Monday, June 29, 2015

Who is burning black churches? Pray God uses this to bring repentance revival

I hope this isn't too rushed, but I didn't want to wait till tomorrow when I heard that a new crisis has emerge, 1 which shows what I have said about the spiritual battle that awaits all of us. Black churches are being burned in the south.

It is with a heavy heart that I note few are talking about this like they did about Baltimore, Ferguson, etc. The devil wishes to blind us, those who are African American, and those who stand with them, though at times uncertain of how to express the agony and frustration at the Pharisees who cause us to need to repent not for the last 40 hours, not for the last 40 years, but for the last four hundred years of oppression.

I have said numerous times in this blog that the answer to our problems what is the gospel. It is simple - we are all one race, the human race, made in God's image and thus with him desiring us to fellowship freely and lovingly with each other as God created us to do before man brought sin into the world.(Gen. 3, Rom.5:12). And, His Salvation means that a person becomes a new creature in Christ.(2 Corinthians 5:17) That new creature will still struggle, like a butterfly which was a caterpillar, and is just learning to fly. But that new creature still should have a desire to put away the evil ways of the past.

Because the church has been filled with so many who have resisted that desire, it is vital that the church lead the way in repentance by turning to God and seeking His face and turning from our wicked ways. Only then does He promise to hear from Heaven and heal a land.

As I said, we have all sinned. We have all done things such as lying or being upset with that one that cuts us off in traffic, when they might be headed to the hospital to see a sick relative.(apologies to readers who are getting tired of that illustration. I promise to try to find a new one, I just like it because it is so understandable on both ends, the driver and the person with a sick relative.) But, that is why it should be easy for us to forsake our sins, to ask God to see if there be some wicked way in us.

Once we do that, we can pray. And, we should pray and seek God's face and repent not just of our sins, but of the evil which has been part of this country for centuries. In total opposition to God's statement that we are all one race, all made in His image. As I have said, Daniel did the same thing in chapter 9 of his book. He prayed and forsook grievous sins which had been done by his forefathers long before he'd been born. 

I say this not to brag but to be an example, I routinely pray for God's forgiveness for the evils of slavery and oppression and so on, even though my forefathers supported integration long(granted here in the North) a century ago, and fought on the side of the north to free the slaves in the Civil War. I do so because I know God is unhappy, but I know He is also merciful. He wants to save us, He wants to heal us. He wants us to raise up GOdly leaders no matter what age, just as in this free blogbook at takethespirituallead dot blogspot dot com concerning spiritual leadership in the home and community.

It is up to Christians of both races to seek God's face, to be united in this battle which so clearly is of the spiritual variety. Ephesians 6:12 reminds us we wrestle not against flesh and blood. We are on the same side. it is the evil forces which stir up trouble which we must battle. We must battle not just in the physical area, such as with symbols, we must battle for the hearts and minds of those who need God the most.

Because, this nation - which honored God with its lips though quite a few in it had hearts which were far from Him - has stopped even honoring God with its lips. Let us be the ones to call I love God and please read that in His mercy He will send His Spirit and a Holy Spirit, Heaven Sent Revival would break out, with the true mark of repentance revival being shown, that tears would be shed, mighty tears, of repentance with many people seeking God's face to have him turn us away from all manner of evil.

Let's go to the Lord in prayer. And, urge others to, also; we need mighty prayer warriors of all races to unite and seek god's forgiveness and healing. Then, hearts will change and souls come to Him, once we the church leads this repentance revival.

Friday, June 26, 2015

Response to marriage decision - let's focus on the Gospel

In the wake of the Supreme Court decision on marriage, many will take sides on what is right and wrong, with some even claiming America is headed for judgment.

More importantly, however, we must seek God's face for salvation of souls, because this world is not our final stop. He is longsuffering to usward, willing that none perish but that all come to repentance.(2 Peter 3:9) He continues to patiently love us despite our turning away from Him in many ways for 400 years, not just 40, and we must be active in sharing the Gospel with others of God's love and forgiveness.
Remember that when we pray for repentance revival for this nation, we must recall that we, too, are sinners, for as noted before, repentance revival begins with the Church and then the unsaved notice and the Spirit works in them to get them saved. We must be dedicated to living for the Lord, and to being examples of Jesus Christ. Repentance revival doesn't begin with laws, any more than salvation can come because of the law; salvation is 100% by grace through faith, and not of works.(Eph.2:8-9)

We had problems with people who refused to accept that we were all one race - the human race - in Ferguson, Baltimore, Charleston, etc., as well as for decades and decades before that. So many painful things have gripped us because of the sins of the last four hundred years that it would be an insult to God if we pretend we were righteous until the last 40 hours, or even until the last 40 years. The Bible says in Romans 3:10 there is none righteous, no not one. Repentance revival begins with the Church falling on its knees before God and repenting and turning back to Him and admitting individually that we aren't righteous on our own, but that we have been redeemed by Christ.
So, let us unite at the cross of Jesus Christ, where we see God's perfect love in action. We are all guilty, and a price had to be paid. Thankfully, Jesus Christ bared our sins in his body.1st Peter 2:24. Each of us needs the cross. That cross is what we deserve for our sins. We should never pretend one group of sinners is worse than another. For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. Romans 3:23. And, the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. Romans 6:23. It was while we were yet sinners Christ died for us.Romans 5:8. He expects us to come with a penitent heart, and to accept that we are sinners in need of His salvation, and cannot get saved and cannot go to Heaven without him.
So, I ask a simple question. It is a question you can ask people who want to spark arguments about marriage, so we don't diverge so much and keep focused on the Gospel. That question is this: Suppose you were the only person alive? Now, sin can be against other people too, but I want to use that as a starting point. Have you ever unjustly accused someone? Where once you knew the facts you understood they had a reason, like cutting you off in traffic because they were rushing to the hospital to see a sick relative? I have, maybe not the driving one but something similar? Have you ever told a lie? We all have. Ever been angry with someone without a cause? Sin is everything we say, think, or do that displeases God. 

This is what we must be telling those on all sides of any issue. Let us pray that people will come to Jesus. Because, if anyone is in Christ he is a new creature old things are passed away behold all things are become new. 2nd Corinthians 5:17. God works in that person to conform them more to the image of His perfect love, mercy, etc.; but such a person will also begin more and more to avoid sin as they draw closer to God.

We should stand on the truth of God's word. But we must also remember that our job is to be ambassadors who have the message of reconciliation.(2 Cor.5:17-21) We are to trust God to do the work in people once they have been reconciled to Him.

In other words, we must urge people to be reconciled to God as we have been reconciled, even though we were enemies of God because of our sin. We must guide them to become reconciled by receiving Jesus Christ as Savior, and how He died on the cross to take the punishment for their sin and then rose from the dead so they could be reconciled to Him. But, it is God who does the work on the inside of the person. It is God who convicts of sin. The Holy Spirit is even on the earth to, among other things, convict the world(unbelievers) of sin,(John 16:7-12) so we don't even need to do that. Our job is to preach the whole counsel of God(so the Spirit can move in His Word and have that impact), but they are far more likely to trust Jesus Christ as Savior because they see the love we have for them, and in turn the unconditional love God has for them.

In other words, let us pray for America and then trust God to work in our hearts and the hearts of others.

Friday, June 19, 2015

Thoughts on loving one another after Charleston - "Did we in our own strength confide, our striving would be losing"

The title is the first line of the 2nd stanza of the great hymn "A Mighty Fortress is Our God." I thought of that hymn after learning of the terror that happened in Charleston.

I'm so thankful for the next lines of that hymn - "...[W]ere not the right man on our side, the man of God's own choosing./Dost ask who that may be?/Christ Jesus, it is He..." That stanza goes on to state He is the Lord of Hosts (yes, that's what "Lord Sabaoth" means, literally calling Him head of the whole army of angels in Heaven) and He is the one who must be relied on if we are to win the battle. (Hence the imagery of the army of hosts of angels.) Just after a post on filling one's hearts with the right stuff, versus the wrong stuff, we've sadly seen an example of what happens when one fills one's heart with the bad.

 The evil attack in Charleston demonstrates how the devil hates God's love and goodness, and will rile people up any way he can. Even the fact that race is emphasized when in fact we are all one race demonstrates that he has ways to seep into our hearts and minds with us not paying attention to the real problem.Sure, there have been many evil deeds done over the years to different people groups, but we are all of the human race, so race should be used as a term to bring us together, not tear people apart.

The problem is a culture which claims to abhor violence yet which does so little to turn their own hearts around so God can cleanse this nation. Hence, a call for repentance revival must go out and begin with us.

The attack was what Charleston's mayor calls "pure evil." And, that is what it boils down to, no matter whether we are talking about that or other acts of wanton violence. However, there is a reason people are into such evil in these days while the Restrainer, the Holy Spirit, is still on the earth. It is because the concepts of evil and violence that exist are allowed to fester in some minds and combine at times with actual following of the occult. These things cause people to do such horrible things as this and the beheadings which have occurred even in the U.S., showing it's not just guns, but a desire to do evil that cause this insanity.

So, how do we respond?

As noted, we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against powers, against principalities, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."(Eph.6:12) This is, as noted, a spiritual attack. We must use the full armor of God, and focus on how we can co-operate, as one race to win the true battle for the Lord instead of fighting each other. We are, after all, on the same side if we choose to be on God's side.

This is not just thinking nice thoughts, though. We are powerless against the devil's wiles, just as we would be powerless against a lion; the devil "walketh about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour."(1 Peter 5:8) Just as the attacker let his mind be controlled by evil. Supposedly, one of his quotes seems to show he focused on the evil, satanic concept that races are separate. This is a lie an must be pointed out with the certainty of God's Word. We are all one blood and all from the same place. We are made in God's image, and He makes it quite clear in His Word that we are made in His image and are commanded to love everyone because of that.While we must take stands against sin, we must still love the sinner, and realize that every single person is made in God's image and therefore must be loved - Jesus commands it, and His Word says "He that loveth not knoweth not God, for God is love."(1 John 4:8)

Love comes from God, though; at least, the unconditional type that is spoken of here. So, one of the big things for us to do as we repent and seek God's face and turn from our wickedness is to call on the Lord to help us love one another better. This is crucial, because for us to seek God's help in doing that, guess what we have to do; Be willing.

That's why there is so much falsehood in some churches, because they don't have that love of others in them. How are they going to bring repentance revival to their communities when they are not loving on each other, let along loving those outside the church?

So, in short, the way we should respond is simple. Love one another. Love with that unconditional love God provides for us. 1 John 4, 1 Corinthians 13(where the King James translators wisely translate it as charity because it is the type of love that is always giving; the original Antiochan texts are only used by the KJV and this is but one example of how the word is much more descriptive), John 3, and others all show the importance of that kind of love.

How do we stand against sin while showing that love?

That is the big question, because I've said that we must also take a stand agaisnt sin.

The key is to look at things like John 4, John 8(woman caught in adultery), etc.; instead of stoning the person, have compassion on them, be willing to understand where they are coming from.

As noted before, for instance, that guy who cuts you off in traffic may be rushing to the hospital to see a dying relative. That kid who plays raunchy music that degrades women, glorifies violence, or both, and drives you up the wall with it may have grown up in a home with such terrible violence it would make your skin crawl. Int he first isntance, you forgive and pray for them. Int he second, you can forgive and share with them how God has a better way and he can fill those holes in his heart with much more pleasant things. it might take him a while to come out of that dark place where his mind is, but that's where that heart-mind change coems from the Bible tells us about in 2 Cor.5:17(new creatures) and Romans 12:2(transofrming/renewingt he mind continually).

It is something only God can do, and people will only want to let Him it when they ssee there is a difference and that we have something wonderful that they will want to have for themselves. They will want to become conformed to the image of the Lord Jesus Christ in their kindness, love, compassion for others, and so on.

That means being kind, friendly, considerate, etc., and listening to others so they can see, "Hey, you know what? That's a mighty nice life they live following Jesus Christ, I want to be part of that. I want what they have."

Some people are just plain rebels, of course, and won't listen t6o that love because they want their own way all the time. But, we shouldn't treat everyone like one, but be willing to understand and help them see how, deep inside, they have holes in their hearts, just like discussed in the previous post. And, they're holes that only Jesus can fill. The problem is they fill those holes with other things - even the rebels. But, when we do show that love toward them, some will realize they've been living wrong and start letting God transofrm them. And others, well, Romans 12:19-21 reminds us that vengeance is the Lord's to do, not ours, and that by loving our enemies and blessing those who persecute us, we heap burning coals on their foreheads. It's like if they don't repent, when they die they will forever regret not following the way of unconditional love they were shown here on earth.

Let's stop filling our hearts with hatred like we saw in Charleston, but filling them with God's unconditional love.

(Author's note - you'd likely see this 1st and the other second, but I borrowed quite a bit from here for a blog our inner city ministry's radio staff have, so I'm letting people know in case some of this sounds familiar.)

Monday, June 15, 2015

Fill the holes in your heart

 America's need for repentance before revival is true of everyone, as noted. One can't expect God to cleanse things if that person doesn't want cleansed themselves. For some, repentance is easy; the closer you are to God, the easier it is to let the Holy Spirit guide you to be more Christlike.

One of the biggest needs is for holes in people's hearts to be filled by Jesus through that Spirit; it's ow He lives in each believer. To do that, of course, we must stop filling our hearts with other things, since God in His love won't force people to love Him. He will keep trying to lovingly woo them, but just as a cup already filled with a bunch of pebbles can't hold much water, when a person tries to fill their hearts with other things, they end p blocking the Spirit's loving call out and keeping Him from doing all He can in that life.

Remember, though, the devil wants to destroy and stir things up. Jesus says, "No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon." There is nothing about dismissing both and going one's own way, and there is nothing about loving both. So, to know how to avoid the devil's snares, we need to look at what people are doing instead of clinging to God and His unconditional love and why, so we can repent and forsake such things and turn to God.

Yes, we all have holes

 Some are bigger than others, of course. They can be caused by broken relationships, dreams that have yet to be fulfilled, and so on, as well as sin. Some sins - and even some things that aren't - become addictions by getting into the brain's limbic system, the part that creates emotional responses. The limbic system can overwhelm the part that makes reasonable, logical decisions. People become addicted when they get so much into something that the brain is rewired to favor that craving.

Romans 12:2 speaks of "being transformed by the renewing of your mind" - that means a continual reshaping which is what God does when He makes us new on the inside; then, as we allow Him, He works to heal our limbic systems so they are no longer overwhelmed. Of course, sometimes the limbic system has been so damaged something must be done to protect it. For instance, a woman in my church was saved out of alcoholism. The last 44 years of her life, she couldn't enter a restaurant with a bar in it without being tempted to start drinking again, so she never went to one. Her friends could, they understood when with her not to, because 1 Corinthians 8 warns us not to tempt those who are weaker.

For those with addictions, Reformers Unanimous is a very good program that helps one through Christ-centered help to truly transform one's life. The link shown gives good helps and also should list churches were an RU program exists. These can be for many things besides drinking and drugs, such as gambling, lusts, etc..

But, those holes aren't always addictions. Sometimes they are just holes. Either way, there is soemthing we must do to have that perfect peace, comfort, etc.; we must lay certain things aside.

How to avoid filling those holes with weights

"Laying aside every weight, and the sin that doth so easily beset us." These words from Hebrews 12:1, are so appropriate. It isn't just sin that we must lay aside, but weights. Sometimes things that aren't sin weight us down anyway, where they might not weight someone else down the same way.

Things like money, love, popularity, music, television, etc. are weights which we must lay aside because, while they are in small doses, like anything worldly in large ones they can destroy. It is not money, for instance, but the love of money which is the root of all evil. That love is a listing which causes one to lose sight of God's truth and a Christlike love for others.
So, one can certainly have bits of these, but one should always keep God on the throne of their heart, and not let it get in the way of their service for the Lord. And, if for instance one's desire for TV is so large that they turn from the Lord anytime anything good is on TV, it is wise to get rid of that television.

As for sins, we have covered this topic before, it is important when working toward a repentance revival 2 keep in mind that the devil will test you greatly. However, God will provide a way of escape. It is just up to us to take that route.

Why we fill those holes with other things

Sometimes, of course, people fill their hearts with things because they have not known God's unconditional love. The Samaritan woman enjoying chapter 4 is a good example. While we don't know her background it is safe to assume that while she had questions she had nowhere to turn to ask them until Jesus showed up.

These people should seek the Lord with all their heart. Understand that while this world has problems, it is not all that there is. Other people matter in life, and it is important to get away from those who are tearing you down and making you feel awful. Sometimes, it doesn't help to tell them what they are doing and the only thing that will help is you separating yourself.

Of course that is hard to do if you are living in a family where people tear you down, but you can still do it to some extent. And, you can see at how to overcome that and be the GOdly leader such a family needs.

How to avoid filling those holes with sin

Use Scripture. This is the most important guideline on resisting temptations is the following (Here is a good radio program on it, too, with these Scripture used):

See Jesus in the wilderness in Matthew 4 and Luke 4. He answered every idea the devil gave Him with a Bible verse that said what was right. The devil fled after a while. Of course, make sure that ou are using Scripture the right way - always interpret Scripture with the Scripture around it and with other Scripture about that subject. And, when in doubt, go to the original Greek/Hebrew .

I mentioned Hebrews 12:1 earlier about laying aside every weight - that means those thigns that drag us into sin - and that sin which easily besets us - which means to recognize what we are most tempted with and leave it behind.

Another important key is 1 Corinthians 10:13 - If you are tempted, God will provide a way out. Look for that way out and take it.

This, of course, gets us back to the fact we can have a personal relationship with the Creator of the Universe. He loves you, and  wants you to know His perfect peace that passes understanding(Phil.4:6-7), He is the God of all comfort, he will provide all your needs according to His riches. Sometimes, we just forget that needs are not the same as wants; what we want might be a new car, but that might not be God's plan for us.

The important thing to remember is, He knows what's best because he has a perfect plan for each of our lives. When we are satisfied with that, that is when we can turn away from those thigns we turn to to fill those holes, and let ourselves rest in the knowlwedge that someday, we *will* have the best of everything.

Becasue, this world is not our home. As noted several times before, we are just passing through. When you have set your home to Heaven by trusting Jesus Christ to save you from your sins, and called on Him to forgive and cleanse you from your sins, you can be sure He is preparing something special for you, and someday you will be where nobody has seen, heard, or even imagined the wonders that await us.(1 Cor.2:9)

So, when it's noted in other posts that we need to repent and trust God to change this country, part of that is understanding that when we put our focus on the thigns of this world, we are ignoring the fact God has something better in store for us. But, we're also ignoring something even bigger.

We shouldn't be worried about how other people have more money or cars or anything. Because if they are using it for Godly purposes God is being glorified and that's what's important. And, if they are keeping it selfishly for themselves, God will have them in derision, because they won't get to keep it beyond this world. It's important to remember to let God have His way, because He says vengeance is His, not ours. And, he does so much better at it than we ever could. So, we should NEVER take our frustrations out on others. Instead, we should be controlled by the Holy Spirit.

The word used in Ephesians 5:17-19 and elsewhere for that is filled. Because, that shows that the Spirit will come and fill all those holes in our heart that only God can fill effectively, totally, and appropriately.

Monday, June 8, 2015

Unite for perfect peace in Jesus - for everyone, especially youth, gangs

Little was made of a historic truce between gang members in Baltimore after that city and Ferguson suffered horrible violence; sadly violence continues in Baltimore. This is sad, because the truce shows that these groups can get along when they know there is a need to unite for a common cause.

As noted in previous posts, the enemy in this conflict is spiritual. It showed up just recently in Texas and was nearly deadly except for the prayers of others putting other police there to prevent it. This is a sure sign of two things. The problem is an attitude among many that opposes God, when God's Word and even secularists clearly states we are all one race - the human race. Second, groups banding together for the Lord in prayer and repentance can make a difference. I don't know who all has been praying, but those prayers at that time or days or weeks ago were vital, and God will reward the effort of those who prayed or passed the word along.

Therefore, it is important for these groups to come together again, this time under a different banner, one of rustling against powers, principalities, and the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.(Ephesians 6:12.)

Of course, to do that each person must realize the perfect love the Creator of the universe - ourselves included - has for each of us. We must realize that we are fearfully and wonderfully made. Each of us must realize we have a purpose that goes beyond acting tough and defending turf.(My apologies if that term is really outdated. :-) At least you can say that I am genuine when I am willing to use words like that, and I can laugh at myself when i am tempted to use words like "rumble" for fight. :-))

Even if my term was outdated, one thing that isn't outdated is unconditional love. I am truly sorry that so little has been shown to some that they reach out to a gang for a sense of belonging or love or something else. God calls us to help and protect the orphans - and, really,  all children since we must have compassion for the less fortunate - and widows. When people don't do their job though, it means we must rely on God for help. We have, sadly, not been teaching anyone about God's love. I'm sorry we have not done so.

You have a chance to make it right nowfrom this moment on, though. Yes, you are fearfully and wonderfully made, and here for such a time as this. Psalm 27:10 says "When my mother and father forsake me, the Lord will take me up." A lot of young people have, sadly, been rendered spiritual orphans by a system of oppression and evil. It's time to take this world back.

How can I help?

You have likely heard much about ending violence. In fact, there have been demonstrations in Baltimore and other inner cities against violence. Sadly, these are not covered by the media in great detail, which shows part of the spirit of evil that is only interested in stirring things up. (One wonders if the very fact race is mentioned is designed to bring ratings even if unimportant at times; that is something for people more trained in the field to discuss, though.)

However, what is needed is a change on the inside by many. That change can only come about through true repentance. when i wrote earlier of turning from the nation's evils for the last 400 years, I mentioned how we must show God we want change, and that even a very close follower of God like Daniel, who had never taken part in the horrible sinning in Israel, nonetheless prayed for God's forgiveness for his country and for himself.(Daniel 9)

Different posts here speak of a few ways you can change, but remember that GOd is the one who must do it we can't do this in our own strength.I won't recap everything I've said before, but i encourage you to read and realize that it is only through God's strength because we focus so much on the flesh and on this world when it won't last. It is just a stopover.

Get Your Heavenly Home Established First

Our final destination must be decided here. Of course, children below the age of accountability go to God's perfect Heaven because Jesus Christ, God in flesh, died to take the punishment for their sins and rose again, and he created them not understanding and cares about those who are powerless. he wants to end oppression here on Earth, too. But, that means forgetting the fights over this worldly realm and getting one's sights set on what is above.

Becasue, once you reach that age of accountability, you must call on Jesus by faith to save yo from your sinsu, which is very sim;e as shown here. (See here for other languages.) If you don't, you are separated from God forever by your sins when you die, in a horrible place meant only for the devil and his angels - the leaders of spiritual wickedness which are riling things up, causing oppression, and so on.

Once you call on Jesus to save you by simple faith, though, He gives you a Heavenly mansion, and you can know for sure you have eternal life.(John 10:28-29, 1 John 5:13, Jude 24, etc.) In fact, your eternal life starts right away as you can have life more abundantly right here on Earth.(John 10:10) So, then what?

Ambassador (your name) from Heaven

Instead of representing a gang which has flawed humans, you can represent God Himself. See, every believer has the Holy Spirit living int hem, and because of this each of us is an ambassador of Jesus Christ.(2 Cor. 5:20) Since Jesus ascended into Heaven, He called us to be His disciples and to show His love to others and help others, not disputing with them but working with each other.

I understand that perhaps in your life you have seen very little peace, but God can change your heart. Sometimes it might mean getting rid of certain things, but others can cope okay with them. I'm reminded of a story I've told before, how one woman in our church was saved out of alcoholism and for the last 44 years of her life never went into a restaurant with a bar in it. her friends could becuase they could handle it, but the demons of her past were so large she couldn't go into one without being tempted to start drinking again. In that case, of course, it's better never to start.

Also, use Jesus Himself as a role model, and learn of things like the Fruit of the Spirit. Let God guide and direc your steps, as He'll have big things for you.

You can print out this free blogbook at that also shows you more about what to do in an organized way to shape your destiny, your future, your family, and your community.

Develop sign of peace that will allow you to stand up against the violence of the inner city, and trust the Lord to use you to make a difference. Unite to start churches in homes if need be, use the tools at places like and - you can contact people there who help as volunteers, in fact. While there are many good churches around, you also have to avoid the ones that aren't right doctrinally, so here are some great sermons from one I'd recommend. Dr. Tony Evans is also a very good preacher.

Most importantly, you are needed not only to act as ambassadors of Jesus Christ to save your community, but also your country. However, you can't do that on your own -e ven with your own younger brothers, sisters, cousins, etc. you must rely on Jesus and the power of prayer.(Subjects such as prayer can be found at the menu on the right in the church link I gave.)

This way, you can hear the Lrod say to you "Well done, thou good and faithful servant" when He returns for you - and, He will, one day, rule and reign on this Earth and everythign will be perfect. Until though, we are here to make this world better, but we can't save the world from lost souls, but we are here to save souls from a lost and dying world.

It's just that when God hears the prayers of the faithful, repentant hearts of this nation, he will heal the land, and things might get better here, too.

Monday, June 1, 2015

Ending violence; what to do with repentance for God to heal our land

 I wrote earlier how riots were not the answer and prayer was. This is, as noted, a spiritual battle. here is evidence for sure.

I had a long post deleted because, being legally blind, I couldn't see what the computer was doing and somehow the whole post got erased. This is *major* spiritual warfare! Your enemy, the devil, doesn't want this to get out! So, be ready, and with that heartfelt prayer of repentance, let's end the devil's hold on our people and get the word out on ending the horrible violence, and encourge people to be spiritual leaders as I say in the free blogbook for all I mentioned.

This speaks to violence in general on all sides. As I said, we must repent not only for the last 50 years, but for the last 400. Just as the Civil War was allowed to take place because God had removed his protective hand because of the evils of slavery, today we see an increase in crime and violence because of problems which were not corrected when they should have been, some of which extend back centuries. To before the Wild West was even West of the Mississippi, when the devil riled up mean and drunken people to terrorize famiies and communities.

"Okay," you may say, "all are responsible to end violence.  What are you saying different from everyone else?"

The heart of the problem is.the heart. While others speak on some level of working from the outside in, we must work seek God to work from the inside out as only He can.

What we can do

There is, of course, something we can do when it comes to avoiding such violence. It can seem hard in certain environments, but it is clearly doable.

Just as I mentioned how members of tribes in remote places which receive Christ must determine what things in their culture are Godly and what must be gotten rid of, so too must we. They deal with such things as terror over false gods who supposedly cause disease and rejecting people over such little things as being left handed. Those in our inner cities and elsewhere in our culture deal with terrible violence.

In each case, the solution is repenting and turning to God while also getting rid of certain things.

So, what do we do that is similar to how they will burn idols and destroy objects of witchcraft like we see them do in Acts 19:17-19?

First, there are still objects like that nowadays. We should get rid of anything that can bring evil spirits, because one should never desire to invite demons to anything. They will be on the losing side, and indeed have already lost the spiritual battle. God is just waiting for the final judgment and giving people time to repent. 

By that same notion, anything that is leading one into sin in should be gotten rid of if they cannot avoid that sin otherwise. I am reminded other woman I knew saved out of alcoholism. The last 44 years of her life, she would not enter a restaurant with a bar in it, because she knew she would be tempted to much to start drinking and become drunk again. Her friends could still do it, but they would not go into a restaurant with a bar if they were going out to eat with her, because that was the right thing to do to help her avoid that temptation.

Getting the heart right

It is all about mindset. What is our mindset toward violence and mean behavior? Just as she earns rewards today, years after her death, for her testimony of how God changed her, so too we must be a witness to how God works on the inside, and yet how we should show our faithfulness to him and thankfulness for his work. Her situation involved addiction, yes, but we must still avoid certain things while not becoming too legalist. Some people saved from alcoholism stop drinking and are never bothered by entering restaurants with bars in them. Each one of us is different. But, there are certain things we all must do, when we repent of the violence that has been such a part of our society.

 1. Flee from music/entertainment/images glorifying it

I can't stress this enough, because this point was just about finished when Satan kicked it over and wrecked (deleted) it. "Mine eye affecteth my heart"(Lam.3:51) has never been more true. Like that woman above, some are more lured in than others by what they see, but when we entertain images that glorify violence against the more vulnerable, we don't have the right heart for God to heal us of violence when we pray. Sure, there are men who are abused, that's why I say the more vulnerable, but women are the victims many more times than not.

The problem is compounded by an attitude that glorifies power to the point of idolizing it. We must repent and forsake that, and recognize that sex isn't the only youthful lust out that that we should flee from.(2 Tim.2:22, etc.) We should not make plans to fulfill the desires of the flesh, but instead be servants who put others first and recognize that others have a right to live free from oppression. And, by the way, that does include porn as well. God made sex to be a wonderful thing within marriage to be saved and savored with that one true love.(Ge.2:24-25,Heb.13:4) Anything that makes one think of another person s an object and not a human being is sin, because each of us was created in God's image.(Gen. 1:26) We should get rid of all images in our lives that promote seeing other people as objects.

Notice I accept that others are free to produce it - this is a free country. But, there were far fewer producers of it decades ago. We need to pray with a repentant heart for God to heal our land of this attitude, and when He moves His Spirit will impact hearts and people will stop consuming and producing such things. Or, at least, it will no longer be mainstream the way it's become. It will take a true Holy Spirit Heaven sent repentance revival, but if we turn with our hearts toward God and repent of this, then He will bring calm.

But, we can't end this on our own. This world was made perfect, with no sin, violence, etc., but then sin ws brought into the world and death by sin.(Rom. 5:120 We must repent and turn to Him because of that sin nature we all have. However, thankfully, God has a home for us in Heaven if we trust Him, one where there is no sin, no pain, etc.(Rev.21:3-4) and where nobody has seen, heard, or imagined the wonders that await us.(1 cor.2:9)

This is crucial when we look at what else is needed.

2. Respect others' things as theirs/no coveting

When we respect others' persons, we need to also respect their property. The mindset that needs to change here is one where we are jealous of others because of what they have. A lifetime of "keeping up with the Joneses" has caused so much envy and jealousy among others in every culture. (As I noted, as are all one race - the human race, so i use culture. Besides, inner city culture is different from suburbia no matter who you are.)

James 4 speaks of why there is war, be4cause people want and can't have. God has a different plan for each of us, and that's okay. We are all special, and each of us is called to use what he or she is given for the Lord and for the good of society. If a person has a nicer house or car or owns a store, that's fine. We have no right to harm someone else's stuff. God actually created private property - think about it. he said "Thou shalt not steal." The idea something can be stolen means it belongs to someone, right? Same with "Thou shalt not covet."

But, in the very next verses, God through james chastises the rich for criticizing the poor by putting them in the worst seats instead of treating them as equals.

It's easy to see how this mindset of worrying about how much one has can cause strife and and bitterness. this is why we must repent and seek God's forgiveness for a mindset that puts our minds on thigns and not on people. It doesn't matter if someone has less than us, and also doesn't matter that someone has more than us. This country was founded with the notion that "all men are created equal," which means no noble birth makes anyone better than anyone else. The richest peson should be as respectful tot he poorest as the poorest should be to the richest. Becasue, God is no respecter of persons.

That's one that should be easy to see how we've blown it and need to repent for over 400 years of meanness.

3.Realize you - and everyone - are fearfully nd wonderfully mde and dserve respect

This goes along with other poitns. Instead of gangs, let's get together and hve fun doing thigns for each other. While God did create the idea of property, we shouldn't be trying to defend our "turf" and then feeling slighted by all the little thigns that happen. Gang violence should never happen.

Yea, the inner city and even suburbs have families where kids grow up nd need a sense of belonging. That's why I've urged others - and the church in general - to bring these people in and give them a sense of hope, and sense of the love God shows them. Check out the many resources in a place like Answers in Genesis and don't just call on jesus Christ for forgiveness but see how the truths of Psalm 139 rapply to you - and to everyone.

God knows each of us, He knows our thoughts afar off and how He made each of us special. When we see ourselves and others as fearfully and wonderfully made, we can see we are part of God's family - or can be if we haven't yet trusted Jesus Christ for salvation. (And you can see how easily at a place like or, in Spanish,

It's also why I write, so young people could get a sense of accomplishment and belogning away from gangs, so taht they could wake up each morning,a nd walk each day, with a sense of belonging to God's loving family. In His hosue are many mansions, so no matter how poor one is here, it doesn't matter, one can be fabulously rich in Heavenly rewards. Remember that Jesus that that a poor widow who put in two mites had put in more than a rich man who had put a lot in.

God can head the land, it'll just take time

I hope this reaches the many inner cities of our land, nd other areas, so people will start turning away from violence. This violence has hurt so many people, and it must stop. Baltimore just finished a horrible May crime-wise which led some to call it akin to the Wild West.

When we repent, God see it and the Holy Spirit can move as we ask Him to heal the land. Let us seek God and continue to pass the word along about the need to repent and seek God's face and turn from our wicked ways, so he can hear from heaven and heal our land.