose to rebel against God.(Isa.14:12-15,Ezek.28, etc.) The devil's end will be hell and the lake of fire. He wants to take as many with him as he can.

Most readers here are laypeople, but that isn't a problem. Laypeople can and should be determined to go to God to pray for revival; in fact, God deserves all the glory, anyway, since He alone is worthy - we've all sinned and come short of the glory of God. So, just as in 1857 a concerned layperson began a prayer meeting that led to a great revival, you can, too.

 The Holy Spirit's Work

It's our job to be Christlike and lovingly guide people to trust Christ as Saviour so they can go to Heaven instead. We have the Holy Spirit's help - how God lives in each believer. In "War Room," for instance, the father's heart is moved because he apparently has trusted Christ as his Saviour already, and so he has the Holy Spirit in him and is convicted of some sins he is doing or about to.(Hope that doesn't spoil anything. :-))

However, Jesus promises(John 16:7-12) that the Holy Spirit is also here to convict unbelievers of their need for repentance, of the need to do what's right - and how we all fall short of God's perfection - and of judgment on those who don't trust Jesus to forgive them. The Holy Spirit is free to do that because at the moment of Christ's death on the cross, atonement was made for all mankind's sin, and the veil in the temple was torn in two from top to bottom.(Matt.27:51) The Holy Spirit was free to roam around the world and indwell believers and work in nonbelievers.

So, when we seek God's face for revival, after repenting of our own sins - those over the last 350, not just the last 50 - we can do two types of things. For each believer, pray that they follow Godly principles,stay faithful,put others first, especially family, etc.. And, for each nonbeliever, pray that God convicts them and that they come to know Jesus as Saviour and let Him change them on the inside, but in the meantime, also pray that they do what is right, not be corrupt, accept responsibility for actions, and so on.

it's not our job to convict of sin or to force others to do what's right, but it is our job to pray and seek God Almighty to intercede on our behalf. And, to know the Bible so we can know what those Godly principles are, of course, such as how to cultivate the fruits of the Spirit(Gal.5:22-23) and thus pray for others to, also. Because, Jesus says we'll be known by our fruit.

That fact, by the way, is why it's easy to trust God's Word to show what it means to be Christlike - loving, caring, gentle, meek, etc. - and when people aren't acting like Him.

Two problems - Counterfeit Christians and Heads Versus Hearts

The post before illustrates how to do things nationally by using the example of revival efforts in Los Angeles ,and ways the Holy Spirit can work and ways the devil counterfeits it. Now, let's examine something else the devil counterfeited - actual Christians. Mankind's meddling improved some things, and changed others on the outside for a while, but it has not gotten to peoples' hearts, and that is why there is still so much more evil and why what was there has gotten much worse.

Originally, there were many things we did right in being Godly examples. We respected others, were thoughtful, courteous, compassionate, and so on. However, we were like that poem about a little girl, often thought to be a nursery rhyme. We were either very good or horrid, and there was little in between. We were often only good when it suited us. However, God's Word instructs us to see everyone as equal and to look on the heart. God says to ignore mankind's system, because the world's system - the lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes, and pride of life - ignores God; it will pass away someday and mean nothing.(1 John 2:15-17)

We have improved in some ways, as noted. Our laws prohibit the terrible brutality, injustice, and segregation of the past. In other words, the counterfeits of the past don't have legal authority to act in the way they did. However, these things merely impacted head knowledge. Oh, it has helped a lot, there are far fewer people, because of education and being able to live and work together, who think the way people did a century ago. However, while hearts were impacted in that way, we have not improved the heart in the most important way - too many people think mankind can dream up any system it wants and ignore God.

This ignoring of God's laws is what has caused so many problems. While injustice and oppression aren't supposed to happen, laws haven't prevented cases like Tamir Rice's. Without as many people praying and seeking His Holy Spirit to move in peoples' hearts, people more and more act unjustly, and the love of many waxes cold, people are without natural affection, and other signs that Jesus is returning soon.

Another example is in how society was never this vulgar decades ago, because we all felt a responsibility to others. however, because we have ignored God, we now have a nation of people who hound the good ones with their awful vulgarity and tear others down consistently instead of building them up.

There are many other examples, but the key is to seek God's face to end the horrid stuff and heal our land. Then, the meanness, hatred, and so on will diminish not because people have to, but because people want to; because they want to serve the loving, living God who graciously saved them from their sin. And, the spirit of Godliness will be caught by those who don't believe.

What the Spirit's Movement Would Look Like

For the Holy Spirit to work, there must be a conscious effort to let Him  work in us first. We should be "filled with the Spirit"(Eph.5:17) - that verb implies a continual action, which can only happen if one is relying so much on the Spirit as to be controlled by Him.(Yes, the Holy Spirit has qualities of a person just like the other parts of the Godhead.) We can't do that in our fleshly natures, but we can continue to strive for it. And, when enough people seek the Lord in prayer, great things can happen.

As to what it would look like, both War Room and the 1857 Prayer Revival link show great examples. Not only do people trust Christ as Saviour in a revival, but people get right with the Lord. Businesses stop being crooked, people stop harming others, and so on. These are spiritual blessings, after all - God can't suddenly give everyone a million bucks because God's nature is to focus on the eternal, although he will reward those who He knows will use that in a way that will help others or help them grow closer to Him.

The increase in honesty, respect for others, and so on will in turn, end oppression because those doing the oppressing will be following Jesus instead. Yes, there will still be sinners around, but thepower of the Holy Spirit will move people to do right.

So, why doenst it now? Isn't God just as powerful? Yes, of course He is; He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. However, He is a gentleman and won't go where He's not wanted.

God wants you to want Him to move in this country.

As to how to pray, we've discussed numerous key points in this blog. As the new year starts, just reemember that each believer has a personal relationship with God. When we pray with a repentant heart, we're showing that we understand God doesn't have to honor our prayer requests, but He chooses to when we are right with Him becasue of His love and peace.

So, for  saved person, it would mean unselfishness, concern for others, putting God first on the throne of your heart, etc.

For those who have not placed their trust in Jesus yet, please still pray. As you seek God with all your heart, you will find He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.(Heb.11:6) You will find He gives you total peace and comfort when you trust Him - He gives peace that passes understanding, in fact.(Phil. 4:6-7) he gives perfect, Godly wisdom to anyone who asks.(James 1:5) There are many other promises in the Bible of His goodness to you. No matter who you are, you have been fearfully and wonderfully made by Him(Ps.119:14) - I have numerous handicaps myself but He has still used me for quite a few great things. He will relieve your burdens - His yoke is easy and His burden is light.(Matt.11:28-30) It is simply a burden of following Him and sharing the Good News of His salvation, and he will give you the strength to overcome - He will be your strength, in fact. he will cotinually strengthen you.(2 Tim.2:1)

I've missed quite a few promises and even of those I did, I may have missed some cites, but if you want a really good, encouraging short video on who He is, this is an excellent one. The important thing is that one must simply call on Jesus by faith to save them from their sins, trusting that he is God in flesh and died to take the punishment for their sins and rose from te dead in order to be saved.

We won't just spend our time praising God when there's a revival, though. As noted in the 1857 one, many people repented of their wicked ways, people started to behave justly, families would be restored and many other great things happen in a repentance revival, too, with people treating others as they should, with love and respect.

There will be evil until the Lord returns, of course. However, seeking Him can allow us to truly see thigns change as the Holy Spirit moves. Right now, it is as if God is saying, "This is a big job, a problem that only i can solve, do you want Me to work or do you want to keep trying it yourself?"

We keep trying it ourselves, and it doesn't work. Let's do like that man in 1857, let's get together in the new year and start praying fervently with others. It's a much bigger nation, meaning more problems and mroe of a need to see the Lord work. However, we serve the same God who spoke the world into existence, and He do wonders here, too.

Friday, December 18, 2015

Praying the devil not counterfeit things, planned Los Angeles revival shared as illustration

This post is about prayer, spiritual warfare, and - believe it or not - counterfeiting.

Whenever God creates something, the devil tries to counterfeit it for evil means. Indeed, he even twists Scripture, like when tempting Jesus in the wilderness(Matthew 4, Luke 4) The devil was created as an angel, like all the others they had untested creature holiness, meaning they hadn't yet chosen whether to accept or reject God. Then, however, the devil rebelled(Ezek.28:11-19,Isa.14:12-15),taking a third of the angels with Him.(Luke 10:18,Rev.12)

Thankfully, we still haveGod,all-powerful,all-present,all-knowing, manifesting Himself in three ways and 2/3 of the angels of Heaven on our side.

But, how do we stop the devil from drawing people away with a counterfeit, and more specifically, what counterfeit should we be watching out for?

I've shown how the whole armor of God is vital in spiritual warfare. You know the battle is intensifying. However, the battle has several facets, and one is making sure there is no counterfeit revival once the Lord sends it.(In other words, having one's loins gird about with Truth.)

God can send revival anywhere, at any time. However, there is one place in particular I will use as a case study. It will be in Los Angeles in early April, 2016. Please pray for it specifically and as a model for others, in what to do and what to be cautious of - plus, how to combat it if you see it.

After all, we want to see God heal our communities, neighborhoods, cities, and ultimately our country. That means we have to be ready for God to call us at any time, to do anything for him. We can't just put God in a box and say He has to work in this manner. However, we also must make sure that it's the Gospel being put forth, and true repentance, not just flashy things with no sign of changed hearts. Things must still line up with what Scripture says, because God's Word is Truth.(John 17:17) He can't lie, and so won't go agaisnt His Word.

How to Pray: Why Los Angeles as a Case Study?

Los Angeles is filled with an incredible array of communities. People will run into many different situations and need the Spirit's guidance as to what to say and how to present the gospel in a loving way.There will be potential dangers and obstacles. And, the devil will have the opportunity to counterfeit thins without God's hedge of protection around it. So, spiritual warfare will be intense.

In other words, it's like anywhere else, but on an immense scale. Readers in small urban areas, and even small rural areas, face a few things, but they will face bunches.

So, while people should both pray for and attempt to reach their own areas, and spread the word on doing that so others may also do so, I also ask that you please pray for God to use this for His honor and glory, and to bring healing to Los Angeles.

Big Push

Yes, revival is being attempted in Los Angeles in early April. A Christian college is going down, as a whole group, the way we should be praying over our neighborhoods and going out and reaching people with the Gospel.

This push will be of monumental proportions - a whole Christian college! But, the devil won't take this lying down,a nd will fight it tooth and nail to distract, to destroy testimonies, to do many things to thwart God.

Without prayer, the devil will either stop them, divert attention, or counterfeit things. If we let him do so, we'll be distracted from the real spiritual battle and be sunk. We don't know when the Lord will return, after all, so every battle is crucial from here on out in the Age of Grace. Anything from transportation to awful weather to violence to illness to a number of other things could keep people from going and/or  being used by God once there. Rees Howells was an incredible prayer warrior and intercessor during World War Two. While a few things early in his biography are wrong doctrinally - an intercessor can't literally "take on" a person's infirmity - only Jesus Christ can do that because only He was sinless - they can merely empathize to an incredible extent. Also; there is talk of penance which is not Scriptural in the book, because Jesus paid the entire prrice for all of our sin. However, this doesn't take away from the fact he was a mighty prayer warrior who spent many hours in prayer with his team of prayer warriors before each major battle of World War Two. His biographer's mistakes were simply cases of not totally understanding the Word of God.

however, such misinterpretation can happen elsewhere, too. This is where our problem is. Because it was basically churches that already believed one had to live holy lives to be saved - rather than salvation being by grace through faith - that brought about the problems.

 But, salvation is by grace through faith - it is never by works.(Eph.2:8-9) And, we can't keep ourselves saved - Jesus must do that. And, he is able to keep us from falling.(Jude 24) Nothing can seperate us from Him.(John 10:28-30,Rom.8:36-39,etc.) Each believe is sealed with the Holy Spirit.(Eph. 1:13-14) and so on.

So, since if anyone is in Christ, they are new creatures - old things are passed away, behold, all things are become new(2 Cor.5:17) - that means there is incredible potential for God to change lives.

Big Potential

There is huge potential here. In Matthew 5:16 Jesus says, "Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your Father which is in heaven." And, there is much light to shine in the darkness.

For instance, the racial problems in our country can end with black and white mingling and worshiping together. This happened in the 1906 revival.

Gangs are the family many members never knew. But, God's love can unite people into a better family of unconditional love without the violence involved with gangs otherwise.

Violence can stop in many other places, and people can begin to build others up and help each other, without wanting to see what's in it for them. In other words, people can put others first consistently, one sign of a changed heart which is necessary in true repentance revival.

Many more signs of changed hearts can also come. There can be an end to much of the sin in that area. There was a famous preacher, Billy Sunday, who it was joked would shut the saloons down just by his preaching. Of course, it was really the Holy Spirit at work. People were convicted of sin and they trusted God to change them and make them new inside and they turned away from that sin.

As with the prayer at the end of this, here have been mentioned just a fwe of many changes which God has the potential to bring about. However,  the big potential means there is also a major problem which could occur if we don't stop the devil and his wiles.

Big Problem

The devil has counterfeited things of God from the start when made Eve doubt what God had said.  He lied and convinced them they would be gods. He has tempted people to rule in very corrupt, nasty, and cruel ways instead of the loving way God leads us. And, many other things. The parable of the wheat and the tares in Matthew 13 shows he'll even convince people they can be religious and looked just like Christians on the outside, when in fact they are not. Only someone who has trusted Christ as Savior - meaning they have called on Him by faith to forgive them, save them from their sins, and make them new inside - has salvation.

It is not just false Christians, however, that this is about. It is instead about false signs and how some distract from what is true repentance revival.

The Azusa Street Revival was a wonderful work of God begun in April, 1906. And, it is an example of how the devil can take something Godly and turn it to his own selfish advantage. Hence, it's a cautionary tale for those who pray for this revival.

The spreading of the Gospel was a wonderful thing:
1.People of all 'races" mingled together praising God, showing the truth proclaimed many times here, that there is only one race - the human race - and all are equal before God. This occurred at a times when normally such people were very separate.
2. There was repentance, tears were being shed, people were weeping and asking God for forgiveness, something noted repeatedly here as being necessary for revival; Revival isn't just a bunch of people getting saved, it begins with Christians getting their hearts right with God. As noted before, the relationship is always there, but when it is strained He can't work as He wishes.
3. Reportedly, people were speaking in the native languages of immigrants who had recently come to the area, even though those people didn't know the languages before. In the Bible, "tongues" always refers to known human language and is used to communicate the Gospel in the other person's language.

However, those who believed in holiness as being necessary for salvation, or that one could lose one's salvation, saw the devil able to twist their already erring doctrine to make it appear that one *had* to speak in tongues to be saved, when this is clearly false doctrine. Salvation is by grace through faith an taht not of ourselves, it is teh gift of God; not of works lest any man should boast.(Eph.2:8-9)

Remember the difference between the Fruits of the Spirit(Gal.5:22-23) and Spiritual gifts. Think of it this way - every healthy fruit tree bears fruit. Not every fruit tree gets the pleasure of a bird building a nest in it. That's a gift. True, everyone has some spiritual gift, but everyone is given different ones. This is why 1 Corinthians 12 talks about the body - everyone has a different gift just as the eye is not the ear, nor the hand the foot. The big toes seem much less important than the heart, yet they are essential for balance.

So, there is another error that the devil used to influence people in the wrong direction. Not only is it not essential for salvation, it wasn't even a gift given to everyone in the Book of Acts.

Another thing the devil does is that those who believe in tongues, many times, become puffed up with pride over the gift rather than focus on reaching people with the Gospel. The experience is their focus, when in fact experience and feelings should never be placed over Scripture to define one's believe. After all, while in prison John the Baptist, who earlier had said truthfully that Jesus was "the Lamb of God which taketh away the sin of the world"(John 1:29), began to doubt.

Speaking of experience, the devil counterfeited it in another way, too. He allowed people to start speaking gibberish instead of what the Bible says is tongues. And, this gibberish isn't the only thing which comes from what some people call tongues - barking, even vomit has been said to come from these things, and it is most disorderly, just like the church at Corinth was corrected for. It's clear from the Bible that vomit is not going to be a work of the Spirit - these false tongues are not part of the Spirit becasue the Bible clearly states, against, that tongues are always referred to as the Greek "glossalalia," meaning human language.

(Side note: Romans 8:26 is sometimes used to describe a "private prayer language." the word used here is not "tongues," it is groans and utterances, but first, even people who use this term generally agree it is a private thing between the believer and God since it "can't be uttered," and second and more important, this is the Greek word "stenagmos," a deep sigh, according to Strong's Concordance. So, it is not tongues and, if anything, should be called prayer.)

The problems of counterfeit tongues doesn't even get into whether tongues actually happen - as the one link showed, it's very rare if it happens. If you know of someone who - as an example few readers likely know - didn't know Danish and they suddenly walked up to someone and said "Thi således elskede Gud Verden, at han gav sin Søn den enbårne, for at hver den, som tror på ham, ikke skal fortabes, men have et evigt Liv."(John 3:16 in Danish) then that is a miracle along the lines of others which have happened. Perhaps we will all speak in tongues in Heaven - it makes sense that we'd be understanding others in our own language. For now, though, I believe tongues have ceased. If they are in existence, it is very, very rare and - as noted - always human languages. And, such miracles do not just happen for little things, but - just as in Acts - always for the spreading of the Gospel.

But, remember that the big potential for repentance revival must be our focus, and not the false doctrines. So, here is a final link to a radio show discussing what was said here on tongues in more detail, and now on to the chance that we have if we persevere, how to pray, and a long but helpful prayer like what we can pray in our own words.

So, that coutnerfeiting of tongues and other miracles is our big concern. Which is why we need you and everyone else to be mighty prayer warriors before, during, and after this revival.

Big Prayer

I've seen a church service where hundreds come forward to pray for repentance, after a bunch of things this church went through and the Spirit healing rifts, etc.. Tears are shed for repentance and crying out to the Lord, and it's real. Peoples' hearts can turn back to God, but we must pray the Lord brings true repentance revival.That is how He will change things, end oppression, and so on.

I'm going to finish by posting a *long* sample prayer. Remember, Jesus warns us never to pray in vain repetitions in Matthew 6.You'll probably say, of course, that this is too long to be repeated :-) ) However, if you choose to read and pray in your own words, you can, or you can just read it and pray as long as you're believing as you pray and not just saying words.


"Dear Lord Jesus, thank you so much for your love for us. Thank you for your free gift of salvation, that it is instantaneous the moment a person believes and calls on you to save them from their sin. Thank you that Bethel has such a desire to see you bring people to you in Los Angeles.

"Now, Lord, I come to you humbly asking for your hedge of protection around the young people going to minister there. May they do only what is Godly, and not be drawn away by temptation. May they be true ambassadors for Christ, sharing the Good News in a loving way and allowing people to see your awesome grace and how it blots out so much sin in this nation's past as well as their own and the sin of those they come in contact with .

"Lord, please help them, as the Bible says, seek a more excellent gift, that of the Gospel, because if we have not charity, if we have not your love for others, then we are not going to do the job effectively that you call us to do.

"Lord, they will come in contact with people from many backgrounds. Lord, to those who have been abused, may they.share the wondrous Healing Touch of Your hand upon their hearts and souls. Because healing it is not just physical, for you use me with my handicaps to be a great inspiration to others and to do other things I could not have done fully sighted, but healing is foremost spiritual, and emotional, and so much is that is needed in our nation.

"Lord, to those different faiths, please give them the wisdom to know how to explain that wonderful relationship we can have with you, our Creator, our sustainer, the one who came to this earth and took the punishment for our sins, the just for the unjust, dying for me on the cross and rising from the dead. Lord, may they be able, to express in words those people understand, the love that you have for them. And the fact that with each religion there's something they're doing to reach Heaven, but instead you came down to this earth and ask only that they trust in you to save them instead of doing it their own way, which will ultimately fail because it is the ways of man. Whereas only youcan save , for there is no other name given under heaven by which we must be saved except for that of Jesus Christ.

"Lord, some of these people will have wrong impressions of the Bible or of Christians.  Lord, give those in this mission trip wisdom to know how to answer each in a loving way. How to explain to Muslims that Sonship does not mean physical relations, but instead it means that you have all the attributes of God Lord Jesus, for you are God in flesh. They can see an example in how you call James and John the sons of thunder because of their personalities. Like the Arabic word ibn, and not walad, because walad means physical relations, but ibn is that perfect likeness.

"And Lord, for those who have negative opinions of Christians because of what so-called Christians have done, may they explain successfully that's just because one calls themself a Christian doesn't mean one is one, that we must be known by our fruits. And, there are many who called themselves that over the years but not been in Christ. For if anyone is in Christ he is a new creature, old things are passed away, behold all things are become new.(2 Cor.5:17) Just as if I say I'm the king of Belgium and do all sorts of stuff, that has no impact on what the real king of Belgium is like.

"And Lord, may they be able to share your love without any interference from the outside world or from the devil. Lord, the devil is going to throw so many roadblocks in their way if they are not protected, things that only serve to divert the conversation from the gospel. Lord, please protect them from these things, and may they share your love and free gift of salvation openly and freely. Please, Lord, quiet the dogs, calm the crying infants, prevent the phone calls and other things which can distract, and overall may your hedge of protection allow each person the ability to share the gospel in a way that each person they encounter will understand.

"And, Lord, please use this endeavor to bring repentance revival not only to Los Angeles, but to our nation. Lord, we don't know how much longer we have, so in this time remaining they would be about your business. May this endeavor be one that brings millions, literally, into churches shedding tears and crying out in prayer to you in repentance and calling out to you for your healing touch upon our nation. As you promise in 2nd Chronicles 7:14, and if that is just for your people Israel, as you promised in Jeremiah 18:5-10 when you speak of the nations meaning the heathen. And you prove that promise true in how Jonah spoke to Nineveh and they repented.

"And, Lord, do not allow the false tongues or false manifestations to occur, but only allow your Holy Spirit to reign freely and overwhelm this are and the nation. Please forbid any of the gibberish and things as disgusting as even vomit from occurring, for while we know that when we come in contact with you we are but flesh and we cannot stand without your help, you do give us strength to stand when we trust in you, so let the people instead be as Isaiah, feeling undone before a holy God in chapter 6 but not drawn away by distractions that divert from the Gospel. May the focus be on that and true repentance, healing spiritually and emotionally, communicating the Gospel however you mean for them to, with whatever words you intend.

"So, please, Lord, prevent the devil from putting anything counterfeit into this revival.  May people instead be focused on getting their hearts right with you and going out and sharing your great salvation, not being jealous of any particular gift and not feeling puffed up because of certain gifts, but instead desiring to know Christ and Him crucified. May it be clear to people that you are at work and not the people, that Jesus Christ is saving souls and healing this land, through what you say in your Word.

"Because, Lord, we need not just Revival but a Great Awakening of your love and the truth of the gospel. Lord, may that Great Awakening come; may people turn back to you by the millions - not just to be saved but truly let you work in them to make them more Godly, loving, gentle, good, with self control and peace and humility. And with all the other fruits of the Spirit of Galatians 5:22-23. Cause the people to stop worship in all of their false gods and that includes not just other religions, but the false gods of pride and power and money and lust and so many other things we as a nation put ahead of you. Make it so that people burn their pornography like those in Acts burnt their occultic stuff - and cause them to burn that stuff too if they have it. Lord, cause them to end the vulgarity, the looking at people as objects, and to speak words of love and joy.

"Lord, bring all people home to You, and May the nation turn back to you in a way that is truly miraculous, and may the power of the media that supports such ungodly agendas be broken, and may the powers of darkness that have hold of our politics be broken, and may many, many people turn to you. Dear Lord, raise up a Josiah who the people will rally to support in the 2016 election, if Lord willing we are still here.

"Lord, turn the hearts of the people toward the children, born and unborn, to support them and show them Godly love, and where there are no adults who are willing, may the young people themselves take that spiritual lead and follow you and guide their siblings, cousins, friends, neighbors, and everyone to follow you as well.

"Lord, may the gangs they encounter in Los Angeles disband in the way of being mean, embittered young people, and turn them away from the violence, infidelity, and lust, causing them instead to become people who will show love and compassion to others instead, being part of the family of God.

"Lord, of course there are so many more, who will need you. I do not even begin to tell of the addictions that some in Hollywood and elsewhere have. They need you to cure them all, to free them and change their metabolism and their very brains Lord, because that's what addictions do is change the brain. But you can heal people of that, I pray that you will.

"Lord, there are probably many other things I'm not thinking of, but these things and all the others I do pray that you will bring this nation true repentance revival and use this occasion to spread true repentance revival and do not let the devil have his way in confusing things. May they go in your power, and prepare hearts beforehand and may pockets of Revival even be breaking out before then so that when they come things will be all ready for the Gospel to be spread, and may you not allow anything to hinder it. And we will give you all the honor and glory for it. In Jesus name I pra, Amen."

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Why prayers don't work without repentance

In the wake of the horrible San Bernandino attack, one hashtag which trended for a bit was that prayers don't work. This post will explain why some prayers don't work.

It all has to do with repentance, and it's pretty simple.

We Have A Friend in God

God is personal, He desires a personal relationship with each of us. First John 1:9 says "If we confess our sins He is faithful and just to forgive us of our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness." God is always willing to forgive us, He just wants us to come to him and accept we need forgiveness for our sins. That word cleanse helps to explain why repentance is needed by our nation, and why if we harbor sin in our hearts God won't hear our prayers - because truly turning from our sins lets Him cleanse our hearts.

Let's use a personal example. Most of us have had arguments with friends but remain friends. Let's say  one friend asks a favor of another, say helping them to move. The one says okay but then brushes it off and does something they think is more important but put in reality could have been easily put off, and doesn't seem to care they broke a promise.

Now, they remain friends but there would be something between them. The one promises to do something and doesn't care that they really inconvenience the other. If they had wanted to do something different, it would have been easier to just say no I can't do it, although the words I can't bring into question whether its true. For instance, if we're talking something like babysitting and the child is old enough, the kid could come along and entertain the moving person's baby or help to sort small things. But, "Sorry I can't this weekend" usually is just accepted among friends.

Anyway, so if the one that had to move is asked by the other friend to help them, that friend who moved is likely to say, hey, "ait a minute dude, I had to move and you promised to help and then didn't and didn't say why or anything". Ignoring the different layers of things (the reason, difficulty of move, etc.), in general the other should just have to apologize and - being friends - it would be forgiven and things would be back to normal.

The Part Repentance Plays in Prayer

It's the same way with God and our prayers. The first prayer He'll hear and answer "yes" to the person praying it is the sinner's prayer of repentance, which establishes that relationship. The person realizes they're a sinner in need of a Saviour. "Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved."(Rom.10:13) That is, calling on Him to save them from their sins and come into their heart and make them new inside, as clearly shown from the context of the previous verses.(This is why not all who cry "Lord, Lord" are saved, they say it with their mouths but don't trust Him to save them with their hearts.)

You may ask, "What about that prayer I prayed that He answered before I knew Jesus?" There could have been someone else praying, or he did it(saved you from ana ccident, helped you do something, etc.) because he knew it would bring you to Him. John 16:7-12 shows the Holy Spirit is at work even among thsoe who don't know Jesus, after all. There are also Muslims who have had dreams where Jesus appears, often after they pray asking God to reveal Himself to them. This is proved by Hebrews 11:6, that he is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.It usually won't happen where the Word of God is readily available, but yours truly, when global Media Outreach, had a chat experiment, had a person from a Muslim country say he'd just awakened from a dream and needed to receive Christ. Likely, that person had been to a site like and had been pondering it.

Anyway, so when someone has trusted Christ as Saviour and invited Him into their heart through the Holy Spirit, they have a relationship with God. Jesus call His disciples "Friends," just like God called Abraham "Friend." And, let's say - like that example with the friends above - that person harbors sin in their heart. Maybe it's hatred of some group, or trying to push God away, or lusting after someone while trying to pray.

All of a sudden, God's like that guy who was moving and his friend wouldn't help him. When he or she goes to ask god for something in prayer, It's like God saying, "Dude, you've got something in your heart/life that's come between us. We can't be close again till you get rid of that." We're still saved, but that relationship is strained, just that like guy who wouldn't help his friend move after promising to, then asks a favor of the friend who moved.

Of course, we're all sinners in need of a Saviour, and we will be till we die because of that old, sinful flesh/Adamic nature. We don't have to confess every sin each time we pray - if we did, those quick emergency prayers for wisdom or the words to say to someone or whatever else wouldn't be possible. God *wants* to hear and answer those prayers, just like any others. He knows each situation, and understands sometimes there are times you have to just shoot up a prayer.

Say, for instance, someone told you they just found they have cancer and you pray for the right thing to say. You don't have time to ask God to forgive you for snapping at someone foolishly and not apologizing to them. (Of course, if you let that anger fester, it can turn into sin in another way - you won't be trying to think of how to offer words of encouragement because you're too busy fuming about the other problem.) However, if you're kneeling in prayer over a bunch of things, and plan to pray for several minutes, that's when you need to let the Spirit remind you to repent of that foolish fury and, if needed, apologize to the person you offended.

Application To San Bernandino, etc.

So, that brings us back to San Bernandino and prayers in general for our country.

Remember that prayer involves a lot of spiritual warfare.I've posted about the whole armor of God as just one of a number of messages on that warfare.The devil doesn't wnt people to get saved - instead he wants people to be as violent and mean as they can and to take as many people with him. So, what's his strategy going to be with the saved world, those who can't be taken from jesus because He is able to keep us from falling(Jude 24) and nobody can pluck us out of His hand(John 10:28-30) and nothing can seperate us from the love of God(Rom.8:36-39)?

The devil's strategy, since he can't have our souls, is to block our prayers. Because prayer changes thigns, but if he blocks our prayers, he can have his way a lot more.

And, that's just what he's done. To prevent evil like San Bernandino, it takes lots of prayer warriors calling for these thigns to be exposed and calling on the Lord to protect us and to revive our nation. But, our country has a problem - we have turned so far away from God that national repentance is necessary. Only then will God heal the land - and, even if 2 Chronicles 7:14 is only about Israel, Jeremiah 18:5-10 contains pretty much the same promise to Gentile nations.

Mucch has been written in this blog before about praying not just for forgiveness for the last 40 years, but for the last 400. Indeed, we also must pray for God to change our hearts - we need to turn from our wicked ways, not just say "I'm sorry" but just keep doing them.

Thankfully, He understands how hard it is. He knows we are just flesh, and that we need His heelp to cleanse this nation. He is still longsuffering toward us, and just waiting for us to turn our hearts toward Him; then, he can be the one to point us int he right direction.

the next post - as long as nothing else intervenes - will discuss one place they are trying to have revival, and also a warning of how we need to pray the devil not counterfeit it. For now, however, just remember that God wants to heal our land. he is always waiting with open arms, just like the father of the Prodigal Son.

The question is, are we willing to answer the call. Not so we can just change overnight, but so the Lord can change hearts once we trust Him to forgive and save us. Only then will He pour out His Holy Spirit and convict people of sin and bring more people to Him and give them that perfect peace, love, comfort, wisdom, etc. he offers to all who trust Him.

it doesn't have to be millions at once praying. But, it does take consistent prayer, with people praying like peter and John in Acts 4-5 that the Lord would intervene and move in the nation despite what leaders want, because we ought to obey God rather than men. And, when you look at the fruits of the Spirit (Gal.5:22-23) you see that against such there is no law.

So, let us go tot he Lord in prayer and seek His protection regardless of what leaders want. They have tried to remove Jesus from public discourse. Let us pray and call on the Lord to return, not jsut by saying Merry Christmas, but by actively seeking the Lord and turning from our sins ourselves, being the kind, peaceful, tenderhearted, temperate(self-controlled), meek(power under control), wise, joyful, etc. people he calls us to be. Not by our own strength, but by Him working in us.

Only then can we - in the Lord's strength - bring about change and end the oppression in this country.

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

What we stand for, not just against

It can be easy to forget to show what we are for if we spend so much time attacking sin - there must be positive messages, too; especially in this era where there is so much criticizing in our attack culture, instead of forgiving and loving, being thankful for what we have. It is that thankfulness and encouragement which we should be using to combat our attack culture, instead of some of the things we do. I'll link to several half-hour radio programs which will hopefully encourage you, too.

(If you prefer reading, you could even read a fun "Full House fanfic (what one writer saw as the best 200th episode if they'd have a 9th season) here if you want, it got a great compliment about how it presents the Gospel and what Christians believe.)

Of course, the last post and a number of others were needed because we, as a nation, must repent of our sins for the last 400 years, not just 40. However, in being light to a dark world, we must shine our lights so that God may be glorified, through how we care for others, help them through things, bear their burdens, and so on as Jesus commands: "Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your Father which is in Heaven."(Matt. 5:16) Not so people can see what we are against, but what we are for. God wants us to be edifying - building others up - and the world needs positive things.

We're not perfect - Christians are all still growing closer to Christ. Salvation is an instant event,(Rom.10:9-10,13; Acts 16:31; etc.) but sanctification  is a process. (This is why one must beware of modern Bible versions that use the Alexandrian text, modern texts do things like changing 1 Peter 2:2 to make it sound like you grow in your salvation when the King James, from the original Antiochan texts, show clearly growth is through he Word of God and is only in one's sanctification. This page gives a great description of sanctification and shows it's different from salvation.)

We are human, and thus still sinners saved by grace. If a person who says they are saved doesn't show any fruits of the Spirit, they might not be saved, but they also might be saved and simply struggle for a variety of reasons; including only slowly grow because of things from their background that stunt them, too. While we each must participate in resisting temptation, ultimately we must humbly accept God's guidance in doing so, since we can't do it on our own. God is the one who keeps us saved.(John 10:28-30,Romans 8:36-3,Jude 24,etc.)

Also, anyone can lie and say they are Christian just like I could lie and say I am the king of Belgium, and yet whatever I do has nothing to with what the real king Belgium is like. Jesus says we'll be known by our fruits, we should be known by our love, etc..So,one should look at God's Word for the truth.

One thing we know from His Word is that God is gracious, loving, and personal. He desires a relationship with each of us. He manifests Himself in three ways, but this is just like me saying I am legally blind, male, and of medium build. Three attributes, one person Jesus is God in flesh, as shown here and here, among other places. The Holy Spirit is also God. That's why the Word is so important, and why the term "begotten" in John 3:16 is so meaningful. It means a perfect likeness, having all the attributes; Jesus as the Son of God is like the Arabic Ibn, not Walad, because it does not imply physical relations. Jesus is Son of God and also God in flesh; He just manifested Himself as a person because he had to become man to die to take the punishment for our sins. Yet because he was also God, He was sinless and He could rise from the dead, His resurrection shows we are free from the penalty of sin once we trust Him and call on Him to save us..(Note - that is a different link, there are 2 shows on the resurrection)

God's grace is full and free. We can't do anything to earn or deserve it.Just as we can't keep ourselves saved, we can't do anything to earn our way to Heaven, because it is "by grace through faith, and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God; not of works, lest any man should boast."(Eph.2:8-9) This is why true, Biblical Christianity(as opposed to the traditions some churches have) is all inclusive. God's gift is free and full for everyone, no matter what - good people by the world's standards and people who have messed up, because if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature; old things are passed away, behold, all things are become new."(2 Cor.5:17)

That person, like the Apostle Paul, who trusts in Christ has the Spirit in them and the holy Spirit will constantly work in them to turn them toward the things of God and away from sin. They must fight that temptation, but the Lord will be there to continually help,guide,comfort,etc. He will give wisdom whenever a person asks. And, that person will eventually go to heaven where there can be no sin - it'll be impossible for them to sin in heaven because Jesus will change them and they won't have the flesh nature anymore.

Christians are to be ambassadors for Christ. We see more and more signs that the world is spinning out of control, and we must show who He is to a world searching for answers. our home is Heaven, but we are here to save sinners from a lost and dying world. WE should participate in making things better, but ultimately, we must realize this isn't our final home. .  I don't know if you've ever thought about how our closest allies felt about Watergate - this article provides a glimpse into British thought. Ambassadors of friendly nations tend to be reserved when it comes to internal problems, but a nation powerful enough to help will certainly offer to help whenever there is a natural disaster. Just like we must help others when the disasters caused by man's sin hurt them.

(Speaking of which, the first of this series (why there is suffering) on Apologetics does a great job of discussing why bad things happen. Also, you will enjoy shows 2, 3, 4, and 5.

God will never leave or forsake a believer.(Heb.13:5) he will discipline - just like He disciplined His people Israel when they kept wandering from Him, including following false gods and doing horrible thigns like sacrificing children to the false god Molech. God will again deal with Israel as His chosen nation one day, and almost all Bible scholars believe that 1948, when Israel became a nation again, was the starting point to where God would eventually do this during the Tribulation.

Here are five shows on the Millennium, and before that the End Times, showing God still loves Israel - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.

There are others, of course, at this page, including a summary of each show. Speaking of man's ways versus God, for instance, here are 4 shows on how Catholicism strays from Biblical salvation and other Bible doctrines. 1, 2, 3, 4. The truth is told in love in every show, as with others where false doctrines are exposed, with the intent to share Christ's love and forgiveness as it is shown in the Bible. These have been linked here as excellent shows where doctrines are discussed if you, the reader, wish to listen.

So, why do some Christians focus so much on attacking? Part of it is human nature, and the general attack culture we have, whereas Jesus says to love one's enemies, and the Bible says a soft answer turneth away wrath. Part of it is that social media increases the temptation to just lash out rather than construct a well-reasoned discussion and explain one's points and listen to counterpoints. Part of it is that we don't trust God to be the one to change people who are engaging in certain sins. However, we can't change others, we must rely on the Lord to work in their hearts. And, part of it is that in some areas - like the way some people used to bash lefthandedness - we don't understand that the Bible doesn't label certain thigns as sins, we just do because of that sin nature.

So, I'm sorry if some have acted too judgmental. Just remember that God's Word is the key, not what people say, and in it we are all called to be saved and then to go out and tell others about that wonderful saving grace. And, as clumsy as I am in doing it, hopefully I have reached someone. Finally, if you want to ask more questions, you can not only e-mail that ministry site, you can talk (well, type) with a volunteer at a site like or, in Spanish, here.

Finally, this may become part of a post in the ministry's blog I do, in case you see this elsewhere I figured I'd better edit this and let you know why it looks familiar.