I've said numerous times that we failed to preach against
racism as much as we should have. One major example I use is that
evolution is a racist theory, whereas the Bible says we are all one race
and all equal before God, there are no differences between us. So, we
could have used that fact to refute evolution. Instead, some selfishly
used evolution to support unbiblical, ungodly thinking.
That, however is only one of the things we have failed to
preach, and while one could debate which is worse, it may not be the
worst. So, whereas before I have spoken of how we as human beings are
sinners and need to repent for the things we have done, this post talks
about how there are things we have neglected through our history, and
that neglect has caused us to need to repent and call on Jesus Christ to
forgive us and save us.
Of course, the important thing is to share that salvation
is by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone. God provided
Himself the Lamb to be the ultimate sacrifice for our sins, because only
a perfect, sinless sacrifice could take away our sins. There is no
other name given under Heaven by which man must be saved, except Jesus
One must still, when talking with someone one on one, try
to understand what they have been going through, just like Jesus did
with the woman at the well. Even when preaching, one must speak the
truth in love and not consistently attack people. There is enough of
that from the terrorists like those who attacked Paris, and
we must show that God is different. He is a God of love. He gained
followers by giving his life. Giving it for all of us.
One is to preach the whole counsel of God, indeed we are
all to go into sllthe world and share the Gospel. And yet, while people
denounce violence and terror by others, and some work on their own to
protect the weak, there has been little preaching that I have ever heard
which blasts domestic violence.
Yes, you will hear ministers declare that Eve came from
Adam's side, not from his head or foot. But, we fail miserably to
proclaim that the fruits of the spirit - including gentleness, goodness,
temperance (self control) and so on - apply within the family, to, and
in fact it is even more vital with those one loves to exercise kindness
and tender heartedness. Yes, one of the requirements of a deacon or
pastor is that he be no striker, that he not be the kind to hit someone
in anger. But this should be true of everyone.
We have failed in other areas too. Often, we get so worried
about things like jobs we fail to notice immigrants are here and need
Jesus. Are some here illegally? Yes, but you know what? We have all
sinned and come short of the glory of God. We are all guilty of breaking
God's law. We deserve hell, but God and His mercy came to this world to
save us from our sins by dying on the cross to take our punishment,
then he rose victoriously from the dead.
We must reach these people in our Samaria, and do so
humbly. Then - as someone who gets saved is a new creature and then
becomes discipled and grows in Christ, choosing to do away with the old
ways - those who are here illegally, once saved, may choose to go about
things in a legal way.
Are there problems? Yes, problems exist everywhere. We are
each accountable for our own sins once we reach the age of
accountability. That is, when we can understand that our sin causes to
fall short of the glory of God and that we need to trust that He took
punishment for our sins, calling on Him by faith to forgive us and save
However, we are also responsible for reaching out to others
in saving them from a lost and dying world. We should also be trying to
make the world a better place. That is not to be a priority above
getting people saved from there sin. It is still important to God,
That is why so many Christians throughout history have been
building hospitals, working to help the poor, and so on. Not because
they are working their way to heaven, because they are doing good works
to glorify God.
The purpose for this has been twofold.
First there are no doubt many things I left out as far as
things that we, as Christians, should have been doing. Our identity as
Christians should not be simply that we stand for certain things and
don't believe in others. It should be that we are followers of Jesus
Christ. We just choose to avoid sin out of thankfulness for what he has
done for us.
The second purpose is to demonstrate that, because we have
failed the Lord, we must repent of our sins not only in the things we
have done, but what we have not done. And, we should do those things
that we have failed to do, such as standing against domestic violence. And, I'll grant that I haven't been in every church so perhaps this has been preached against more than I think. (While others might say that the people in church wouldn't *need* it preached against, they generally shouldn't need drunkenness, as one example, preached against either, but many powerful sermons have been preached against the dangers of alcohol. Women and youth must be empowered to follow the Lord and be used of Him to change things, as noted in this blogged book, just as the Shunemmite woman was when her husband was emotionally absent while physically there.)
We must impress upon people that the fake manliness of our
society is built on pride. Remember, God resists the proud but gives
grace to the humble. A leader must not be egotistical, thinking they are
better than others, but a leader must instead be loving and
compassionate and always putting others first, and realizing that
because they have power they must exercise responsibility and not use it
in a mean way. After all, that's what meekness is, power under control. There is never any reason to use power to use threats, intimidation, etc. to force lover, spouse, girlfriend, or anyone else to do something, and even discipline of children must be in love, with tenderness, mercy, gentleness, etc. - again those fruits of the Spirit.
God doesn't force us to love Him - He loves us and shows it so we will choose to love Him.
God doesn't force us to love Him - He loves us and shows it so we will choose to love Him.
So, what I share with others the need to repent of our sins
not only for those we have committed, but for our feelings as a people.
And God promises that if we repent and turn back to Him, and plead for
our nation to be healed, and turn from their wicked ways, He will heal
our land.